Under the salvation of Huo Yuhao's undead magic, the resentful spirits who died unjustly were able to regain their consciousness.

The resentful spirits of the Sea Princess floating in mid-air woke up one after another. They saw the same kind on the altar below, and they seemed to recognize each other's identity and gathered around her.

With a simple spiritual resonance, the spirit bodies of the sea princesses cast sincere glances at Huo Yuhao, thanking him from the bottom of their hearts for saving them from the fire and water.

In order to express their gratitude to Huo Yuhao, the spirit bodies of the Sea Princess gathered everyone's strength to condense a colorful heart scale and gave it to him.

The colorful heart scales fell down and merged naturally with Huo Yuhao's eyebrows and soul eyes, creating colorful ripples.

After a while, Huo Yuhao's mental power increased a lot.

When he opened his eyes, they were deep and reserved, and then became dull.

The rescued sea princess wiped her tears and introduced that these colorful heart scales have the effect of repelling water:

Even if held by an ordinary human being, it can penetrate deep into the sea and easily travel across the ocean.

In addition, this heart scale has another meaning in the Sea Princess clan.

Obtaining the blessing of the Heart Scale will be recognized by the Sea Princess clan, which is also a kind of good fortune.

After dealing with all this.

Huo Yuhao just nodded to the rescued Sea Princess, then turned and left, catching up with Yi Lao's retreating figure.

The sea princess bowed towards Huo Yuhao's departing figure and shed sincere tears.


Yi Lao was waiting at the front of the church. When he saw Huo Yuhao coming out, he left with him.

"You seem to know something about their summons." Electrolux asked casually.

"I vaguely smell the aura of the abyss." Huo Yuhao frowned slightly.

"Abyssal plane?" Electrolux was a little confused.

"That is a demiplane that is included in the monitoring list of the God Realm. It relies on devouring other planes to exist. It is suspected that there is a foreign god. For some reason, his power can penetrate into the Douluo plane." Huo Yuhao was also a little confused.

"It's always good to be careful," Electrolux reminded.

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao nodded.

There seems to be some unusual changes in this world.

Is the penetration of the power of the gods of the abyss just a coincidence?
Or is there something in the Douluo plane that is attracting the Abyss plane to come closer.


Ocean Harbor.

Huo Yuhao stood on the deck of the Xingluo ship, looking at the returning crew members one after another.

Finally, Captain Perris asked if we should set sail now?
The Xingluo ship left the harbor and crossed towards the distant ocean.

The crew members were still discussing matters about the Poseidon Church, and they didn't know who they provoked, but they were wiped out overnight.

Some people speculate that it may have been a gang fight;
Some people think that it should be those local vigilante forces who are conducting night attacks;

Some people think that they may have offended a certain boss;

Watching the discussion among the crew, Captain Perris inadvertently glanced at the back of "His Royal Highness".

Speaking of external forces, they seem to be the only ones during this period.


at the same time.

Douluo Continent, within the Tiandou Empire.

Tang San was wrapped in a black robe and fled with the Vast Sea Universe Cover in his hand, with a team of high-level spirit masters chasing him from behind.

"Damn it!"

Tang San hid in the forest in panic, releasing bluesilver grass to cover his aura, cursing secretly in his heart.

He looked at the heart of the ocean clenched in his palms, and finally felt a little comforted in his heart.

After more than two months of planning, I finally got this thing.

With this thing, he can at least keep his position as Poseidon.

The current situation is very unfavorable to him.

Before his arrival, Emperor Xue Ye had been poisoned, and the current Tiandou Empire was actually taken over by Xue Qinghe, known as the "Emperor Qinghe".

Tang San, who had lived a new life and experienced it all, naturally knew that the so-called "Prince Xue Qinghe" was pretended to be Qian Renxue of Wuhun Palace.

At this time, the Tiandou Empire has been completely controlled by Wuhun Palace, so it is naturally impossible for him to support any "avalanche".

