Chapter 252 Finale and Return (First Update)
Qiankun asks Qinggu.

After absorbing Evening Primrose, Yin Yue's martial spirit underwent a qualitative change. She slowly opened a pair of crimson eyes and her hair turned white.

The Mingyue Martial Spirit behind her had turned into a crimson moon.

The martial soul awakens for the second time!

As long as the martial soul blood moon is normalized, the full moon from the outside world will naturally have no impact on her.

Because her martial spirit is now complete.

"How do you feel?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"It's just... weird." Yin Yue murmured in a low voice.

She raised her palms to feel the power inside her body, and her long snow-white hair falling to the ground like a waterfall fluttered slightly.

Then, the crimson moon quickly broke apart and turned into countless mottled moonlights, which converged towards her palm like meteors.

In the blink of an eye, these rays of light condensed into a blood-red moon sword. The blade of the sword shone with a heart-stopping cold light, and at the same time emitted an extremely strong mental wave, faintly revealing a hint of evil.

Evil martial soul!
Just by feeling the mental fluctuations it emits, one can understand that this martial soul is definitely not a good person.

Judging from the bloody disaster in the palace caused by Yinyue when she awakened her martial spirit, we can get a glimpse of the situation.

"How do you control the martial spirit? Try to use the 'Moon Realm' barrier again to see if you can control it stably." Huo Yuhao suggested.

"Yeah." Yinyue nodded.

Immediately, she held the sword upside down with one hand, then let go of her palm and let it fall freely.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth soul ring on her body suddenly bloomed, and the moon sword disappeared as if it fell into the lake.

next moment.

The surrounding environment changed rapidly, the valley floor quickly turned into a blood-red ocean, and a crimson moon jumped into the sky.

The silver moon was floating in the sky at this time, his clothes were fluttering, his white hair was scattered like silk, and a crimson moon hung high in the sky behind him.

Against the backdrop of the scarlet moonlight, she looked very enchanting.

Huo Yuhao and the God of Love stood between the bloody ocean, looking at the silver moon hanging in the sky with indifferent expressions.


After dispersing the barrier of the Moon Realm, Silver Moon quietly descended from mid-air, and the moon sword in his hand turned into fragments and dissipated in the wind.

Her hair is as white as snow, just like the irresistible reincarnation of fate.

Since you can't resist, just accept it and face it.

She said to herself in her heart.


In the valley.

Huo Yuhao was picking fairy grass in Qiankun Wenqing Valley. Seeing this, Yinyue quickly came over to help.

Even if she can't do anything to help, she still has to maintain a correct attitude and do small things like holding a hoe, a sickle, and carrying a medicine basket.

If someone has helped you a lot, you can't stand by and watch while they are busy, right?

Seeing her such positive performance, Huo Yuhao didn't say anything.

But in the follow-up, when Huo Yuhao packed the picked fairy grass into jade boxes and put them all into the Ruyi Treasure Bag, Yinyue suddenly realized that her behavior of taking out the medicine basket and following behind was a bit... stupid.

After Huo Yuhao finished tidying up, when he turned around, he happened to see Yin Yue looking at him.

"I will take you back later. Don't forget what you promised me back then." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"Okay." Yinyue nodded lightly.

Regarding the mining rights of the three mineral veins, it seems that they are looking for a topic.

"Are you ready to leave?" Yinyue asked hesitantly.

While she was refining the fairy grass, she vaguely heard the conversation between Huo Yuhao and the God of Love.

He seemed to be going back, to the continent where they were.

Logically speaking, his departure is a good thing for the Frost Moon Empire and even the entire Sun Moon Continent.

But, for some reason, she always felt empty in her heart...

Huo Yuhao just glanced at her lightly, without further explanation, and walked past her.

"We're getting ready to leave here. See you later." Huo Yuhao greeted the God of Love.

"Well, everything goes well." Cupid nodded gently.

Huo Yuhao turned to look at Yin Yue who was following behind.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."



Qiankun asks outside the Valley of Love.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has been waiting here for a long time. Its huge mountain-like body was now close to the valley, and countless tentacles derived from its body were dancing and floating in the void.

Seeing the real owner appear, his big eyes moved slightly to focus.


Huo Yuhao took Yinyue's wrist, jumped up, and landed firmly on the head of the evil-eyed tyrant.

He suddenly looked back and waved goodbye to the figure stopping at the sun and moon pool in the valley.

The person on the other side responded, with a slight smile on his lips, and gently waved goodbye.

"Go to Shuangyue Palace." Huo Yuhao calmly ordered.

The Evil Emperor accepted the order and then slowly floated up, driving his huge body towards the direction of Silver Moon City.

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing into the sky.

The God of Love slowly lowered his waving elbows, a trace of loneliness flashed in his beautiful eyes.


Along the way, Huo Yuhao was thinking about his plans and arrangements before leaving.

Yin Yue stood silently behind him, her thoughts surging like a tide.


Frost Moon Palace.

After sending Yin Yue to arrive and saying a simple goodbye, Huo Yuhao drove the Evil Emperor away and left behind Yin Yue who was hesitant to speak.

Looking at the retreating figure, she felt empty in her heart.

Helping him solve the flaws in his martial soul seems to be a trivial matter to him. He doesn't pay attention to the follow-up, and he doesn't seem to care whether there will be rewards in the follow-up.

In his eyes, he seems to have little value...

rights, values.

She has now become the most talented generation among the Frost Moon royal family, unmatched by anyone.

In the past, I didn't fight for anything, and everyone thought I was going to die soon. They looked down upon me, ignored me, ignored me, and occupied me.

Now, it's time to take back those things that should belong to me.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed across her crimson eyes.


Naturally, Huo Yuhao didn't know about Yinyue's inner change and didn't bother to pay attention to it.

He is now on his way to the Tulip territory of the Sun Empire.

Now, the opportunity for the fairy grass in Qiankun Wenqing Valley has been obtained.

This side of the Sun and Moon Continent.

He was taking root in the Lieyang Empire, establishing the "Spirit Transferring Tower" and "Mingde Hall", promoting the update and iteration of soul guidance device technology, and at the same time reaching out to mine the empire's mineral veins.

The Sun Moon Continent is rich in metal minerals for the production of soul guides, which is most suitable for promoting the development of technology.

Of course, the soul guidance technology he developed in the Sun and Moon Continent was limited to low-level soul guidance devices from level one to level three.

After everything was on track, there was no need for him to stay in the Sun and Moon Continent.

Over there in Douluo Continent.

Tang San, who was recalled by him, had a god-king level soul.

Although he has consumed the opponent's accumulated soul power several times, keeping him in a weak stage, there are still hidden dangers, so it is better to keep an eye on him personally to avoid special situations that are beyond his reach.

After what happened to Qiankun Wenqing Valley, Tang San would definitely understand that the Killing City was a hook.

Use Shura's position as a guide to trick him into taking the bait.

The truth is that it was actually a cage specially built for him.

After Tang San reacts, he will definitely try to escape at all costs.


Soon, Huo Yuhao arrived at Tulip Castle riding on the Evil Emperor.

At this time, the castle was already impregnable and was developing rapidly next to the Glory City.

There is an advanced soul guidance device hidden inside the castle.

When necessary, you can take it out to scare people with evil intentions.

He simply told Peris that he had something to do and needed to stay in a secret place in the Frost Moon Empire for half a year. During this period, he would take care of the Spirit Pagoda and Tulip Territory.

Afterwards, Huo Yuhao took advantage of the Evil Emperor and left in a grand manner.

It's time to return to Douluo Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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