Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 202: Force the Pope to abdicate!

Wuhun Palace, the final scene.

Huo Yuhao and Qian Renxue were whispering to each other and placing bets on each other. The content of their discussion made Bibi Dong furious.

Good on you Huo Yuhao!

For Huo Yuhao, he did not expect Qian Renxue to compromise so easily.

Wuhun Academy Team VS Tianshui Academy Team
Although both sides possess martial soul fusion skills, the gap in strength level is still huge.

Tianshui Academy's chances of winning were very small, but she could accept it easily.

He possesses the spirit sharing soul skill, which allows him to intervene in the game without anyone noticing and improve a certain side's winning rate.

But he didn't intend to do that, it would be childish.

If you can’t afford to lose and can’t let go, why should you talk about spiritual practice?
The so-called safeguarding of honor is even more ridiculous.

It's not yours, don't you feel ashamed to hold it?

Which is more important, honor or trustworthiness?


The finals.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena merged their martial souls, and the pink mist dispersed, affecting vision and perception.

Martial spirit fusion skill - enchantment

A ghostly female figure holding a crescent scimitar.

Huo Yuhao looked at this scene and found that this kind of psychedelic and disturbing soul skills were defeated by his own shared soul skills.

Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu realized the danger of this fog, and they immediately used their martial soul fusion skills to transform into soaring frost phoenixes in the high air. Hundreds of ice-edge storms descended from the sky to strike, and the billowing cold breath spread, forcing them to Frost, wind and snow dispel the fog!
The demon immediately threw the crescent blade in his hand, turning it into a crescent arc and cutting the void.

The fifth soul ring on Yan's body suddenly lit up, and the entire arena erupted into flames and flying sand to resist.

A soul skill with dual attributes of earth and fire, specially designed to restrain water and ice attributes!
The monster took advantage of the gap to pull away and attack the other team members behind Tianshui Academy.

The martial soul fusion skills used by the two five-ring soul kings are no less powerful than the six-ring soul emperors in close combat. It is easy to defeat several four-ring soul sects with ease!

After clearing these obstacles, only the Frost Phoenix flying in mid-air was left.

In this regard, Xie Yue and the others do not rush forward with greed for success, but play steadily and only at expense.

Frost Phoenix took the initiative to attack with Sky's home field, but was blocked by Yan several times.

He has dual attributes of earth and fire, a top-notch Fire Lord martial spirit, and a five-ring Soul King cultivation level.

The Frost Phoenix was consumed by the entanglement, and had no choice but to launch a final blow, swooping down from high in the sky.

The Wuhundian team immediately formed a formation to deal with it!
The huge body of the Frost Phoenix suddenly landed and struck, the black ice shattered and splashed, and frost covered the entire arena.

The frost impact did not defeat the Wuhundian team. Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu lost their strength and eventually fell into the arena.

In the finals, Wuhundian team won the final championship.


in the audience.

"You lost." Huo Yuhao said.

Qian Renxue looked at the defeated Tianshui Academy team and was not surprised. She just nodded.

The two of them who were watching the battle left early. As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong had to preside over the final finale.

Seeing Huo Yuhao and Qian Renxue leaving side by side, Bibi Dong felt a little worried in her heart.

She was debating whether to dissuade her? How to exhort?

The question is, in what capacity did she say that? And for what reason did he persuade her to develop her feelings for Huo Yuhao?

The most important thing is that they haven't even spoken to each other yet, so it's hard to expose this matter openly. But if this continues, the girl will definitely fall into it and be easily manipulated.

In terms of emotional intelligence, Bibi Dong is certain that Qian Renxue cannot beat him!

The biggest problem is that there are no black spots on Huo Yuhao's body.

Even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't even find a reason!
Bibi Dong didn't even realize that her focus gradually shifted to Qian Renxue.


at the same time.

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Back mountain, deep valley forbidden area.

There are clouds and mist, lush green plants, and wooden houses. On a spacious training altar, a handsome and stern man in black robes was sitting cross-legged. His long black hair fell to the ground, and there was a vague thunder beating on his body.

"Brother, something happened." Yu Luomian looked anxious.

"What's the matter?"

The man in black robe on the altar slowly opened his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes in front of him.

