Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 289 The inherited artifact Frost Sword

Frost Temple
In the center of the frozen frost platform, stood a sword as white as snow, like an iceberg towering into the clouds, exuding a heart-stopping cold air.

Only a small part of the sword was exposed, but the sharp edge was clearly visible through the ice, as if it were made of countless ice crystals, cold and deadly.

"Inherited Artifact Frostmourne" Snow Emperor was standing aside at this time, his voice was a little low.

"This is a forged sword that once followed the Frost Goddess in conquests. Later it was upgraded to a divine weapon. The power it contains is extremely huge, and every swing contains destructive power. It can easily cut off icebergs and tear apart the void."

"Your task for this divine test is to pull it out and master it completely." The Snow Emperor raised his hand to pull up the hair by his ears and looked at Huo Yuhao next to him.

Huo Yuhao's expression was a bit strange.

The second secret skill he created is called [Emperor Sword: Frostmourne]

Snow Emperor naturally knew what he was thinking and responded with his gaze.

Huo Yuhao didn't worry too much about the name, and walked up to the Frozen Platform without hesitation.

The moment he stepped onto the frozen platform in the center, a chill suddenly filled his heart.

Huo Yuhao stretched out his right hand and grasped the hilt of the sword tightly.

In an instant, a surging cold air rushed into his body like a tide.

This cold air was extremely strong, as if it would completely freeze his blood.

"Frost God Realm"

Huo Yuhao whispered softly, and a layer of light frost mist spread out on his body and quickly covered his sword-holding palm to resist the erosion of the cold air.

Despite the protection of the "Frost God Realm", he could still feel the biting chill coming through the hilt of the sword.

This is somewhat interesting.

If you don't have the experience of practicing in the ice field, facing the divine sword that contains the power of extreme cold, I'm afraid it will be a problem to even hold it, let alone draw the sword.

Huo Yuhao stabilized his mind and concentrated his energy.

He grasped the hilt of the sword and raised it tentatively.

However, the sword blade was firmly bitten by the ice platform and did not move at all.

Looking with spiritual eyes.

It was discovered that the central ice platform was actually connected to the entire temple.

This divine sword maintains the entire Frost Temple.

Huo Yuhao's palms suddenly burned with red flames, and dragon scales the color of ice and fire appeared one after another on his arms. A huge and majestic dragon shadow appeared behind him. His whole body showed a strange color of ice and fire, and he controlled two completely different extreme powers.

Huo Yuhao's gaze was deep, and his eyes now showed red and ice blue pupils, emitting a heart-stopping light.

As the sharp dragon claws clenched the hilt of the sword, Huo Yuhao exerted force, and the entire frost platform began to shake violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

The sword that looked like an ice mirror also began to slowly surge upwards, emitting a wave of cold ice mist like a tide, making the surrounding air become bitingly cold.

This scene made everyone's eyes jump.

After pulling out this divine sword, won’t the entire temple collapse?
When one-third of the Frost Divine Sword was exposed, the mirror-like blade reflected half of his face, and his eyes were as bright as a torch.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt an extremely powerful mental impact.

This force was like a raging wave, hitting his soul hard.

Huo Yuhao's consciousness was on alert almost subconsciously, and then he found that the force actively pulled him into the extremely cold space contained in the sword body.

Huo Yuhao:? ? ?

What do you mean?
He immediately gave up resistance and followed the suction brought by the spiritual vortex, and his soul got involved in it...


In this extremely cold frost space, everything is covered with ice and snow.

The cold wind howled by, bringing endless chill.

Huo Yuhao's consciousness quietly descended on the ice.

He felt his soul glowing and heating up, and the whistling cold air around him had no effect on his soul. At this moment, the Frost Phoenix that had been curled up in the frost space suddenly opened its blood-crystal phoenix eyes. Its body stood like an iceberg, blocking out the sky and the sun, and exuded a heart-pounding aura.

The frost phoenix was staring at Huo Yuhao in front of him with its bloody phoenix eyes, and it let out a deep roar, causing the wind and snow to move.

Its unfolded frost phoenix wings flashed with cold light, each one like a sharp ice crystal, ready to attack at any time.

Huo Yuhao stood quietly in front, looking at the huddled giant in the frost space with great interest.

Weapon spirit?

This actually surprised Huo Yuhao.

But it doesn’t look like this big guy.

If there really is a weapon spirit, it should have been brought to the divine realm by the Frost Goddess;
The inherited artifact is essentially a reproduction and projection of the artifact, not the real thing.

Looking at this big guy, it looks more like a "restriction" specially arranged to embarrass people.

Do I have to defeat it if I want to get the Heritage Sword?

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

The frost phoenix raised its head and chirped, causing the entire void to tremble. The cold wind was like a wave. Its long and twisted neck lowered its head to look down at Huo Yuhao below. The sound reached its peak.

Huo Yuhao didn't move at all.

Frost Phoenix launched an attack, but Huo Yuhao just raised his hand and pressed down.

The next moment, an invisible force grabbed the Frost Phoenix's slender neck and pushed it into the frozen layer of the ice sheet below, causing broken ice crystals to splash everywhere.

Round after round of colorful divine rings appeared behind Huo Yuhao, and his eyes showed colorful divine light.

"I don't care what instructions the Frost Goddess has given you, but now, either surrender or - die!" Huo Yuhao walked towards the deep pit ahead, his eyes exuding a cold light.

The Frost Phoenix, which was stuffed into the frozen layer of the ice field, looked at the devil-like figure, its eyes emitting light like flowing fire, and the huge shadow of the Ice and Fire Glazed Dragon King appeared behind it.

The momentum that Frost Phoenix had accumulated before was mercilessly broken, and its huge body trembled.

What the fuck is this monster?

While the Frost Phoenix was in a daze, the Ice and Fire Glazed Dragon King had already set off, reaching out with its slender dragon neck and opening its bloody mouth to devour it.

Confined by rules!

Frost Phoenix couldn't move at all, and watched helplessly as the ferocious bloody mouth fell, and everything came to an abrupt end——

Chew it raw!

The Ice and Fire Glazed Dragon King feeds on the spiritual energy of the Frost Phoenix to strengthen itself.

Huo Yuhao looked at this scene indifferently.

Soul? He has no shortage of them.

If you want to control an artifact, why use the previous one?

Frost Temple.

Huo Yuhao's eyes regained their intelligence, and he grasped the Frost Divine Sword in his dragon claws and exerted force upwards.

The sword's edge, which had been stuck in a frozen state, suddenly seemed to be unlocked from its card slot, and the remaining two-thirds "cracked" out of the confines of the ice-blocking platform, breaking through the air to reveal its full image.

The light as bright as a mirror bloomed in the void, causing terrifying cold current fluctuations.

The entire Frozen Goddess suddenly lit up, and a burst of icy blue light broke through the dome of the temple, penetrated the sky, stirred up the clouds, and went straight to the outer sky——


far north
The icy blue light pillar connecting the sky and the earth can be clearly seen for thousands of miles around, exuding the vast aura of the gods.

above snowfield
Countless soul beasts were trembling and kneeling on the ground, not daring to look up.

(End of this chapter)

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