Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 270 Ice and Snow 2 Emperor

Chapter 270 The Two Ice and Snow Emperors (single chapter)
The far north.

In this boundless frozen world, it is designated as a restricted area of ​​life, shrouded in snowstorms all year round, and it is bitingly cold.

In this absolutely forbidden area where the weather is cold and freezing, there is a pure white land that cannot be invaded by wind and snow.

It was at the mouth of a snow-capped valley towering into the clouds. The valley was covered in ice, making walking on flat ground impossible.

There are many huge ice prism flowers blooming on the surrounding ground, and there is a road leading directly to the central high platform, which is like a temple throne.

Windless area

The residence of the Snow Emperor, the ruler of the far north.

The Ice Emperor, who had just completed a hunt, was riding the cold wind whistling from high in the sky.

She held the huge hunted soul beast high in her hand and threw it down without hesitation. The huge impact caused the sky to be filled with ice, snow and dense haze.

"Xue'er, I'm back." A clear voice came from the diffuse ice fog.

Immediately afterwards, a green shadow slowly emerged from the frost and mist.

It was a beautiful girl wearing a light green dress, her skin was as white as snow, and her eyes were shining with green light. Her dark green hair was tied up high, forming two neat high ponytails, which swayed gently as she walked, like fluttering green flames.

ice King
One of the three kings of the Far North
Four Hundred Thousand Years·Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion

The Ice Emperor's gaze passed over the intertwined ice-edge flower plants and went straight to the high platform in the center, with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

On top of the Xuanbingyu collapse of the high platform, a figure was sitting. With her legs bent, she stared quietly at the distant south, seemingly lost in thought.

He didn't care about what was happening below, as if he was isolated from the world.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ice Emperor couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart.

She just dodged a few times and was already on the high platform, calling the Snow Emperor softly. However, she was still immersed in her own thoughts and turned a deaf ear to the sounds of the outside world.

Seeing this, the Ice Emperor couldn't help but frown and then sighed.

Since he left, Xue'er didn't get along with her anymore.

The Ice Emperor walked lightly and sat down next to the Snow Emperor. He turned his head slightly and stared at the Snow Emperor's beautiful profile, his eyes flickering.

Suddenly, she made a sneak attack without warning, and her snow-white claws struck straight towards the Snow Emperor's towering snow peaks like lightning.

However, in an instant, her claws were stopped in mid-air.

"Bing'er, don't make trouble." The Snow Emperor gently let go of the Ice Emperor's wrist.

"If I don't do this, how can you pay attention to me?" Ice Emperor grunted reluctantly, showing a rather resentful expression.

You can continue to be in a daze at this time. It feels like you are guarding against me.

"I really don't understand what's so good about that guy that makes Xue'er so worried and missing him day and night." Ice Emperor complained.

Although Ice Emperor was tough-talking, that figure appeared in his mind for no reason.

She was startled for a moment, then shook her head vigorously, slapping the guy in her mind away.

She quickly put these distracting thoughts behind her and faced the Snow Emperor with a straight face.

Faced with the Ice Emperor's question, the Snow Emperor didn't make too many excuses. He just smiled softly and then lowered his head.

"Xue'er, you can't do this to me. I came all the way from Bingbi Lake to find you. Your indifferent attitude really chills me." The Ice Emperor complained with aggrieved heart.

"What's wrong with me?" Snow Emperor looked at the aggrieved Ice Emperor with a smile. His smile was like the warm spring sun, making people feel extremely warm.

Her tone was a bit teasing, as if she was deliberately teasing the Ice Emperor.

"Asking even though you know it, huh!" The Ice Emperor turned away angrily, no longer looking at the Snow Emperor.

Snow Emperor chuckled a little, with a hint of mystery that was unpredictable.

She did not answer the Ice Emperor, but turned her gaze to the southern sky.

Suddenly, Snow Emperor's azure eyes suddenly lit up, like bright stars in the night sky, dazzling and revealing a little bit of...surprise.

The Ice Emperor keenly felt the changes in the Snow Emperor, and his heart tightened.

"What's wrong? What happened?" There was a little anxiety and worry in her voice.

Snow Emperor's eyes returned to clarity, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"There's a surprise, the surprise you've been waiting for." She said softly, with a mysterious light shining in her eyes.

"What is it?" The Ice Emperor couldn't help feeling a little confused after hearing the Snow Emperor's words.

At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the southern sky, pressing down like a black mountain.

This shadow exudes heart-stopping mental fluctuations that seem to penetrate people's souls. It rushed straight into the far north at an astonishing speed, setting off a huge blizzard wherever it passed. The cold and biting wind roared and swept everything, exuding the terrifying smell of beasts.

When the Ice Emperor saw this, she raised her elbows to protect her forehead. The soul power in her body instantly aroused, forming a powerful shield and entering a high alert state.

