Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 246 Huo Yuhao: Fuck Poseidon!

Chapter 246 Huo Yuhao: Fuck Poseidon! (Second update)
Frost Moon Palace.

Princess Silver Moon received Huo Yuhao's message and prepared to set off.

She felt a little happy inside, simply packed her luggage and put it into the storage soul guide bracelet, and took the carriage again to a certain courtyard outside the palace.

When he saw Huo Yuhao, he was still as usual, accompanied by a red-robed man with an evil aura.

"Shall we set off now?" Princess Silver Moon asked.

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao.

The Evil Emperor was very conscious and showed his true colors on the spot, towering over the sky above Silver Moon City. The scene was magnificent.

Huo Yuhao was the first to reach the top, looking down at the silver moon below.

"Come up."

Yinyue, who had originally looked up and looked up, suddenly woke up from her daze, immediately responded, and jumped into the sky...

As a result, she couldn't jump high enough to reach it.

You know, the Evil Emperor's size is three hundred meters away.

At a height of three hundred meters vertically, not everyone can reach the top in one leap.

In the end, the Evil Emperor controlled his tentacles to wrap around half of her waist, and sent her to the top of her head to join Huo Yuhao.

Yinyue looked a little embarrassed, but found that Huo Yuhao didn't look at her at all.

The Evil Emperor floated in the air, lifted into the sky, and carried the two of them flying towards the southeast.


Silver Moon City, another corner.

Xu Jing looked at the Evil-Eyed Tyrant Lord appearing in the sky, with a hint of hatred in his eyes.


The evil emperor's true body travels across the void, letting you watch the clouds roll and relax.

Huo Yuhao took advantage of his free time to practice cross-legged practice.

Being restless is a habit I developed a long time ago.

When your talent is not good, practice hard.

Even if he becomes what others call the pride of heaven, he still dare not relax even a little bit.

Yinyue occasionally took a peek and saw that he was not moving, so she had no choice but to be in a hurry to practice, and instead looked at the scenery along the way.

For her, the intense practice process could finally be put aside temporarily.

For so many years, she has been living in the haze of the life-and-death covenant battle and has never slackened in her practice.

Otherwise, how could she reach level 64 at the age of twenty-four?

With her cultivation talent, she will have a chance to hit the Nine Rings Supreme in the future.

However, if the shortcomings of Wuhun are not solved, sooner or later it will suffer backlash; the higher the cultivation level, the deeper it will fall.

The crimson moon brings disaster nightmares.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It was a nightmare she didn't want to look back on.


With a distance of several hundred miles, it took the Evil Emperor only a few hours to reach his destination.

Huo Yuhao woke up from his practice and looked down from a high place. His spiritual eyes broke through the fog and saw a vast lake below.

Surrounded by mountains, the lake is crystal clear and is golden and silver in color.

In the center of the lake, there is a round golden lake surface, exuding strong golden light, like a sun, surrounded by a silver moon, leaning against each other, exuding silver brilliance.

The entire vast lake is completely shrouded in gold and silver, climbing along the mountains and spreading farther away.

Qiankun asks Qinggu.

Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed, and a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Silver Moon was also looking at the mist-shrouded valley and lake ahead, attracted by the strange beauty.

"After entering the valley, you will encounter some questions. Just answer them truthfully. Lies and deceptions will be severely punished."

"In addition, you may encounter illusions in this. Everything is fake. Don't fall into it." Huo Yuhao reminded.

Yinyue was a little surprised when she heard that, and wondered why he knew so well?

I think I learned this from the Shadow Emperor through interrogation.

Seeing this, she nodded slightly.

Question, fantasy?

"Evil Emperor, you wait outside the valley." Huo Yuhao ordered, turning to look at Yinyue, "Follow me." Yinyue nodded slightly.

The two of them jumped down from above the Evil Emperor and descended directly towards the valley and lakeside.

During this period, I encountered a mysterious barrier.

Huo Yuhao raised his hand and a Life Watching Blade appeared in his palm. With just one strike, he broke through the barrier on the surface in an instant.

The Evil Emperor waved countless tentacles and slowly descended outside the valley, his huge vertical pupils overlooking the scene in the valley.


Huo Yuhao and Yin Yue descended from the sky, passed through the vast lakeside mist, and landed on the gold and silver water waves at the edge of the lakeside.

A golden halo suddenly appeared under their feet, and a mysterious power rippled out, as if they had inadvertently stepped into the realm of God.

In an instant, they all appeared, as if touching the soul that had been sleeping for many years.

Yinyue surveyed the surroundings and found that Huo Yuhao, who was close at hand before, was missing. The surrounding lakes were shrouded in golden light and could not be explored.

"Those who trespass into the 'Qiankun Questioning Valley' will be tested." A soft and ethereal female voice came from the depths of the mist.


When Yinyue heard this voice, she had also heard some experiences before.

"I'm willing to be tested."

"This is a test about 'truth'." The disembodied voice sounded again.

Yinyue held her breath attentively, ready to respond at any time.

"Do you have someone you love?"

Yinyue was slightly startled, then shook her head.


To be honest, she only loves herself.

The source deep in the misty lake was silent.

"It doesn't matter if you have no worries or worries, you can live a free and natural life."

"Are you willing to participate in the second round of the test? Those who pass will receive rewards. If they can do the things corresponding to the rules, they will be counted as passing; if they can't, they will enter a deep adventure."

"Of course, I have to warn you in advance. In deep adventure, the probability of death is more than 50%." The gentle voice sounded again.

"I accept." Yinyue said decisively.

All the efforts she put in were to gain opportunities.


She is willing to take the risk no matter how great the danger is.

"Very good." A vague female voice sounded.

A ray of light appeared at the feet of the silver moon, and the roulette wheel rotated.

At this moment, there seemed to be some big movement next to the lakeside. The sudden collision and the explosion of aura shocked Yinyue.

Yinyue looked almost subconsciously.

What happened on his side?


at the same time.

The isolated other end of the Sun Moon Pool.

"Do you have a loved one?" A gentle and gentle voice sounded.

"Yes." Huo Yuhao said calmly, with the figures of Dong'er and Qiu'er appearing in his mind.

"Then are you willing to die for her?" The ethereal voice seemed to be full of seductive guidance.

The figures of Wang Dong'er and Wang Qiu'er in Huo Yuhao's mind shattered in an uproar, and were replaced by a woman named "Tang Wutong" with Dong'er's appearance!

"I refuse!" Huo Yuhao said with a cold tone and decisively refused.

The originally gentle woman suddenly turned into a mirror-shattering ghost and appeared in the fog ahead.

"Why? Why don't you want to?!" The fierce ghost's eyes were extremely vicious, and its long sharp claws seemed to want to strangle Huo Yuhao to death on the spot.

Huo Yuhao held the Life Watch Blade and raised his hand with a knife in the face. He directly chopped off the female ghost figure on the spot and crashed into the fog barrier in front of him.

"No one can interfere with my decision, damn Poseidon—" Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with a scarlet cold light, and the Eyes of Shura appeared behind him.

The God of Love turned his head and looked at the Shura-like figure in front of him in confusion.

She was frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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