Outside Wuhun City.

Bibi Dong returned with all the titled elders, his eyes suddenly glaring.

Huo Yuhao looked up and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Yu Yuanzhen fell covered in blood in a pool of blood. The dragon wings on his back were torn and cracked, and the dragon scales on his body were severely scratched. The scarlet scars were deeply visible on the bones. The dragon's thick right arm was twisted and broken into several pieces, and the palm of his left hand was broken. Turned upward, as if holding something empty.

Three figures stood at the scene, namely Ju, Gui and Guibao. They were all seriously injured at this time, breathing heavily and staring at the back of Yu Yuanzhen who fell to the ground.

There were two charred corpses lying not far away. They were the two titled elders who had been left to deal with Yu Yuanzhen.

When Ju Douluo saw the pope and the elders returning, he immediately bowed to apologize.

"Yue Guan is ashamed of his trust in the Pope, and he still asks the Pope to punish him!"

"Please punish the Pope." Ghost Douluo and Ghost Leopard Douluo both apologized.

Five titled elders, three level 95 titled Douluo, and two ordinary titled elders.

However, with this lineup, Yu Yuanzhen actually killed two titled elders!
Bibi Dong said nothing and led everyone back to Wuhun City.

In front of the city gate.

Huo Yuhao met Dugu Bo and exchanged a few greetings.


Among the other five titled elders of the Haotian Sect, three of them died on the spot, and the other two elders were seriously injured and captured.

Tang Yuehua was captured alive, her eyes were gloomy, she had no love for life, and she already wanted to die.

After the second elder was captured, he was still shouting, "Although I die, I have nothing to fear" and "When the old sect leader returns, your Spirit Hall will be destroyed!"

Ghost Leopard Douluo, who had been offended by Yu Yuanzhen, stepped forward and slapped him.

You are the only one who has so much trouble!
The titled elders of the Wuhun Palace on the scene exited in an orderly manner and set off back to the Wuhun Palace.

The Wuhundian legions filed out and began to clean the battlefield in batches.



On the spacious stone-paved street.

Qian Renxue walked side by side with Huo Yuhao. She carefully observed Huo Yuhao's face and saw that he seemed a little tired.

"Does the injury on your hand... need to be bandaged?" Qian Renxue asked cautiously, hiding the "I" in her words.

"Some minor injuries, I'm used to it." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

Qian Renxue immediately understood: When he was in the Killing City, he was often injured and was used to it.

No one is innately immune to pain, it’s just that after too many times, they become numb.

"Okay." Qian Renxue's tone was a little low.

A blond man in a white robe embroidered with gold appeared in front of the road. He was handsome and handsome, with eyes like an eagle. He seemed to have been waiting here for a while, about ten meters away.

"Junior Huo Yuhao has met thousands of seniors." Huo Yuhao stopped and bowed.

"Grandpa?" Qian Renxue looked at the figure in front of her and was a little stunned.

Grandpa didn't show up for the battle at Wuhun Palace before, but when everything settled, he showed up instead.

Qian Daoliu just said "hmm" and stared at Electrolux who was wrapped in black robe beside him.

Can't see through.

The aura of this person was strange, making him feel somewhat familiar, like an old friend who was both an enemy and a friend.

He immediately denied this thought.

Qian Daoliu looked away and looked at Huo Yuhao.

Previously, he had naturally seen the scene where Huo Yuhao used the Shura Demonic Sword to intercept Tang Xiao outside Wuhun City.

The bloody aura that was emitted at that time was definitely not the Frost Goddess. She should have found the divine inheritance from the Killing City.

At such a young age, he actually holds the inheritance of two gods. This boy is truly extraordinary!

Qian Daoliu didn't ask, just asked Qian Renxue to come with him.

Qian Renxue hesitated and glanced at Huo Yuhao next to her.

"Then I'll go back first. See you later." There was a hint of apology in her eyes and her tone was soft.

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded.

