Chapter 268 Tang San’s escape (first update)
Finally, Tang San came to the end of Hell Road and saw a gap in the light hole in front of him from a distance, emitting hazy light waves.

Through that layer of fluctuations, you can vaguely see the outside world.

There was a glimmer of hope in Tang San's eyes.

As long as he can cross that boundary, he can get the realm of the God of Death that he dreams of!
He knew very well that the Killing God Realm was a god-given reward for clearing the road to hell, and the Killing Fields was not directly related to Yum Victory.

Seeing the exit right in front of him, Tang San flew out, preparing to cross the last layer of rippled light curtain.

However, at this moment, a figure in black robe suddenly appeared in the bright hole in front, with a pair of bright golden butterfly wings gently fluttering behind it.

This made Tang San, who was about to move forward, suddenly stop, with a ferocious expression on his face, staring at the figure suspended in mid-air, his eyes full of resentment.

The black-robed figure had dark blue hair, and his eyes emitted a faint golden light, as bright as stars. There was a heart-stopping cold aura about him, and he was looking down at him from a high position.

"Huo Yuhao?!" Tang San was shocked, his face filled with a complicated look of disbelief and anger.

"You seem to be surprised to see me." Huo Yuhao's voice was as calm as water, without any waves.

At this moment, Hell Road suddenly began to tremble violently and collapsed at an alarming speed.

When Tang San saw this, he gritted his teeth and raised his left hand, an unparalleled wave of powerful soul power suddenly emerged from his palm.

Immediately afterwards, a huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared out of thin air in his palm, with a dazzling light shining on it.

At the same time, five soul rings, white, white, white, black, and black, lit up one after another under his feet. Together with the power of the divine soul, they exuded powerful pressure.

Tang San roared angrily, swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand with all his strength, and struck hard at Huo Yuhao in front.

This blow gathered the power of his spiritual thoughts.

Huo Yuhao just waved his hand lightly, and in an instant he set off an earth-shattering storm of soul power. This majestic and vast soul power surged like an overwhelming mountain, directly colliding with Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and Tang San and his men were violently sent flying dozens of meters away with the hammer, and hit hard on the hard rock above the lava blood pool on Hell Road, creating countless spider web-like cracks.

Tang San groaned and coughed up blood on the spot.

After just the first collision, he clearly realized that the current Huo Yuhao was simply not something he could compete with today.

The situation is extremely critical at this moment, and a little carelessness may lead to death.

He immediately turned around to avoid Huo Yuhao's attack range and take the opportunity to rush out of this hell road.

Because as long as he can cross the hole leading to the outside world, he can obtain the Killing God Domain and escape the dangerous place of the Killing City.

However, as soon as he made a move, he was ruthlessly kicked out by Huo Yuhao again, and his body fell heavily to the ground. His cheeks were swollen, looking like a pig's head.

"Did I give you permission to move?" Huo Yuhao asked with cold eyes and a voice without any warmth.

Tang San fell to the ground, holding his swollen and burning cheek, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Huo Yuhao, his eyes full of resentment and unwillingness.

He knew very well that with his current strength, he was completely unable to compete with Huo Yuhao.

And Huo Yuhao came to his door again and again to provoke trouble, which not only broke up the power of his soul that he had finally gathered, but also teased him like this, just to play with him!
"What on earth do you want?!" Tang San squeezed out these words from between his teeth, full of anger and questioning.

Huo Yuhao's figure flashed and appeared in front of Tang San like a ghost. Then he suddenly bent his knees and hit Tang San's abdomen like a cannonball!
Tang San was caught off guard and had to raise his hands in a hurry to try to resist, but Huo Yuhao's movement was too fast. In the blink of an eye, his knee had hit him hard in the abdomen! However, it wasn't over yet. Huo Yuhao didn't stop after he succeeded in the attack. Instead, he followed the trend and pushed upward with his knee again, hitting Tang San's chin hard!
The whole set of movements was done smoothly and smoothly, without any sloppiness!

Suffering such a violent attack, Tang San couldn't bear it at all, and his body immediately flew backwards, falling heavily towards the lava and blood pool.

The Hell Road merged into the ground again, and Tang San struggled to get up from the ground, his face covered with blood. He stared at Huo Yuhao in front of him in horror, his heart filled with despair and helplessness.

"Did I say that the 'test' is over?" Huo Yuhao looked at Tang San who was lying on the ground coldly, with a trace of teasing flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, Tang San clearly realized that he was at an absolute disadvantage. Facing such a powerful opponent as Huo Yuhao, he had no power to fight back.

"Don't worry too much. I'm a kind-hearted person and I never like to kill everyone. But..." Huo Yuhao suddenly changed the subject, "Whatever you did to me back then, I will repay you twice as much today!"

Huo Yuhao instantly appeared in front of Tang San, stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, lifted him up, and forced him to look at him.

"Do you think that as long as you go through the hell road and gain the realm of the God of Death, you can regain the Shura position?" Huo Yuhao asked with a half-smile.

Tang San bit his lip tightly and said nothing, but the fear and unwillingness in his eyes were clearly revealed.

At this moment, the seven law enforcers from behind had caught up in hot pursuit.

Huo Yuhao threw it without hesitation, and Tang San fell into the hell road. His body was instantly imprisoned, unable to move at all!

The seven law enforcers took action one after another. They held sharp blades and stabbed into Tang San's back mercilessly.

In an instant, Tang San could only be heard screaming in agony, accompanied by heavy and painful breathing.

Tang San's body was pierced by a sharp sword and nailed to death on the road to hell, as if it had become a work of art displaying cruelty and violence.

Huo Yuhao landed quietly on the ground, and then slowly walked towards Tang San step by step, his eyes as cold as ice, "I told you before, this was just the beginning."

Immediately afterwards, Huo Yuhao stretched out his hand, pinched the back of Tang San's neck tightly, and pulled Tang San down from the hell road.

The huge golden ghost butterfly wings behind Huo Yuhao suddenly spread out, shining with dazzling light.

He grabbed Tang San's face that was distorted by pain, and like a violent whirlwind, he rushed towards the source.

Tang San's eyes widened, and he watched helplessly as the exit got further and further away from him, his heart filled with despair and helplessness.


Killing Fields.

Golden light emerged from the shattered killing field.

Huo Yuhao grabbed Tang San and returned to the killing city, throwing the limp Tang San into the killing field below.

Then, Huo Yuhao's star bracelet flashed, and a soul guide spear appeared in his palm. He threw it through the air, piercing Tang San's body accurately and nailing him to the cold and hard ground.

Huo Yuhao towered high above the arena, his posture as tall as a pine tree.

"Heilian, see you, Your Majesty!" Black Lotus hurried over and bowed respectfully towards the figure in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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