Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 206 Yi Lao’s “resurrection”

Outside Wuhun City.

Two golden rays of light streaked across the sky, heading straight to the northwest.

High in the sky, Huo Yuhao spread out his golden ghost butterfly wings and flew in the air, followed by Qian Renxue, who was dressed in blond hair and spread out his four angel wings.

The two of them swept across the vast plains from high altitudes and passed through the mountains and deep forests.

"Where are we going now?" Qian Renxue looked at his profile.

"The city of killing." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

This answer confused Qian Renxue.

She originally thought that Huo Yuhao had returned to the God's Family for help and was still thinking about how to deal with his family, but she didn't expect that he would go to the Killing City.

Isn't that a gathering place for outlaws?

Many of them were still hunted by Wuhun Palace and went to the Killing City when they had no other choice.

Now that Wuhun Palace is in trouble, doesn't it seem weird that they are asking for help from the Killing City?
Huo Yuhao ignored her doubts.

The Pope pushed her close to him, not knowing what he meant.

The two of them walked side by side through the mountains and plains without saying anything, and finally came to a place with cliffs.

Huo Yuhao landed first and restrained the butterfly wings behind him.

Qian Renxue followed closely and landed next to him, looking at the cliff opposite.

Is this this place?
"You wait here, I'll come back as soon as I go." Huo Yuhao was about to leave.

"No, I want to go with you." Qian Renxue said.

Huo Yuhao, who was about to take off, suddenly frowned and turned to look at Qian Renxue next to him.

Qian Renxue realized that the context was inappropriate and sounded a bit domineering.

"I was worried that something might happen to you. She... warned me." Qian Renxue explained.

"Only those who have obtained the Killing God Realm can enter this passage." Huo Yuhao said straightforwardly.

Qian Renxue was about to speak.

"Formal means, those who enter can only leave after obtaining the Killing God Realm." Huo Yuhao added, looking a little indifferent.

Qian Renxue wanted to say something else, but seeing his expression, she swallowed the words on her lips.

"Then I'll wait for you here." Qian Renxue changed her words.

Huo Yuhao said "Yeah" and jumped straight towards the mountain wall.

There were vortex ripples on the red cliff. Huo Yuhao stepped into it, and his back gradually disappeared into the twisted vortex.

Eventually, the vortex is smoothed out and everything returns to nature.

Qian Renxue stood alone in front of the cliff, looking at the departing figure, and silently sat down in front of the stone next to her, her eyes a little sad.

She didn't quite understand.

He was fine before, but why...the contrast is so big.

He never mentioned the bet made during the Senior Soul Master Competition.

Could it be that the woman said something to him? Or did I do something wrong...


The killing capital, go to court.

When Huo Yuhao returned, Hei Lian, the acting king of killing and acting messenger of killing, came to greet him.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao asked about the current situation in the Killing City, and received the reply that everything was running smoothly.

Sure enough, the Blood Warrior controlled by the blood Gu was still at peace.

Huo Yuhao pushed back the people who were following him and walked straight towards Tang Chen's burial place.


Burial place.

Huo Yuhao cast his necromancy spell, and Tang Chen climbed out of the cemetery. His body was dead but not rotten, and his movements were not stiff.

"Yilao, can you help me?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Electrolux emerged quietly, floating in the air like a ghost.

"But you want to refine it into an undead?" Electrolux looked at Tang Chen's corpse.

The ninth level peak, considered the top powerhouse among humans. "Yes." Huo Yuhao nodded affirmatively.

"It will take about three days. Come with me to the plane of the undead." The door of the undead appeared behind Electrolux and slowly opened.

Huo Yuhao immediately grabbed Tang Chen's body and followed Yi Lao into the demiplane of the undead.


The plane of the undead.

With the assistance of Electrolux, Huo Yuhao spent three days refining Tang Chen into his own undead blood servant.

At this time, Tang Chen's body was wrapped in a dirty white bandage. The bandage blocked half of his true appearance, like a mask, only revealing a red pupil. His white hair was disheveled. He exuded an evil aura and his eyes were dull.

The body of the undead will remain immortal forever and has a strong ability to repair itself. Even if it is cut into several pieces, it can still be assembled and "resurrected".

The disadvantage is that he cannot use martial souls and soul rings, and his soul power is only 70% of what he had during his lifetime.

"Yilao, can you temporarily take over this body?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"It can be controlled temporarily. His spiritual sea has long been exhausted and is not suitable for long-term stay." Electrolux said.

The body of the undead is like water without roots. It can only rely on its own reserves. Long-term residence will consume the soul's power and cannot be nourished and replenished.

Electrolux directly entered Tang Chen's body and took over his body.

The originally dull "Tang Chen" suddenly came to life. He tried to stretch his body, raised his hand to look at his palm, and activated the power remaining in his body.

This body was at the peak of the ninth level when it was alive. After being refined into an undead, its cultivation level was downgraded. It was at the peak of the late ninth level (estimated soul power is level 98).
Overall, this body is pretty good.

At this time, "Tang Chen"'s actions were no longer stiff and dull, but had more of a uniquely human vitality.

Electrolux then transformed into a black robe, put it on his body and put on a hood. The lower half of his face was bandaged, with only one scarlet blood eye exposed.

"Are there any corresponding weapons?" Electrolux asked.

This body only has soul power, and the martial soul and soul skills are gone.

He is a necromancer, so he can naturally use it, but he feels that this body... is more suitable for melee combat.

"I'm quite prepared. I wonder if Yi Lao can handle it."

Huo Yuhao took out a Mo Dao that was more than two meters long from the star bracelet and threw it directly to Electrolux.

Electrolux raised his hand to catch it, raised a finger to pick up the blade, and then pulled it out of the sheath, and the scarlet blood evil air spread instantly.

Electrolux was holding a Mo Dao that was more than two meters long. The blade was scarlet red and covered with mysterious runes. The style was somewhat similar to the Shura Demonic Sword.

Level 7 Soul Guidance Device·Killing Blade!
Electrolux played with it a little bit, and then the blade was sheathed, and its edge suddenly disappeared.

"Handsome!" Huo Yuhao couldn't help but admire.

Electrolux just chuckled and then put the Mo Dao behind his back.

"Let's go. It's been many years since I've done anything." Electrox opened the door to the undead and walked towards the door.

"I'm just worried that there aren't enough people to warm you up, Yi Lao." Huo Yuhao followed on the right, with a gentle smile on his face.


Outside the killing city, outside the cliff.

Qian Renxue waited here for three days, feeling a little worried.

Didn't he go to ask for help? Why has there been no movement for three days in a row? Could it be that the King of Slaughter has detained him.

Or rather, he entered the Killing City from here and left from another place.

Let yourself wait for him here purely because you want to get rid of her.

Am I really that bad...

Strange fluctuations suddenly appeared on the cliffs ahead, and the dark red vortex reappeared.

Huo Yuhao walked out of the dark red vortex.

Qian Renxue suddenly became pleasantly surprised, and seemed to be glad that she had not been left behind.

Huo Yuhao was accompanied by a mysterious man, who was wrapped in a black robe and hooded. He exuded a strange aura, which immediately made her feel very repelled.

Electrolux raised his head slightly, revealing his scarlet one eye. The aura was so frightening that Qian Renxue couldn't help but take a small step back.

He couldn't help but smile at this long-lost breath.

(End of this chapter)

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