Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 287 The Frost Goddess gives some advice

God Realm, Frost Temple.

On top of the Frost God's Throne, a noble and elegant woman wearing a light blue dress sat.

Her chest was rising and falling with anger, and she raised her hand to hold her breath.

Is this called a divine test?
Can this FMD also be called a divine test?
Your fight is not even an exhibition match! Are you going to make trouble with me?

The Frost Goddess was really angry and lost her temper.

I set a three-month deadline for you, not for you to stay in the narrow ice field for three months, and then fight against the Ice Emperor against time!
Furthermore, the Ice Emperor has 400,000 years of cultivation, and Huo Yuhao is at level 76.

Of course she knew such a big gap.

Therefore, she had no intention of letting Huo Yuhao go through it once.

It's not good if the road is too smooth. His temper still needs to be polished.

The task content of the assessment she assigned was to "hold on for one stick of incense", not to defeat the Ice Emperor.

The Frost Goddess believed that the conditions she had set were broad enough.

As long as you spend some time and study the tactics a little, with the Frost God Realm given by her and the three self-created secrets, you have a chance to survive a stick of incense, right?
During the divine examination, she warned me in advance not to do anything frivolous to me.

When I'm looking forward to this showdown, you're just going to make this happen for me?
Do you still want a reward?
There are no doors!

The Frost Goddess became more and more angry as she thought about it.

Seeing how the fifth divine test has turned out, this sixth divine test must not bring about the end of the Snow Emperor.

Otherwise, no matter how many rules she sets, the two young lovers will not be able to fight.

No, this sixth divine test must be changed.

The ice blue eyes of the Frost Goddess exude a cold light.

Then she became discouraged again.

Specially formulating the content of the divine test is a bit brain-consuming.

Tired, destroy it.


The far north, the ice green lake.

Huo Yuhao, who had just finished the fifth divine test, fell into deep thought.

No, where is my reward?

What about the god-given soul ring that was promised before? By the way, I didn’t bribe the examiner.

Inexplicably, the memory of instructing the Evil Emperor to capture a diamond mammoth came to Huo Yuhao's mind.

After a meal, Hyokui's attitude softened somewhat.

No, does this count?
Huo Yuhao suddenly felt that this world was extremely absurd, and the divine world was even more fucking absurd.

He didn't mention the divine test at that time, and he didn't ask her to show off or be merciful.

What's even more difficult is that.

As described previously, even if "bribery" is included, the reward will be cut in half.

He directly cut off the rewards for the Divine Examination.

It's not that he cares about the assessment rewards, the key point is - I can don't want it, but you can't not give it!
Huo Yuhao looked at the Ice Emperor and saw the fluctuation of soul power on her body just now, which should be a blessing from the gods.

In this case, what reward does she have?

"What's wrong?" Snow Emperor walked towards Huo Yuhao and asked softly.

"It's not a big deal." Huo Yuhao shook his head.

He then turned to look at the Evil Emperor not far away.

Forget it, it's just a god-given soul ring, he has something more worthy of it.

The Evil Emperor was glanced at by Huo Yuhao for no apparent reason.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and his heart was tingling, as if something bad was about to happen.

He reminded himself in his mind that he must be careful not to get involved in any "party disputes" in the near future.


Huo Yuhao's side.

He waited and waited, but did not wait for the news of the next divine test.

This confused him.

How is this going?

Generally speaking, after the current exam is over, the content of the next exam will be announced. Otherwise, you can't just hang out during this gap, right?

According to the practice of divine examinations, the content of this sixth examination will most likely involve competing with the high priest.

After all, the seventh divine test is probably related to the inherited artifact.

The Eighth Divine Test, soul bone suit, plus special tasks

The Ninth Divine Examination, that is the final chapter, requires climbing to the top of the Divine Realm for the salary award assessment.

The last three tests are all relatively critical.

Coincidentally, the High Priest of Frost Priest, Snow Emperor!

It’s hard not to wonder whether the Frost Goddess is revising the assessment script overnight?

As for you, why did Huo Yuhao get the inherited artifact in the third test of [Shura Divine Test]?
That was purely luck. Who allowed him to get it in advance?

Moreover, theoretically speaking, Huo Yuhao also completed the eighth test ahead of schedule, which Tang Chen had never surpassed - he sacrificed the blood-red nine-headed bat king.

In addition, he also killed the high priest of the Shura priesthood (Tang Chen)

Therefore, theoretically, his sixth test is not needed.

The content of [Shura Divine Examination·The Fourth Item] mentioned - killing three hundred thousand year old soul beasts.

It is not difficult to guess that God Shura most likely wants him to collect all the soul bone suits.

He had almost finished all the Shura Divine Tests ahead of schedule, and the only ones that could be tested later were the fourth, fifth, and ninth tests.

This is also the reason why the difficulty of his fourth test is so abnormal.


Huo Yuhao and others stayed at Ice Emperor's Ice Blue Lake for a few days.

The Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor are like sisters, so they naturally have something to talk about.

The Evil Emperor has been trying to avoid Huo Yuhao recently and rarely hangs around in front of him.

It's nothing, it's just a matter of intuition. He's been feeling a little nervous lately.

Huo Yuhao still hasn't waited for the sixth test.

He couldn't help but frown.

Isn’t the Frost Goddess’ head working well?
It’s just an assessment topic, does it need to be considered for so long?
Little did he know that in a certain temple in the God Realm, a certain noble and elegant goddess was lying down in front of the chopping board, struggling to write a few words. The pen was almost chewed, but only a piece of waste paper was left.

The goddess scratched her head in confusion and went crazy.

I'm so annoying.

She really wanted to use a template to deal with it, but she still felt unconvinced in her heart. She always wanted to give the inheritor something to show, otherwise, after he became a god, wouldn't he slap her in the face?
The main thing is that that guy is not just his own inheritor.

She could even imagine the arrogant look on her face when the other party became the new Shura God Queen.

It makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Damn it, I definitely can’t make it easy for him!
At least not at this stage!
However, it turns out.

Before becoming a god and after becoming a god, intelligence is at two extremes.

Before I became a god, I was super strong and felt like I could dominate the circle of great gods.

After becoming a god, I am so tired, what? Even if you become a god, you still have to be on duty? !
The Frost Goddess was completely decadent.

After much hesitation, she dialed Emperor Xue's contact number and, um... sent a message.



"The Frost Goddess asked you if you have any suggestions for the Sixth Divine Examination." The Snow Emperor told Huo Yuhao frankly.

After all, he is a person participating in the assessment and is relatively clear about the current target requirements.

From the perspective of the Frost Goddess, I just asked you to give me your opinion, but I didn’t say that I would definitely adopt it (peeping glance).

"The sixth divine test? Let me remove the inherited artifact first." Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes.



The Frost Goddess suddenly had light bulbs on her head and her eyes were bright.

Let’s take the inheritance artifact test first and think about it later when the seventh test comes.

(End of this chapter)

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