Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 248 Qiankun Qinggu Valley God King Huo Yuhao!

Chapter 248 Qiankun Qingqing Valley·God King Huo Yuhao! (Second update)
Qiankun Wenqing Valley, deep in the Sun and Moon Pool.

Master of the valley?

Cupid? !
When Yinyue heard this, her head was buzzing.

So much so that I began to doubt life, and even thought:

Isn't this guy really some kind of "son of God's lower realm experience"?

Huo Yuhao didn't say much when he saw this.

Is it difficult to understand?
As soon as he entered the valley, he met the demonic God of Love.

Seeing that she was in a daze, she was still obsessed with the scumbag who betrayed her and could not forget her.

For this kind of person, just start civilizing and make her sober in the world.

Is there any natural hatred that cannot be overcome?
You should not indulge in self-inflicted pain. You should let the person who betrayed you feel the pain.

Revenge, God of Love!

If you help me today, I will help you regain your status as a god in the future!

Easy to handle and done.

As for the process?

Does this kind of thing still require a specific process?
All in all, Huo Yuhao has another spiritual consciousness around him.

The God of Love was nothing more than a second-level god during his lifetime.

However, relying on her innate advantages of cultivating fairy grass and nourishing the spirits of all things, she can completely find another way and follow the lineage of the "goddess of life".

"You said help just now? How can I help?" Yinyue asked Huo Yuhao cautiously.

simply put.

In front of the gods, it would be a lie if she was not restrained.

Especially this is the legendary "God of Love" in the Sun and Moon Continent.

Besides, her biggest question is——

She is just a bastard who can't even pass the test. How can she help him?
"I need your blessing from the illusion." Huo Yuhao said.

"My illusion, although it has some effects, is far from reaching the level... that it affects you, right?" Yin Yue asked tentatively.

"I am the one blessing your illusion." Huo Yuhao added.

He needs Yin Yue to unfold the "Illusion of the Moon" and mobilize his divine power to upgrade and bless him, reaching the level of controlling the "Remnant Soul of the God King".


In response, Princess Silver Moon nodded slightly.

Just opening the "Moon Realm" is a trivial matter.

But who does he want to use this against?

"Are you ready?" Huo Yuhao turned to look at the God of Love next to him.

"Well, I also want to see how he will choose." [God of Love·Ji] said softly.

The entire Qiankun Wenqing Valley is her divine domain.

In the domain valley, she is the absolute controller and can completely perform a series of operations.

"In that case! Let's get started." Huo Yuhao said with firm eyes.

"Yes." Ji responded softly, and at the same time slowly raised her slender and white jade palm.

At this moment, a strong breath of life surged out like a tide, sweeping across the entire Qiankun Wenqing Valley in an instant.

The earth trembled violently, as if responding to this powerful force. Immediately afterwards, a large number of branches and pink flowers appeared in the mountains, and layers of extremely solid barriers appeared in the sky, sealing the surroundings tightly.

After doing this, she bowed her body in the void, hugged her legs, and fell into a self-enclosed state, completely isolated from the outside world.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with dazzling light.

At the same time, a ripple suddenly appeared in the void behind him, and countless red-gold mysterious lines appeared out of thin air, intertwining with each other at an alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, a huge scarlet Shura vertical pupil appeared behind him, exuding a heart-stopping and terrifying aura.

Then, seven colorful divine rings quickly emerged behind him, as dazzling as a rainbow.

With the full explosion of Huo Yuhao's strength, the eighth divine ring also emerged. Immediately afterwards, the phantom outline of the ninth divine ring gradually became clear.

Quasi-god king level!

He would only use the quasi-god-king-level soul on rare occasions, and most of the time he would display the power of a seventh-ringed first-level god.

Yin Yue on the side couldn't help but feel nervous when she saw the two great gods in front of her in such a terrifying formation.

At that moment, she immediately displayed her martial spirit.

A bright and flawless moon rose from behind her. Under her feet, the six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black lit up in succession, shining with a faint light.

As the bright moon shattered, it turned into countless lights and shadows that quickly condensed in her palm, and transformed into a moon sword again.

Yinyue turned the edge of her sword upside down, then released her palm, and the dark sixth soul ring on her body suddenly activated.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao mobilized huge power to intervene——

When the Moon Sword fell into the Sun-Moon Pool like a meteor, the whole world seemed to be swept by a violent storm, with withered pink peach blossoms flying all over the sky, like a gorgeous and poignant flower rain.

"Shatter it, Ten Thousand Flowers Mirror Scenery!" "Open the Divine Realm!" Huo Yuhao whispered a spell in his mouth and cast a powerful magical spell.