Qian Renxue followed her grandfather and walked towards the Douluo Palace, occasionally looking back.

Huo Yuhao's smile faded and his expression remained calm as usual.

"That little girl seems to be interested in you." Electrolux teased next to her.

"In terms of action, I saved her twice." Huo Yuhao walked towards his courtyard.

"It's understandable that she loves the strong but she loves the weak. I'm quite optimistic about her." Electrolux said with a smile.

"Yilao, please stop teasing me." Huo Yuhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I still have the magical inheritance of 'Great Light Technique' in my hand." Electrolux said calmly.

Huo Yuhao turned his head and looked at Yi Lao next to him in surprise.


Pope's Palace.

After taking a bath and resting, Bibi Dong ascended the papal throne, her expression hard to conceal her exhaustion.

In front of the palace, the soul master was reporting the settlement results of this battle.


Haotian Sect.

Sect leader Tang Xiao is confirmed dead.

Possess the right arm soul bone (not yet removed)
Capture the second elder and fourth elder of Haotian Sect.

All five hundred elite disciples of the Haotian Sect died.


Seven Treasures

Bone Douluo was seriously injured and fell into a coma. With his super defensive ability, he barely managed to save his life, but he had no choice but to linger, and his cultivation level would inevitably decline.

Sword Douluo is confirmed dead and has no soul bone.

Ning Fengzhi, the leader of Qibao Glazed Sect, was captured alive.

After learning about Sword Douluo's death, Ning Fengzhi suffered a severe blow and suffered a mental breakdown, which meant that he was crazy.

All the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect were wiped out. Under the firepower of the soul guide cannon, some scattered mechanical expansion structures were picked up from the residue.

Bibi Dong just listened.

Is Ning Fengzhi crazy?
Hehe, that old fox is most likely pretending to be crazy at this time.


Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family

The head of the family, Yu Yuanzhen, was confirmed dead.

Has a head soul bone, a right arm soul bone, and a left leg bone (all of which have not yet been removed)

The leader of the clan, Yu Luo Mian, is confirmed dead.

Of the 700 family disciples, more than 30 remained and were all imprisoned.


Star Luo Empire.

Marshal Xingluo was captured alive.

Two hundred thousand troops fled, and all 20,000 cavalry were killed. They are currently being processed, and it is expected that 20,000 sets of poisoned heavy armor will be harvested.


Papal throne.

Bibi Dong crossed her legs and tapped the armrest with her knuckles, thinking.

Originally, she just wanted to go to the negotiating table to negotiate. Unexpectedly, the reinforcements led by Huo Yuhao arrived and directly reversed the situation of the battle, dealing a devastating blow to the three sects' coalition forces.

In this single battle, the Shangsan Sect could be said to have ceased to exist in name only.

Sects and families without the protection of a titled Douluo no longer have the ability to protect themselves.

The "aftercare" work of cutting grass cannot be implemented so quickly.

In addition, the legions equipped with soul guides performed extremely well in this battle. For middle and low-level soul masters below the sixth ring, they were completely powerful weapons, covering them with firepower and leaving no grass behind.

She is thinking about three questions now.

First, how to reward Huo Yuhao?
Second, how to deal with the imprisoned Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo, and Haotian Sect's titled Douluo?

Third, how should the Star Luo Empire’s account be settled?
In addition, the Tiandou Empire is about to usurp the throne, and Dugu Bo also helps a lot in this battle.

After clearing out the remnants of the last three sects, Wuhun Palace needs to rest for a while.

Subsequently, the two empires were pushed forward equally to establish a unified martial spirit empire.

Of course, this push cannot be done in the name of Wuhun Palace.

usurp power.

Support the puppet emperor to ascend to power and seize control of the Tiandou Empire.

Add more weapons and support soul guides to the Tiandou Empire, and start a war with the Star Luo Empire!
These are just preliminary ideas and plans.

From then on, the farce of the three sects jointly attacking Wuhun Palace was finally destroyed and the farce came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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