Fragmented world, island in the middle of the lake.

In front of the ancient golden tree.

The goddess of the earth floated in the air, wearing a golden dress with patterns of mountains, rivers and clouds. A golden halo appeared in the void behind her, reflecting the faint light emanating from her body.

Things like changing the soul bone explosion rate, even if she didn't say it, I'm sure the other party would be able to guess it.

“It’s a pity that in your previous life, you were trapped by Tang San’s daughter; in this life, he doesn’t have a daughter yet, so you are invincible.” There was a hint of teasing in her tone, but her eyes revealed her admiration for Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao looked normal, as if he had not heard anything, and looked up at the ancient being in front of him.

"Where did the power of sentient beings' will that you mentioned earlier that can change the world come from?"

The Earth Goddess shook her head slightly. "I am not very clear about this question. Perhaps you can only find the answer when you truly come into contact with that kind of power."

"Do you want to pursue that kind of power? Or do you want to go back to the past timeline and try to recover something you have lost?" Her eyes were as sharp as torches, staring straight at Huo Yuhao, as if she wanted to see through his eyes to see his innermost thoughts.

Huo Yuhao pursed his lips tightly and frowned slightly. After a while, he slowly spoke.

“I don’t know, that kind of power may bring some hope.” Huo Yuhao sighed softly, his eyes a little blurred.

Perhaps, in the future, we can explore the source of those wishes, try to collect them, and see if we can reverse the past...

"I summoned you here because I have something important to tell you." The Earth Goddess looked solemn and serious.

Huo Yuhao raised his head and stared at her, listening to what was to follow.

"Perhaps the crisis and disaster caused by Tang San has disappeared, and the world has broken its original balance, but another 'replacement' crisis has emerged. A dark plane that relies on devouring is targeting me." She said seriously.

"Abyss plane?" Huo Yuhao raised his eyebrows and asked.

When he was in the God Realm, he had monitored this dark plane floating in the void outside the domain.

Later, when he was in the Church of Poseidon and in the Sun-Moon Continent, he encountered that power.

"It seems that you have already come into contact with that plane." said the Goddess of Earth.

“There is only one god left in the Abyss Plane, the rest are nothing to be afraid of.” Huo Yuhao said calmly.

A first-level god was no different from an ordinary priest in his eyes.

"You have grown a lot." The Earth Goddess smiled.

She naturally knew Huo Yuhao's methods. In his previous life, he had already reached the level of a quasi-god king. Facing an abyss plane backed by only a first-level god, there was really nothing to be afraid of. The only thing he lacked now was time.

"Although I can't give you much help, I can still help them a little." The Earth Goddess's eyes fell on Qiu'er.

Huo Yuhao’s talents have already been maxed out, and he himself is the reincarnation of a god, holding two godly positions.

In this situation, even though she was a god of the earth, she really couldn't help much.

Although he cannot help Huo Yuhao, he can improve the people around him and thus play a supporting role.

Qiu'er is the emperor's auspicious beast, the owner of the Eye of Destiny, has the blood of a golden dragon, and shoulders the destiny of the Star Dou Great Forest. She is the perfect choice.

"I will call you 'Qiu'er' just like Yuhao." The Earth Goddess smiled gently.

"Qiu'er, hello to the great god of the earth." Qiu'er seemed a little nervous and bowed quickly.

"No need to worry about these etiquettes." The Earth Goddess smiled.

"Yuhao has too many deities to take care of, and there is a possibility that he will create his own deity in the future. You have the power of destiny and shoulder part of the luck of the soul beast lineage. I see that you have a destiny today, so I will bless you."

As she spoke, she raised her hand and waved it, sending down a rich golden light that enveloped Qiu'er.

[God-level blessing]

[Bloodline Awakening: Golden Dragon King]

[Cultivation level increases to the seventh ring gold]

[Upgrade of Talented Soul Skills]

[Talent Field: Golden Field]


Qiu'er felt that earth-shaking changes were taking place in her body.

The blood of the golden dragon is sublimated;
Talent skills are comprehensively strengthened;
The field effect is greatly improved.

Ever since she transformed and started to cultivate again, her cultivation level is still relatively weak.

Now her cultivation has reached the seventh ring directly, and she possesses a martial soul avatar, which can be used to unleash the true strength of the Golden Dragon Clan!

The ultimate power is indestructible and can break anything!

"Give me some more of your blood." The Earth Goddess smiled gently.

Hearing this, Qiu'er looked at Huo Yuhao beside her hesitantly, asking for his opinion.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly. He had a deep connection with the Earth Goddess, an existence that was almost bound to him. She was an existence worthy of trust.

Seeing this, Qiu'er raised her fingertips and sharp dragon claws appeared, gently scratching her left wrist.