In an instant, the originally peaceful valley underwent astonishing changes.

A dazzling glazed crescent moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the entire valley.

On the surrounding mountains, countless green branches stretch out, like giant dragons entrenched among them.

These branches bloom with colorful pink flowers. Looking from a distance, it looks like a dreamy sea of ​​flowers, which is so beautiful.

In this magical scene, Huo Yuhao's figure slowly emerged in the center of the Sun and Moon Pool. He was tall and straight, majestic, and exuded an unparalleled majesty in every gesture.

He raised his hand and easily controlled the movement of the sun and the moon, as if everything in the universe was in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the ninth divine ring behind him also completely condensed into shape at this moment, shining with dazzling light.

This mysterious divine ring contains endless power, and people can't help but look at it.

Huo Yuhao's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stretched out his hand without hesitation, sacrificing the Shura Demonic Sword.

The Shura Demonic Sword was extremely sharp. As the sword light flickered, it criss-crossed with sharp sword energy, easily cutting through the void in front of it.

In an instant, the void seemed to be torn apart, and a huge crack hundreds of meters long appeared.

This crack is bottomless, constantly rotating like a bottomless pit, greedily devouring everything around it. There are thunder and lightning jumping and dancing on its surface from time to time, adding a bit of terror and mystery.

Behind Huo Yuhao, the suspended Shura Eye burst out with immeasurable divine power, locking the entire world tightly.

With the blessing of this powerful force, no enemy can escape his control.


Far away, across the vast ocean.

Douluo Continent, the capital of killing.

It was supposed to be a dead night here, with a few sparse stars dotting the sky.

But in this quiet moment, a sudden change occurred!

The purple moon hanging high in the sky suddenly changed wonderfully. It exuded an unparalleled murderous aura, as if it was about to envelop the entire world.

In the blink of an eye, the purple moon turned into a huge "Eye of Shura", overlooking the killing city below like a god descending.

Wherever you look, nothing is hidden!

At this moment.

The outer city is a dilapidated and chaotic place.

Tang San had just dealt with the weak beings who came to provoke him, when he suddenly felt a strange wave coming from the sky above his head.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes showing surprise.

I saw that the purple moon that was originally hanging high in the night sky had turned into a majestic Shura Eye, staring at me from an almost personal distance.

In an instant, Tang San felt as if a immobilizing spell had been cast on his body, unable to move at all.

Facing such a strange situation, Tang San felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He did not hesitate to activate his powerful spiritual power and prepare to fight to the death!
However, before he could take action, the next second, he was horrified to find that his soul was forcibly extracted by the Shura Eye, and was torn out of his body without any resistance, and was then sent away Entering an endless realm of nothingness.


On the other side of the distant ocean.

Sun Moon Continent, Qian Kun Qing Qing Valley.

Suddenly, a powerful wave of energy rippled in the sky above Qiankun Wenqing Valley.

Immediately afterwards, the Shura Eyes began to shine with dazzling light, and transmitted some mysterious power to each other.

At this moment, a weak figure slowly descended from the sky, and finally knelt down on the surface of the Sun Moon Pool.

This person is none other than Tang San. At this moment, his soul has been greatly traumatized and appears extremely fragile.

"Damn it!" Tang San cursed through gritted teeth, thinking to himself that it must be Huo Yuhao who caused trouble again to put him in such a predicament.

Water... water surface?
Tang San struggled to regain consciousness, trying to figure out the environment he was in.

When he raised his head with difficulty, the sight in front of him shocked him.

In the depths of the vast lake, a huge crack hundreds of meters long suddenly opened in the void.

What was even more shocking was that a Shura Eye that exuded a terrifying aura gradually emerged from the crack.

Directly under the Shura Eye, a figure in black robes stood quietly.

He has short blue hair and deep and dark dark blue eyes that seem to be able to penetrate everything.

What's even more eye-catching is that there are nine dazzling and dazzling divine rings shining behind him!
This mysterious place is surrounded by mountains, and the pools are surrounded by lush trees and intertwined branches.

The pink flower branches bloom like a dream, as beautiful as a fairyland. In the clear night sky, a crystal-clear glass crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

Qiankun Qingqing Valley·God King Huo Yuhao!

When he saw this scene in front of him, Tang San couldn't hide the deep fear in his eyes.

I saw Huo Yuhao in the middle of the lake, wearing a black robe and standing as tall as a pine tree. He held the sun and moon in his hands, and they were spinning rapidly, emitting a powerful and heart-stopping aura.

"Long time no see, Poseidon Tang San..." Huo Yuhao's voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, with a bone-chilling murderous intent.

Hearing this voice, Tang San's soul trembled involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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