Chapter 254 The Worry-Free Pope (First Update)
Douluo Continent.

Star Luo Empire, a land on the seaside.

The harbor was busy at this time, and the crew was busy unloading cargo.

During this period, maybe three or two people chatted for a while, and their topic invariably turned to the Star Luo Royal Fleet that disappeared that year.

That ship belonged to one of the royal navy's chief fleets and was equipped with a complete team of soul masters, totaling more than two hundred people.

It is said that he was originally ordered to go to sea to search for something, but there has been no news since the departure.

People have speculated that they may have lost their way or suffered a disaster and sank to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, the sky over the ocean line in the distance instantly became dim and gloomy, becoming completely black.

Suddenly, a violent mist surged up, like a ferocious beast opening its mouth, trying to swallow the entire sea surface.

When the crew members who were unloading saw this scene, they thought to themselves that extremely bad weather was coming? Then they must seize the time to complete the unloading work!
However, just as everyone was panicking and busy, the mysterious fog quietly dissipated without warning, as if it had never appeared.


At the same time, over the harbor.

The Evil Emperor's huge mountain-like body, under the cover of Huo Yuhao's powerful simulated soul skills, quietly passed over the Xingluo Seaport, its tentacles dancing erratically without any place, but it did not attract anyone's attention.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao stood above the Evil Emperor's head, overlooking everything familiar in the harbor. Even the air was full of joy.

After ten days, he finally crossed the boundless ocean and returned from the distant Sun and Moon Continent.

Under Huo Yuhao's control, the surface of the Evil Eye Tyrant's body was shrouded in a layer of light clouds, making it look like a white cloud floating in the low altitude, blending in with the surrounding environment and not attracting attention at all. .

The Evil Emperor was looking around and observing.

Is this the Douluo Continent, the place where the Lord comes from?
In terms of appearance alone, there seems to be no difference from the humans on the Sun and Moon Continent.

The Evil Emperor passed over the territory of the Star Luo Empire like a ghost.

Above the clouds.

Huo Yuhao in the cloud was wondering, had anything happened during his absence?
So he decided to visit Xingluo City along the way before returning to Wuhun Palace.

In the more than half a year since he left, he doesn't know how the soul guidance technology has been absorbed here. He can consider opening up the intermediate soul guidance technology of levels four to six.

The Sun Moon Continent has begun to lay the foundation, and the Douluo Continent must be at least one version ahead.


Outside Xingluo City.

A distinctive white cloud appeared in the sky, approaching in a slow and strange way.


Star Luo City·Martial Soul Temple.

Platinum Bishop Livier was worshiping devoutly in front of the angel statue.

"Your Majesty the Bishop is truly a man of doctrine."

Clear laughter and praise came from behind. Levier suddenly looked back and saw a familiar young man in black robe walking towards the lobby with a smile on his face. Next to him was a tall man in red robe with a hat on his head. The hood makes it difficult to see the specific appearance.

When Livier saw the young man in black robe, he was startled for a moment, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes. He put on an indifferent smile on his face and immediately bowed to the young man in black robe.

"I have met His Royal Highness the Holy Son."

"Aren't you worried that I am fake?" Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"There were indeed imposters during His Highness's absence, but they were just clowns. Naturally, they couldn't be hidden from those of us who witnessed His Highness's grace." Livier said with a complimentary smile.

"Has anything changed in the mainland during my absence?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"The general structure has not changed much. Although our Spirit Hall has been trying to infiltrate the Star Luo Empire, the Dai family still controls the situation in the entire empire. As for the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Qinghe is in charge of the government." Veyer said. What he said was actually quite reserved and restrained.

Others can't hear anything, only those who truly know the core secrets of Wuhun Palace know.

The so-called Emperor Qinghe is not even a puppet. At least the puppet emperor is still a true royal bloodline, while Xue Qinghe is a third-hand person who has been transferred and transferred again, and is a person of the "Martial Soul Palace" through and through.

Under the control of Xue Qinghe's puppet, the Tiandou Empire has been completely controlled.

"Where is His Majesty the Pope? What actions has she taken recently?" Huo Yuhao asked.

He knew that Bibi Dong was not a peaceful person.

After the last three sects were destroyed, she planned to destroy the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

However, this momentum was stopped by him because the "mass base was not strong enough", but with her ambition, it would be somewhat unrealistic if she did not do something else in the past six months.

After listening to Huo Yuhao's words, Livier's face became very strange, and he secretly sighed in his heart: His Royal Highness the Holy Son actually knows so much about His Majesty the Pope's thoughts?
"His Majesty the Pope has basically been collecting information about the hundred thousand year old soul beast during this period. He has just received specific information recently. He should have gained something. He may launch a soul hunting operation in the near future." Livier said predictably.

One hundred thousand year soul beast

Soul hunting operation?

Huo Yuhao's mind immediately recalled the famous scene when Xiao Wu made a sacrifice.

This is not a good thing.

You know, in the past they could jump up and down in the Star Dou Forest entirely because those soul beasts in Ditian were sleeping.

They woke up during this period, and they are still sleeping to death.

Moreover, the Red King is currently awake in order to protect Qiu'er.

Star Forest.

Red King, Titan Giant Ape, Azure Bull Python, and A Yin.

One ferocious beast king and three hundred thousand year soul beasts.

This is no longer simple just because of its superficial strength.

If Wuhun Palace launches a soul-hunting operation, it will be difficult to fight head-on.

If the sound of fighting awakens other ferocious beast kings, what will happen to the Wuhun Palace?
"About when did it happen?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"The news was closed about seven days ago. If we really take action, we still need the approval of the motion and preparations from all sides. As for whether the main forum has taken any action, I can't say for sure," Livier said.

It should be noted that the senior officials of Wuhun Palace want to hunt down the hundred thousand year old soul beast. This is a top secret operation and must be approved by the Elder Palace before it can be carried out.

The entire operation, from the drafting of the plan, through the proposal of the proposal, the determination of the number of participants in the operation, and the end of the operation, during any link, as long as the operation has not ended, the relevant information must be strictly blocked, and there is absolutely no possibility of leakage.

Huo Yuhao looked a little solemn after hearing this.

After giving some brief instructions to the other party, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at Huo Yuhao's retreating figure, a trace of surprise flashed in Livier's eyes.

Judging from the attitude of the Holy Son at this moment, it seems that he does not expect the Pope to successfully complete this hunting operation...


The Evil Emperor revealed his true form, and under the cover of Huo Yuhao's simulated soul skills, he crossed the void and headed straight for Wuhun City.

Huo Yuhao frowned slightly.

I hope Bibi Dong won't be too anxious to leave. Going to the Star Dou Forest at such a critical moment is just to see her off.

Even though she is such a big person, she still makes people worry.

(End of this chapter)

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