Chapter 231 Incident (first update)
Glory City, in the courtyard.

Huo Yuhao was currently sitting in the courtyard making tea and drinking, enjoying the tranquility of the years.

The so-called sparring match in the Soul Fighting Arena completely became his personal exhibition match.

This is exactly what he wants to achieve.

Make famous, establish prestige

If you want to deal with the people under my command, you must first consider whether your bones are hard and whether you can withstand the torture of me, Mr. Huo.

I don't know if the last battle broke Xu Jing's mentality. It was already an "exhibition match" in which he suppressed his strength as much as possible.

As early as when he entered the seventieth level, he had successfully condensed the first soul core independently based on the experience gained in his previous life.

The birth of a soul core is like an earth-shaking change in a soul master's body, fundamentally changing his original soul power state.

The soul power that was originally in a gaseous state now turned into a liquid like gurgling water.

The huge energy contained in this soul core alone makes Huo Yuhao, who is at the seventieth level, have a soul power reserve comparable to that of a nine-ring titled Douluo!
What's more, in addition, he also has a special soul ring with a super long life and rare soul bones to strengthen himself! Xu Jing, who only has the seventh-ring cultivation level, what chance does he have of winning?

Waiting for things to ferment so that the crew members who came to the Sun and Moon Continent can establish themselves here.

People were talking about this thrilling battle and were afraid of Huo Yuhao's strength.

The events surrounding the Soul Fighting Arena competition spread quickly like wildfire, and the entire city was immersed in an uproar.

He actually defeated nine six-ring soul masters with astonishing strength by himself! This amazing achievement left people stunned and unbelievable.

This shocking news came like a whirlwind and spread all over the streets in an instant.

He couldn't keep these people with him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, His Royal Highness Prince Xu Jing went into battle personally in an attempt to save the situation.

He is waiting now.

Or take out the Shura Demonic Sword and show the opponent what absolute suppression in the physical sense is!

That mysterious and powerful envoy from the overseas Star Luo Empire—Huo Yuhao!

He later plans to go to the Demon Forest to abduct the "big eyeball" out.

However, this is his/her territory after all, so one still has to take care of one's feelings without breaking up.

The royal palace, inside the high hall.

But he was ultimately defeated and eventually fell into a coma after being seriously injured.

If he was serious, he wouldn't need to take action himself. His strong mental power alone would be enough to easily destroy the opponent's soul defense line unilaterally;

However, the more surprising thing is yet to come.

Emperor Lieyang was also a little stunned when he learned the news.

But it is impossible to ignore these crew members. Naturally, we need to establish our authority and wake up the Sun Empire - these are my people, who dares to touch them? !



Jing'er lost? How can this be? !
He had paid attention to the battlefield situation before, and naturally knew that Huo Yuhao had defeated several sixth-ring soul masters in a row before. This was obviously a tough guy.

Later, when he heard that Jing'er had died in person, he already had the answer in his heart.

The reality turned out to be completely contrary to his speculation.

Jing'er was defeated.

His Purple Brilliance Heaven-Destroying Dragon Martial Spirit is known as the "Ancestor of Yalong". His cultivation had broken through the seventh ring earlier, and now it has reached the seventy-third level. Even ordinary eighth-ring soul masters cannot compete with Jing'er.

It can almost be said that Jing'er is the number one person among the younger generation in Sun Moon Continent!
However, even under this premise, Jing'er still lost. So what exactly did Huo Yuhao do?
"Xu Jing did not lose unjustly." These words seemed to echo in the air with an invisible power.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the originally dark corner of the palace.

The black shadow gradually approached, it was a mysterious man wearing a black robe. Seeing his true face clearly, he exuded an unfathomable pressure.

"National Preceptor?" Emperor Lieyang looked a little surprised.

"The opponent not only possesses two martial spirits, but also possesses a hundred thousand-year-old soul ring. Most of them have corresponding hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones in his body, or even a full body of soul bones." The man in black robe said calmly.

"The second dragon-type martial spirit he displayed, if I guessed correctly, should be the legendary god-level martial spirit - one that can control the two completely opposite elements of ice and fire at the same time."

"God-level martial spirit?" Emperor Lieyan was shocked by his words.

"The combat power he displayed and his actual cultivation level are seriously out of balance. I'm afraid there are still many back-ups left untouched. The most important thing is that there is likely to be a legendary god's inheritance behind him." The man in black robe said.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Lieyang was immediately silenced.

Become a god
Divine inheritance
That is what countless powerful soul masters long to pursue.

In order to find the inheritance of the gods, they traveled to various parts of the Sun and Moon Continent, but almost returned without success.

Looking at the entire Sun Moon Continent, there are very few legends about becoming gods in ancient times.

Even he, the emperor, had only heard of the God of Love.

"Why did the Douluo Continent on the other side of the distant world send him here?" Emperor Lieyang felt vaguely worried in his heart.

Traveling across vast oceans, your plans are huge.

"Find an opportunity to see if we can kill it." The man in black robe said calmly.

When Emperor Lieyang heard this, his heart trembled suddenly.

"Master, didn't you say that he is probably a descendant of the gods? His identity is so sensitive, how can you touch him?"

In Emperor Lieyang's view, Huo Yuhao was both the inheritor of the gods and the envoy of the overseas empire.

If this person dies in the Sun and Moon Continent, it will definitely trigger the anger of the Douluo Continent empire and start a war.

The gap in the manufacturing level of soul guidance devices between the two sides is too great, and there is no comparison at all.

"If this son is not eliminated, when he becomes a god in the future, our Sun Moon Continent will lose everything we have now. Sitting there and waiting for death is tantamount to personally handing over our destiny to others."

"Even if he fails to become a god in the end, he will definitely be a serious problem for us in the Sun and Moon Continent; as long as he is here, even if Xu Jing can get a chance to be blessed in that valley, he may not be that person's opponent in the future." The man in black robe said coldly. .

His words seemed to sound an alarm bell in Emperor Lieyang's heart.

Yes, Huo Yuhao's sixth ring is already so terrifying. If he is allowed to grow, who can control him in the future?

"It's just that I'm worried that the Nine Rings Supreme Lord may not be his opponent." Emperor Lieyang frowned.

Even if you want to get rid of the other party, it is not an easy task.

"There is no need to do this kind of thing personally. Isn't he already at level seventy?" The man in black robe said calmly.

"In the process of hunting for soul rings, it is very common to be 'accidentally' killed by a soul beast."

"If the Star Luo Empire on the other side of the ocean is unwilling to listen to the explanation, it will still attack and start a war. This means that no matter whether Huo Yuhao dies or not, their Star Luo Empire will start a war on our Sun Moon Continent!" said the black-robed man.

"I know." Emperor Lieyang said solemnly.

"You can make arrangements for this matter. I will send people to deal with the aftermath when the time comes." The man in black robe said lightly and turned around quietly to leave.

Emperor Lieyang looked at the black-robed man's leaving back, a hint of gloom flashing in his eyes.

 Tomorrow's update may be late, updates have not been on time recently.

(End of this chapter)

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