She stared closely at the southern sky, feeling the strong spiritual pressure and not daring to relax at all.

As the blurry shadow quickly approached the Windless Territory.

The Snow Emperor also stood up from the Xuanyu bed at this time.

The dark monster in the distant sky revealed its true face - it turned out to be a huge vertical pupil standing between the world of ice and snow, with countless twisted tentacles growing around it, which looked weird and terrifying.

At this moment, the big eyes exuded terrifying mental pressure and were pressing towards the Windless Territory, carrying a terrifying sense of oppression.

Feeling a huge threat, the Ice Emperor immediately jumped into the sky, turned into a green rainbow and flew towards the monster, standing outside the windless area.

The wind and snow are drifting.

The Snow Emperor stepped on the snowflakes in the sky and landed next to the Ice Emperor, looking at the huge vertical pupils calmly.

The evil-eyed tyrant master relied on his strong mental power to notice the two ice and snow emperors blocking the way, and focused on the small figure in his eyes.

The Evil Emperor, who was determined to clear obstacles and never let his master worry, performed a test on the spot.

The tentacles on the Evil Emperor's body squirmed, entangled with the Ice Emperor high in the sky in front of the Windless Region, ready to attack at any time.

"Don't be impudent!" Huo Yuhao snorted coldly, his voice cold and biting, with an unquestionable majesty.

"Sister Ice Emperor, I, I'm here." A clear voice came from above the Evil Emperor's head. Zi Ling jumped up and down trying to jump higher so that she could be seen.

The Ice Emperor raised his head when he heard this, and his eyes passed through the flying snow in the sky and landed on the young man in black robe who stood tall above the huge vertical pupils.

His dark blue short hair was flying wildly in the blizzard, his eyes were shining with bright golden light, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, outlining a gentle and doting smile.

"Ice Emperor, long time no see." The young man in black robe said with a gentle smile, and the emotions contained in his words surged like a tidal wave.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ice Emperor froze as if struck by lightning.

Her eyes widened and she stared at the figure in disbelief. Her mind went blank except for one thought that kept echoing.

It's him...he's back...

At this time, thousands of mountains were covered with snow.

The Snow Emperor stepped on the sky, with snowflakes floating in the sky, and came lightly through the air. He hovered next to the Ice Emperor, raising his head and gazing at the figure tenderly.

"Sister Snow Emperor."

Zi Ling Yukong flew towards the Snow Emperor, wanting to hug him, but was stopped by the Ice Emperor.

Huo Yuhao crossed over in the air and came to the Second Ice and Snow Emperor with a bright smile on his face.

"Snow Emperor, long time no see, I'm back."

The Snow Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao who had returned, with a peaceful smile on his plain face, and his blue eyes sparkling.

The group of people landed in the windless area.

The huge evil-eyed tyrant at the rear had an illusory figure, and then turned into a red-robed man, following behind Huo Yuhao.

"Sister Ice Emperor, do you still remember me?" Zi Ling came to Ice Emperor's side and looked at her head to say hello.

"Yeah." Ice Emperor responded.

She had been with Zi Ling for a while, so she didn't forget it. She was thinking about a question at this time.

Why did Xueer seem to be able to predict Huo Yuhao's arrival in advance? Could it be that this is really some kind of "telepathy"?
When Xueer's accident happened, Huo Yuhao came all the way to kill her, and that was what he said.

It's good now, they all have feelings, so who do you think you are?
The Evil Emperor is observing secretly at this time.

His gesture of preparing to take action just now was actually a fake move, for the purpose of testing.

When he saw the Second Ice and Snow Emperor, he felt as if he had seen the light of day in his heart.


The cultivation level of these two soul beasts is not low, and they belong to the category of ferocious beasts that are far more than a hundred thousand years old. They are obviously the old friends that the Lord is looking for.

If they can all live well, then the possibility of avoiding the sacrifice will increase a bit.

As long as you study more and be sensible, you will always have the opportunity to live a good life.

"Where did you find these big eyes?" The Ice Emperor looked at the Evil Emperor behind Huo Yuhao, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

With these big eyes, one can roughly deduce the strength of the opponent just from the fluctuation of soul power aura emitted when he appears.

That sense of oppression is completely comparable to that of the "Black Dragon" that broke into the Far North. At least it is not inferior to the other party in terms of momentum.

The problem is, that black dragon is regarded as the "Beast God" by countless soul beasts. Where did those big eyes come from, and why does it follow Huo Yuhao?
"When I was out sailing, I happened to discover another continent. I met him there and I told him to make him a god, so he decided to follow me." Huo Yuhao explained.

"Is it really that simple?" Ice Emperor was a little suspicious. No matter how you looked at it, he looked like he was trying to trick a child. Do you really think she would believe it?

If you really have this ability, why don't you go to the Star Dou Forest and tell the black dragon and let him follow you?

