Chapter 234 Evil Eye Tyrant Lord (Second update)

Demonic forest.

Huo Yuhao and Xu Jing, led by Supreme Qingxuan, carefully went deep into the Demonic Forest.

The nearby soul beasts have also changed from thousands of years to ten thousand years, and the number of soul beasts is far less dense than in the middle and outer areas.

The Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast noticed the presence of Huo Yuhao and the others, and was frightened by the Qingxuan Supreme's aura, and retreated in advance.

Of course, there were still a few spirit beasts with bad tempers and desperate for their lives. Naturally, they were killed on the spot and their spirit rings exploded on the spot.

As they penetrated deep into the core area of ​​the Demonic Forest, a thick fog rolled in.

"Quickly retreat!" Supreme Qingxuan shouted, taking the lead in taking action.

Huo Yuhao and Xu Jing also retreated.

The time is approaching.

Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes were possessed, exuding powerful spiritual fluctuations, shining like a beacon in the fog.

Suddenly, deep in the mist, a huge figure appeared out of thin air.

Huo Yuhao took a leisurely stroll and walked towards the depths of the forest.

From the depths of the mist, thick branches of ancient trees sprouted out and headed towards Huo Yuhao.

In the mist, the surrounding trees appeared to be distorted by demons, surrounding Huo Yuhao in the middle. The roots of the big trees were pulled out of the soil and "dancing", and the demons were dancing wildly.

"If you are lost, don't go back." Before Xu Jing could finish his words, his figure disappeared into the mist.

A familiar scent.

It was a huge eye that was more than three hundred meters in size, with huge tentacles. There were ninety-nine and eighty-one tentacles around the body of the terrifying giant eye, each of which was more than five hundred meters in length. The whole body exuded a commanding... The person's mental disorder is disturbed, and the eyes are shining with a strange light, as if they can see through the person's soul.

Seventy-nine thousand years, the evil-eyed tyrant dominates!
Huo Yuhao stood quietly, staring at the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord.

There are mental fluctuations in the fog, intertwined with each other, forming a very wide "spider web".

With just one strike, the towering demonic tree behind the mist was cut off, and a ten-thousand-year soul ring exploded.

Huo Yuhao took a closer look, and a huge creature appeared in front of him from the mist.

The moment he entered the game, a terrifying guy deep in the forest revived, slowly opened a vertical pupil like a blood moon, exuding unwarranted terrifying pressure, and the tentacles of nothingness in the mist twisted and moved.

He actually reminded me proactively?
The fog covered an extremely vast area, and there was a mysterious spiritual fluctuation permeating the fog.

Huo Yuhao carried the carving knife with a calm expression and walked firmly into the depths of the forest.

A trace of surprise flashed in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

The roots of the surrounding branches broke out of the ground one after another, like snakes twisting and twisting, gathering towards Huo Yuhao in the center.

The surrounding fog gradually thickened and his vision became blurry, but his heart was unusually calm.

Huo Yuhao saw through it at a glance, and the distorted picture suddenly shattered and disintegrated.

Mental nightmare?

Huo Yuhao raised his hand and held the Life Watching Blade in his palm. The emerald green blade flashed and the ancient tree's branches were neatly cut off.

"Whatever those evil soul masters gave you, I'll pay you double!" Huo Yuhao said calmly.

The Evil Eye Tyrant's pupils moved, looking down at the ant-like young man, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

There was a strange light shining in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

Suddenly, a dazzling colorful light burst out from the spiritual eyes between his brows, sweeping through the entire world like a torrent.

In an instant, the heaven and earth were enveloped in this gorgeous and colorful light, as if they had entered a dreamlike wonderland.

Eight dazzling colorful divine rings gradually appeared behind Huo Yuhao, exuding a heart-stopping and powerful aura.

The ninth divine ring looms, and the terrifying power it contains causes the void to twist and deform.

Quasi-God King Realm!

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord was shocked by the scene in front of him, his pupils suddenly condensed and his tentacles trembled.

What the fuck is this monster?
He actually has the aura of a god on him!
"I give you two ways now. First, sign a soul contract with me and become my seventh soul ring. I will help you become a god."