The head of the Blue Lightning Overlord family—Yu Yuanzhen!

A level ninety-five titled Douluo of the attack system.

Title: Thunder

He looks like he is in his thirties, with fair and delicate skin, jet black hair, and his eyes are timeless and calm.

He just looks young. In fact, he is older than the white-haired Jade Luo Mian in front of him. He is just a man with advanced cultivation and good looks.

"The two dragons were detained by Wuhun Palace. In addition, there is Xiaogang." Yu Luomian said hurriedly.

When Yu Yuanzhen heard "Xiao Gang", he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Yu Luo Mian immediately told the cause of the incident clearly, including that Tang Hao came to the rescue, was hunted by many titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace, and was eventually beheaded.

Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help frowning when he heard the news.

He doesn't care about anything on weekdays, leaving the family's chores to his second brother.

I didn't expect so many things to happen recently.

More than ten years ago, Tang Hao once made a big fuss in the Wuhun Palace because of the incident about the hundred thousand year soul beast.

In the end, the 100,000-year-old soul beast died as a sacrifice for him, forcing the eighty-nine-level Tang Hao directly to the ninety-level, giving him a ninth soul ring, and directly became the youngest titled Douluo.

Having just become a titled Douluo, he was actually able to compete with Qian Xunji. Not only did he seriously injure him, but he also used this opportunity to kill several titled elders of the Spirit Hall. He finally left with a baby and disappeared from sight.

This incident was such a big deal that the Haotian Sect closed the mountain for this reason.

Such a long time has passed and no news has been heard.

Unexpectedly, when I heard the news about him again, he had already been killed by Wuhun Palace.

"What a pity, a genius of a generation." Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help but sigh.

In this era, there are only two people who can hold the title of "Haotian".

Tang Hao is only one of them, the other one is the one who founded the Haotian Sect and laid the foundation for the Haotian Sect to be the first sect in the world - Tang Chen!
Tang Chen disappeared for more than fifty years without a trace.

Tang Hao had a difficult life, and he didn't expect that bad news about him would come today.

"Although Tang Hao died, his son is still alive and is being imprisoned by Wuhun Palace. In addition, the same is true for Ning Fengzhi, the precious daughter of Qibao Glazed Sect and the heir of Xingluo Royal Family!" Yumian Luo said.

Yu Yuanzhen was a little surprised.

"A secret message came from the Qibao Glazed Sect. They will try their best to unite the two royal families of Tiandou and Xingluo to jointly put pressure on Wuhun Palace! I hope our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family can contribute." Yu Luo Mian said.

"As for the Haotian Sect, they will definitely not let go of Tang Hao's death. No matter how serious Tang Hao's crimes were in the Haotian Sect, his grievances will be forgotten after his death. His children will have the blood of the Haotian Sect flowing in their bodies. Haotian Zong has to be saved!”

"The Wuhun Palace has become more and more rampant in recent years, and they don't pay attention to us veteran sects. They arrest our people without asking, so why don't they come here secretly next time?"

"His seizure this time offended everyone at once. It is the general trend to kill them. It is also time to beat them so as to destroy their prestige!" Yu Luomian sneered.

"Even if we can't do anything to Wuhun Palace, we can still bring Wuhun Palace into disrepute. We must make that woman Bibi Dong apologize publicly. Maybe we can use this opportunity to force her to abdicate!"

Yu Yuanzhen frowned slightly after hearing these words.

"Enough is enough, don't be used as a weapon." Yu Yuanzhen reminded.

"Brother, don't worry, I can handle it. All you need to do is hold on." Yu Luomian said.

Yu Yuanzhen nodded.

Wuhun Palace has indeed grown a bit barbaric in recent years, and the current pope is very ambitious, unlike those who are conservative.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family usually keeps a low profile and does not show off their appearance, but they cannot be underestimated.

It's time to put some pressure on Wuhundian and let them restrain themselves. It is important to have a certain degree of control in everything.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is taking the lead at this time, and they should be in charge of the overall situation. The Haotian Sect has been dormant for more than ten years, and they are the strongest, so they can take the lead.

Shoot the first bird.

There is no need for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family to fight for this kind of "high spirits".

(End of this chapter)

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