Outside Douluo Hall.

Qian Renxue stood in front of the white jade railing and looked out, her eyes lost in thought.

When Tang Hao came to attack, the figure stood in front of her.

Although it was Grandpa who killed Tang Hao in the end and saved them from life and death.

Tang Hao's death also brought an end to his father's blood feud.

That woman... her attitude towards him also changed, allowing her to temporarily hand over the lurking mission and stay in Wuhun Hall to concentrate on her cultivation.

Everything was going in the direction she expected.

She just couldn't figure out why he was willing to stand in front of her. Wasn't he... not afraid of death?
At the critical moment, Tang Hao fell into a desperate situation and went crazy.

When life is at stake, no one is stupid enough to risk their lives for a show.

After all, no one can predict a prophet.

She couldn't figure out what good she had that deserved others to protect her with their lives...

"Xue'er." Qian Daoliu walked out of the Douluo Hall, wearing a gold-embroidered white robe and a heroic appearance.

"Grandpa." Qian Renxue turned around and looked at grandpa.


Papal Palace, apse.

Bibi Dong was wearing a light purple dress and stared deeply into Huo Yuhao's eyes.

"Thank you for this," Bibi Dong said softly.

"Is His Majesty the Pope referring to besieging Tang Hao, or admonishing Ning Fengzhi?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Since I am the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, doing these is just my job. Naturally, there is no need to say 'thank you' for these." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"His Majesty the Pope's expression is so vague, can I understand that His Majesty is thanking me for protecting His Highness Qian?" Huo Yuhao said with a chuckle.

"It's up to you." Bibi Dong's tone seemed a little flat.

"Now that Tang Hao is dead, His Highness Qian's wish has been fulfilled, which can be considered a good thing." Huo Yuhao's tone was quite relaxed, as if he had solved the rocks blocking the road ahead.

Bibi Dong was noncommittal and did not give any response.

"She tried her best to pretend to be mature, tried her best to express herself, and was eager to be recognized. She can really see through it at a glance." Huo Yuhao looked into Bibi Dong's eyes with a smile.

"To be honest, this kind of girl who lacks love in her heart is the easiest to deceive. Doesn't she want to be recognized? Then just give her some care and recognize her achievements, and she will see the light, as if she has seen the hope of life. , and at the same time, I will have random thoughts in my mind, wondering if she likes me?"

"In the stage of retaining the highest curiosity for each other, the distance was suddenly opened, and she was hot and cold, causing her to fall from the warm mountain of care to the cold valley. She could think of thousands of reasons, and her heart was full of dreams, thinking that she If you do anything wrong, keep examining yourself;”

"Afterwards, with only words to provoke and further belittle and suppress her, she was able to retreat step by step and compromise, until her self-confidence, self-esteem, and dignity were completely destroyed. In the end, her love was as humble as dust." Huo Yuhao wrote lightly.

Bibi Dong stared at Huo Yuhao, her eyes became a bit sharp, the God of Death realm suddenly erupted, and her body exuded a terrifying bloody aura.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Huo Yuhao asked calmly.

"She has such a fragile mind and is bound to get hurt. She can't blame the world, right?"

"Where did you learn these words?" Bibi Dong asked coldly.

"Aren't these people in the world using them?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"I can see her thoughts, and so can others. She seems unattainable, and she is extremely clever, and no one can get close to her, but it is only on the surface. As long as someone can get close to her..."

"If you are a strong person, you can defeat her from the level of cultivation, and you can leave traces on your state of mind; if you are a weak person, you can control the strong person through self-deprecation, gaining sympathy, self-harm, and using mutual feelings as a shackle..."


Before Huo Yuhao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bibi Dong's direct order, and he lost control of his emotions.

Seeing Huo Yuhao looking at her, Bibi Dong also realized that she had lost her composure, and immediately restrained herself from the realm of the God of Death, barely suppressing her emotions and regaining her former calm.

"Stand back." Bibi Dong said coldly.