"Well... there was a fight during the period." Huo Yuhao followed her words and said with a bright smile on his face.

The Ice King nodded.

It turned out to be the case.

This seems more reasonable.

As for why Huo Yuhao is so capable that his eyes are too big? Hyokui didn't have any suspicion at all.

The Evil Emperor following behind had a strange expression.

I didn't give in to my master without a fight at that time. Isn't it very unreasonable?

However, at that time, people put guns to his head, which made it very clear.

Either beat him to death and turn him into a soul ring.

Either offer a sacrifice and become a soul.

It is not easy for him to find a way out of this.

"Another continent?" Snow Emperor's tone revealed some surprise.

"Well, overall, it's about the same as Douluo Continent." Huo Yuhao said.

"Is there an extremely cold place over there?" the Snow Emperor asked curiously.

Ice Emperor also became a little curious.

Will there be ferocious beasts over there?
Are there any weird and sexy bitches popping up?

Huo Yuhao immediately shook his head, "No, the overall latitude of their continent is much lower. It is near the equator. It has high temperatures all year round and is like spring all year round. In addition, the skin of the people there is slightly darker."

"Is this like this?" Ice Emperor sounded a little... at a loss.

To be honest, his explanation was decent and logical, but she didn't understand it.

Let alone her, even the Evil Emperor of the Sun and Moon Continent was confused at this time.

Good guy, I need to clarify, that is a concept of human division and has nothing to do with us soul beasts. We choose to remain silent.

"As for the extremely cold places, I don't know if there is a southern continent. If there is, maybe we can catch a few 'penguins' and bring them back to raise." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Penguin?" Ice Emperor was a little curious.

"Hmm... It's similar to Xiaobai, but the hair will be smoother, the walk will be twisted, and it can also dive and swim." Huo Yuhao explained with a smile.

"Oh." Ice Emperor nodded.

Is it as cute as Xiaobai?

To be honest, it's hard to imagine what kind of creature that would be.

"Has anything happened in the Far North during my absence?" Huo Yuhao asked.

The Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor looked at each other.

Snow Emperor shook his head slightly, "It's just a common thing."

In fact, there is.

Human soul masters have gone deeper and deeper into the Far North, causing a lot of killings and intensifying conflicts.

It's just that this kind of thing happens all the time, and there seems to be no need to mention it to him.

Huo Yuhao didn't think much about it. After all, he was not a child of the curse. He couldn't go anywhere without being robbed, right?

"Is this the prey you hunted? No wonder I didn't see you in Ice Green Lake before." Huo Yuhao looked at the diamond mammoth that had fallen upside down in the ice-edge flower column in the windless area. It was six meters away.

"Otherwise." Ice Emperor snorted, folding his hands on his hips, looking quite arrogant.

However, I heard that he had gone to look for him before, and some strange emotions welled up in his heart.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao just chuckled.

She quite likes hunting such spirit beasts.

It is indeed interesting that a scorpion eats an elephant.

Huo Yuhao looked at the diamond mammoth, then took out the Life Watching Blade and made a sumptuous meal for everyone.

The Evil Emperor never expected that he could still enjoy such treatment.

Zi Ling and Xue Di are a vegetarian duo, and Huo Yuhao specially prepared some fresh fruits and vegetables.

The star bracelet is all-encompassing and has everything.

During the dinner, Huo Yuhao took the initiative to talk about his overseas experiences and briefly introduced the situation in the Sun and Moon Continent.

This was the third time he mentioned it, and his words became smoother.

The Second Ice and Snow Emperor was not very interested in the situation in the Sun Moon Continent, but was more concerned about the soul beasts there. When asked occasionally, the Evil Emperor, a "native", responded proactively.

As a result, the number of 100,000-year-old soul beasts on the Sun Moon Continent is extremely rare, and it is the only super ferocious beast on the surface.

"The soul beasts in the Sun and Moon Continent are roughly like this. If we talk about soul beast settlements, there should be high-ranking soul beasts hidden in the three restricted areas of the ocean." Evil Emperor introduced.

"Three restricted areas in the ocean?" Huo Yuhao was also a little surprised when he heard this.

"Well, I once encountered an octopus in the deep sea. Its cultivation level is about 800,000 years old. It seems to be the master of one of the three restricted areas." The evil emperor said.

"Eight hundred thousand years?!" Everyone was shocked when the Ice Emperor heard this number.

Snow Emperor was also a little surprised.

Such a high level of cultivation?

"What about the other two restricted areas?" Huo Yuhao asked.

The ocean has always been an area that he has not been involved in much.

He only knew about the deep-sea demon whale king recorded in history who had cultivated for nearly a million years.

Besides it, are there other ocean overlords?

 I haven’t saved any manuscripts. I’m going out for training tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. My eyes hurt so much. I stay up late every day and don’t go to bed until half past one.
(End of this chapter)

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