Sun and Moon Continent.

Huo Yuhao led his fleet members to land ashore, with about two hundred people.

They landed on the beach and happened to encounter more than 2,000 aborigines on the beach.

Those people were dressed in commoners, and their leader looked like a chief. Most of the young men under his command held harpoons, spears and other sharp weapons in their hands.

The young man next to the chief raised his hand to summon the martial spirit, and sparse spirit rings appeared under his feet.

The natives of the Sun and Moon Continent were armed with weapons and were watching these outsiders with vigilance.

Soul master?

This discovery made everyone on the Xingluo ship a little moved.

It's not that they are afraid, at least they can confirm that these guys are also "human beings".

The highest cultivation level of the soul masters at the scene was only three rings, and they could barely obtain a thousand-year soul ring. The others were all civilians.

In comparison, there were more than fifty ship soul masters accompanying them, almost all of whom were elite soul masters of the fourth ring or above. They had received professional training, and the captain was a sixth-ring soul emperor!
The combat power is crushing, what else is there to say?

After knowing that their side was the stronger side, the Xingluo crew members felt a little more at ease; after all, they were outsiders in the final analysis.

Captain Perris was thinking.

Previously, His Highness the Prince asked us to call ourselves "envoys of the Star Luo Empire". How should we communicate?
"Everyone, release the martial souls and soul rings." Huo Yuhao calmly gave the order while walking towards the opponent's crowd.

When the captain heard this, he thought, was he not prepared to communicate and just fight?

The soul masters under his command showed off their respective martial souls and soul rings.

In an instant, the entire beach was shrouded in the light of various martial arts and soul rings, shocking the natives of the Sun Moon Continent.

Especially, when Captain Perris activated the martial spirit and soul ring, the light of the two dark ink-like ten thousand year soul rings overwhelmed everything else.

Sixth Ring Soul Emperor!

This is simply a heavy hammer that hits the heart of the beach natives.

The expression of the old chief changed slightly.

If the other party takes action, he alone can kill everyone on his side.

Where did this mysterious team of soul masters come from?

"Head, please forgive me for disturbing you." Huo Yuhao bowed to the old chief.

The residents of Sun Moon Coast were all confused.

How could he, a foreigner, speak our language?

Everyone on the Xingluo ship was also confused.

His Royal Highness is actually...communicating with them?
Listening to their conversation, it's not Douluo language.

"I wonder why this 'sir' came here?" the old chief said.

"I am Huo Yuhao, the envoy of the Star Luo Empire in Douluo Continent. I am here to visit the ruler of this mainland empire." Huo Yuhao explained the purpose of his visit.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the young people beside the chief changed slightly.

Imperial envoys from overseas?
Where are they? Why did they discover us first?
"Don't be nervous. I'm not here to provoke a fight between the two sides." Huo Yuhao said bluntly.

Then, he immediately gave an order to the soul master legion behind him, raising his hand and pressing down.

Immediately, the teams of soul masters dispatched by the Star Luo Empire gathered their martial souls and soul rings.

Seeing this, the old chief relaxed a little.

It’s not just a matter of fighting.

He interacted with Huo Yuhao and exchanged some basic information with each other.

During the conversation with the old chief, Huo Yuhao learned several important pieces of information.

First, at this time, the Sun and Moon Continent had not yet been integrated. On the surface, there were two empires that had been fighting each other for hundreds of years. They were the Lieyang Empire with the Sun Martial Spirit and the Frost Moon Empire with the Moon Martial Spirit.

Second, the mainland here understands the manufacturing process of soul guidance devices, but it is still very basic. It is used for storage, lighting, defense, and some simple standard weapons. It is a fault in the history of soul guidance devices, but it is not completely broken.

Third, this place is located on the Dongbin Coast within the Lieyang Empire. About thirty kilometers away, there is a seaside town called 'Wugui City'.

Fourth, I'm sorry that I can't take you in. If you need to rest, please stay there and stay within three kilometers of our ethnic group's residence. Within this range, we can provide some food and clean water to the best of our ability. "Thank you, senior, for your guidance." Huo Yuhao thanked him.

He didn't ask much about this, and planned to make plans when he got to Wugui City.

Then, he ordered his people to set up camp near the jungle and not to offend the tribal residents in his harbor.

at dusk.

As expected, the indigenous people sent food and drinking water.

Huo Yuhao took a look and confirmed that there was no problem before letting everyone eat.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao took some gold coins from Douluo Continent, melted them directly into gold lumps on site, and gave them to the other party's personnel as compensation.

That night.

Captain Perris arranged for a night watch.


at the same time.

The nearby sea people tribe also began to send more night watchmen, and the lights were on.

They were obviously worried that those "outsiders" would sneak up on them at night.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


A good night was spent, and both parties were at peace.

Huo Yuhao ordered Captain Perris and others to rest on the spot and not to act rashly.

He told the captain:

If those indigenous people dare to initiate an attack, they can fight back, depending on the specific situation.

He then set off to "Wugui City" more than 30 kilometers away to learn about the situation.


Huo Yuhao unfolded his golden ghost butterfly wings and shuttled through the mountains and forests of the Sun and Moon Continent.

The climate here is hot and humid all year round, and the vegetation is evergreen, which is naturally different from that of Douluo Continent.

The distance of thirty kilometers is not that far. It only took Huo Yuhao a moment to reach the so-called Wugui City.

The overall area of ​​this town is not large, and the architectural styles are slightly different. Most of them are built with stones.

Huo Yuhao himself had spent some time in the Sun and Moon Continent and knew some of the local customs.

He then used his third soul skill, Simulation, to "fine-tune" his own form, transforming into a lean man with bronze skin, wearing a black robe, with two white patterns dotted between his eyebrows, and his eyes were quite sharp.

He only visited Wugui City once. The first step was to buy a map to understand the geographical divisions of the Lieyang Empire and the Frost Moon Empire.

Good guy, the two empires are facing each other from east to west, and the central junction of each other is the "Evil Forest".

It seems that two countries were born due to geographical isolation.

On the map, Huo Yuhao roughly sketched the geographical location of the "Qiankun Wenqing Valley", which was located in the southeast of the Frost Moon Empire.

He inquired a little bit about the two empires.

The rare metals in the Sun and Moon Continent are very suitable for making soul guides, so they must be put to good use in this regard.

Moving is too troublesome, so it is best to build the factory in situ.

There is no Wuhun Palace here, so it is very suitable for establishing his "Spirit Transferring Tower" organization.

While inquiring about information, he always heard some strange news.

For example, there seems to be some kind of bet between the two empires;
The royal family of the Lieyang Empire has the strongest backing and is the number one sect in the world.

The 'Silver Moon Princess' of the Frost Moon Empire is known as the most beautiful woman in the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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