"Disciple, please leave." Huo Yuhao didn't say much and left directly.

He was just a reminder.

Qian Renxue's state of mind has a very serious flaw. It is almost impossible to become a god in this situation.

Even if he forcibly crosses level 100 and has a defective state of mind, he is still a "false god".

As Qian Renxue's biological mother, Bibi Dong is also the root of her knot. The relationship between mother and daughter was so tense, and Douluo Palace was even more determined to treat her as the pope, not allowing her to take even a step forward.

Although he didn't know the hidden truth, he could guess part of it.

About the last pope-Qian Xunji!

Known clues:

First, Bibi Dong is the wife of the former Pope and gave birth to Qian Renxue.

Secondly, Tang Hao seriously injured Qianxunji and died of serious injuries.

Thirdly, after Bibi Dong succeeded to the throne, she was not interested in pursuing Tang Hao.

Fourth, Qian Daoliu is extremely powerful and can easily kill Tang Hao instantly.

If Tang Hao had really caused Qian Xunji's death back then, Qian Daoliu from Douluo Palace would have taken action long ago and would never have been able to survive to this day.

In other words, although Qian Xunji was seriously injured by Tang Hao at that time, it was by no means fatal.

There must be something fishy about his death!
Bibi Dong neither cares nor loves Qian Renxue, her daughter, and turns a blind eye to her daughter, sending her far away.

This is the sense of sight. It is not difficult to guess that the reason is not Qian Renxue.

She was eager to achieve results in order to gain Bibi Dong's recognition. This path was wrong from the beginning.

The root cause of Bibi Dong's disregard for her probably comes from her father - Qian Xunji!

Qianxunji was seriously injured by Tang Hao, and Bibi Dong should have pushed him secretly, causing Qianxunji to die!

Qian Daoliu saw through all this and was furious, but because she was Qian Renxue's biological mother, he did not kill her.

Bibi Dong relied on his iron-blooded skills to reach the throne of the Pope.

In his reasoning, Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji and usurped the throne of the Pope.

Qian Renxue probably didn't know about these things.

In her mind, she always seemed to think that Tang Hao killed her father.

Now that Tang Hao is dead, as long as he is given the label of "the one who killed Qian Xunji" and things turn around, there may be a turn for the better.

It was never Qian Renxue who was difficult to deal with, but Bibi Dong's heart.

That "Yu Xiaogang" will be the key breakthrough.


After Huo Yuhao left the Pope's Palace, he went straight to the entrance of the dungeon where criminals were detained in Wuhun Palace.

"Welcome to His Royal Highness the Holy Son." The knights stationed here saluted Huo Yuhao one after another.

"Can everyone from Shrek Academy be arrested?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"All of them are in line, waiting for investigation." The stationed soul master captain attacked.

"Lead the way." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

The soul master stationed here had no doubt that he was there, and immediately led the way for Huo Shengzi.

In the dark dungeon, the leading soul master lit the torches on the wall for illumination.

There was light and movement in the corridor, and countless pairs of eyes cast into the darkness.

Huo Yuhao walked along the road, his cold eyes shocked the prisoners, and they were so shocked that they did not dare to make any mistakes.

The dungeon prosecutor presented the detailed information sheet and said that each of the people from Shrek Academy was held in separate cells to avoid the possibility of stringent confessions.

Huo Yuhao's eyes scanned the information summary.

"In addition to the team members and academy deans controlled by Wuhun Temple on the spot, two other people were captured in Wuhun City. They were a beautiful woman with a bad temper named Liu Erlong. Behind her was the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. She was very powerful. , is a seven-ring soul saint who was previously arrested and captured by the titled elder." The head guard explained.

"There is also a frustrated man named Yu Xiaogang who had his legs broken and was thrown out of the Wuhun Palace." The captain of the guard introduced in detail.

"Take me to see Tang San." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

Tang San? That living dead?
The corresponding label suddenly appeared in the mind of the captain of the guard.

"As ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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