"Second, become my seventh soul ring."

Huo Yuhao's momentum reached its peak at this time, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and his tone was unreasonable!

The Evil Emperor trembled, and after hesitating, his huge figure turned into a man in red robes and landed quietly on the ground.

"What you just said...seriously?"

Huo Yuhao froze for a moment, then chuckled knowingly.

This guy actually avoided both options in response to the original question.

——Whatever the evil soul master gives you, I’ll pay double!
"Aren't you afraid that I'm bluffing you if you don't plan to test my strength?" Huo Yuhao said with a smile. "No... I don't dare." The Evil Emperor was sweating on his forehead.

I am really stupid if I still argue with you even though I know you have the support of gods behind you.

"I still prefer your unruly look back then." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

At first?

The Evil Emperor was sweating profusely.

"Tell me, what does those evil soul masters have to do with you?" Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

The Evil Emperor did not dare to hide anything and revealed everything.

Naturally among them was the leader of the evil soul master, who possessed extremely impressive strength.

It was those evil soul masters who took the initiative to find him and discuss cooperation with him.

Huo Yuhao is its target this time.

"Do you know their purpose of collecting souls?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Those guys from the overseas church were collecting souls and sacrificing them to the so-called "Lord of the Abyss" in exchange for power.

He had also witnessed the so-called "coming of the evil god" with his own eyes, revealing the aura of the abyss.

"I really don't know about this. I only have a cooperative relationship with them. It's more about maintaining the balance between soul beasts and humans." The Evil Emperor didn't know much about this topic.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao nodded.

"In that case, let's sign a contract and you come with me."

The Evil Emperor's face suddenly condensed and became a little stiff.

Huo Yuhao naturally saw what the other party was thinking.

Come to think of it.

You were living peacefully in your own territory, but suddenly someone broke in and asked you to invest your life and cultivation into a stake.

The promise of becoming a god sounds a bit like a scam.

"How confident are you about the 800,000-year catastrophe?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"It's estimated to be 60%." The Evil Emperor did not dare to exaggerate.

"After surviving this catastrophe, can I become a god?" Huo Yuhao asked again.

The Evil Emperor immediately shook his head, "No way."

"If during this period, a human becomes a god, what will be your ending?" Huo Yuhao asked.

The Evil Emperor suddenly fell silent.

"Forget it, let's just fight. If you don't weigh it, you will never know how high your potential is." Huo Yuhao also felt a little troubled.

"No, Lord God, I believe in your promise. I can sign the contract, but do you want me to... live a little longer..." The Evil Emperor begged for compromise.

What he said was somewhat sad.

Huo Yuhao thought to himself and nodded in agreement.

You can sign the soul contract first, and then make a sacrifice later.

Huo Yuhao's eyebrows suddenly erupted with colorful light, directly opening up the spiritual sea.

The surrounding scene before the Evil Emperor's eyes changed turbulently, and in the blink of an eye he broke into a vast spiritual sea.


In that boundless ocean, he saw the boundary of the ocean. Huo Yuhao's huge shadow appeared in the sky, and nine divine rings appeared behind him.

Under his command, there are four pillars: gray, platinum, red crystal, and dark red!
On the gray pillar, a stern blond man in gray robe floated in the air, surrounded by a gray mist, exuding the boundless aura of the undead.

The platinum pillars and platinum threads gather into cocoons, seeming to be nurturing something.

The red crystal pillar and the red scale dragon soared in the void, noticing the "newcomer" Evil Emperor.

The huge blood-winged bat hangs upside down on the dark gold pillar. It is falling into a self-slumber and seems to be transforming.

"From now on, you will become my fifth soul. If you have any objections, I will take your life directly!" Huo Yuhao looked down from the edge of the sea of ​​​​spirits, his voice was like the law of order.

The Evil Emperor knelt on one knee on the spot.

"Yes, my master."

 There is no point in fighting anymore, and there is no point in fighting. With the Evil Emperor's true body, it's time to take revenge on the Evil Soul Master.

(End of this chapter)

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