The last three sects were destroyed, and the original site has become a place of right and wrong. Qian Renxue will take the divine examination in the future, and there is a high probability that she will ascend to the throne of God in the next five years!
Huo Yuhao appeared in this era, entered the Wuhun Palace with his own body, and even led the Wuhun Palace to develop soul tools. This was a perfect match for his hidden weapons!

Huo Yuhao’s threat of becoming a god;

The bloody feud in Wuhun Palace;
The last three cases were cleared in advance;

One’s own talent potential is consumed;
He was pressed for time and had to make a comeback within the next five years.

Stable development is impossible, you must seek wealth and wealth through danger!
If you are always worried, you will only be killed by Huo Yuhao's preemptive strike.

Even so, he didn't dare to have the idea of ​​​​ice and fire eyes.

First, the fairy grass must have been picked by Huo Yuhao in advance.

Secondly, Huo Yuhao must have set up an ambush in that place and dug a big hole specifically for him.

Whether it was the poison of the King of Hell in his body or his weak body, it was as if Huo Yuhao was leading him in that direction intentionally or unintentionally.

He knew what he did in Qiankun Wenqing Valley back then, and he was also worried that Huo Yuhao would make a replica of it.

Therefore, he made up his mind and decided to go to the Star Dou Forest to look for Xiao Wu.

Even if there were some misunderstandings before, he firmly believed that this must be the villain Huo Yuhao who was causing trouble and sowing discord!
No matter what, half of the soul beast's blood flows in his body.

Even if they didn't miss their old relationship at all, they would definitely not harm his life.

As long as he gets the support of the soul beast camp, he can use this to reverse the decline.

"Xiao Wu, wait for me—" A touch of tenderness flashed in Tang San's eyes.


Star Dou Forest, outside.

Tang San looked at this familiar scene and jumped into the forest decisively.

In this life, he has no Eight Spider Spears, no Immortal Grass Tempering Body, no gimmick of the 'Fourth Soul Ring Ten Thousand Years', no awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor, no support from the sect, no Xiao Wu by his side, and he is even more lost. Father's protection.

He has lost too much.

All this happened because of Huo Yuhao!

The hatred in his heart turned into overwhelming rage, wanting to burn the entire world to pieces!


Tang San relied on the ability to hide his aura, bypassing the gathering places of many powerful soul beasts, and finally reached the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

As he walked through the depths of the jungle, over the towering shrubs and grasses in the forest, he came to a lush central lake.

Spiritual grasses are growing thickly, flowers are everywhere, azure light and shadow are floating in the air, and the mist in the center of the lake is drifting, hazily covering the nearby area.

Tang San's eyes fell on the beautiful figure on the shoulder of the huge black figure in front of the Xingya Waterfall. She was wearing a light white lace dress, with long black hair hanging down behind her head. Her skin was like gelatin, and she exuded a hazy and ethereal aura. Don’t eat fireworks.

His eyes were dull, and he couldn't look away from that figure.

"Xiao Wu, my Xiao Wu..."


The girl in the white dress on the Titan Ape's shoulders suddenly became alert. She suddenly looked back and cast a sharp gaze at the source of the sound.

When she saw the figure standing on the edge of Xinghu Lake, her expression was slightly frozen and she was stunned.

not far away.

The noise made by Xiao Wu woke up A Yin who was practicing. She suddenly opened her eyes and then met in the direction of Xiao Wu.

The Azure Bull Python also woke up from its deep sleep.

It arched its huge body in the mist and appeared beside Xiao Wu, overlooking the tiny humans who broke in from the edge of the land. Its eyes were like ancient green lanterns, and its mouth revealed the snake's message.

In just an instant, he recognized Tang San.

The boy who forced his way into the Star Dou Forest with that human titled Douluo!
The visitor is not good.

Is he bringing powerful human beings here to take revenge?

The azure bull python immediately flipped its tail and swept through the air, heading straight for Tang San's position.

Ah Yin heard the fighting and was already floating next to Xiao Wu, asking her what happened.

Xiao Wu shook her head slightly and looked at the place where the trees were destroyed and the smoke was filled.

Ah Yin followed his gaze and was a little moved when he saw a young boy crawling out from under the fallen trees and jungle.

It's him? !
(End of this chapter)

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