In an instant, the golden-red blood condensed into beads and floated in the void.


Those blood beads gathered together under the guidance of the Earth Goddess, and the golden trunks were added to them and began to be smelted and forged. The golden light they emitted was so strong that it was impossible to look directly at it.

When Huo Yuhao saw this scene, he had already guessed the answer in his heart.

After just a short wait, the golden light gradually took shape.

When the dazzling light faded away, a golden dragon spear was revealed. The entire body seemed to be made of gold, with some fine golden dragon scales on the spear shaft. Clinging and entwined on the surface of the dragon spear was a golden-scaled real dragon condensed from a golden twisted branch. Blood-colored crystals dotted the dragon's eyes, which looked like anger and emitted powerful soul fluctuations.

"This is my gift to you." The Earth Goddess smiled and floated the golden dragon spear to Qiu'er with a gentle smile on her face.

When Qiu'er raised her hand to touch the dragon spear, she immediately felt a tremendous infusion of life force, which blended and resonated with her golden dragon bloodline.

Her eyes suddenly brightened.

This is?

Huo Yuhao was also a little surprised at this time.

She actually created a semi-divine weapon with her bare hands in such a short time? As expected of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, her methods are truly amazing.

If she is given some time, she will be able to create a real artifact.

“Don’t look at me like that. You have plenty of magical weapons.” The Earth Goddess glanced coldly at Huo Yuhao beside her.

Huo Yuhao was noncommittal.

The Blade of Living Guardian, which he often used, was gradually transforming into a divine weapon.

The Earth Goddess turned to look at Qiu'er and introduced her seriously.

"As you can see and feel, this golden dragon spear has the special effect of absorbing life force. When any creature is killed by it, the life force will instantly become nutrients for the golden dragon spear, and a portion of it will be purified and fed back to the user."

"Thank you, great god of the earth, for the blessing." Qiu'er put away the golden dragon spear and saluted her respectfully.

Huo Yuhao stood by and remained silent.

The characteristics of this golden dragon spear are exactly the same as the dragon spear that Qiu'er held in her previous life.

Qiu'er's blessing solved the problem.

The Earth Goddess turned her gaze to Yin, with a hint of complexity flickering in her eyes.

She naturally played an indispensable role in bringing Huo Yuhao here.

There is no principle of favoring some over others when it comes to bestowing blessings.

In the past life, with Tang San’s future blocked, Huo Yuhao’s rise was unstoppable and could never happen again.

She raised her hand and golden light descended, covering Ah Yin.

Ah Yin suddenly felt the strength in his body rising rapidly.

In just a blink of an eye, her cultivation had broken through the bottleneck of 200,000 years.

Most importantly, there is no heavenly calamity!
A Yin bowed and thanked her, but the goddess of the earth just nodded coldly.

“You shouldn’t need it, right?” The Earth Goddess looked at Huo Yuhao, as if asking for his opinion.

"Can you help me jump three levels of soul power?" Huo Yuhao asked.

He is now level 77, and only three levels away from breaking through to level 80.

"Okay, but are you sure?" the Earth Goddess asked back.

“Forget it, I’ll just practice slowly on my own.” Huo Yuhao shook his head. The Earth Goddess immediately showed an expression that said, “You’re smart.”

"It's just a blessing. I'll give you something else." As she spoke, she raised her hand and clenched it, with a golden object floating on her palm.

Huo Yuhao's attention was immediately attracted by that thing.

She sighed, raised her hand and sent the object in her palm towards Huo Yuhao, dissipating most of the light, but it was still shining brightly with golden light.

This is……

Huo Yuhao stared at the object in his palm, which was a wooden plaque carved from the heart of an ancient golden tree.

To be precise, it is a peace card.

"Carrying it close to you can improve your cultivation speed and avoid disasters. If you encounter any situation, you can use it to send a message to me. If you are faced with a situation where you are sure to die, your soul can be preserved. In an emergency, this thing can also be eaten as life-saving medicine." The Earth Goddess said calmly.

After hearing those results, Qiu'er and Ayin looked surprised.

How can this be a rejection of the blessing? This is clearly a "cheat" given by the authorities, right?
Huo Yuhao put away the golden ancient tree heart token, thinking that he had to hide it carefully, otherwise the Silver Dragon King might find out and take notice of it.

"Okay, everything has been explained almost completely, and it's time for you to leave." The Earth Goddess ordered them to leave.

"Then where should I go to find you?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Well, this blessing can come more often.

But the question is, how do we enter this piece of space debris?

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?" The goddess of the earth was a little angry.

You are a reincarnated god, and you are still thinking about taking advantage of others?

“Okay, I won’t say any more.” Huo Yuhao chose not to argue any further.

The goddess of the earth raised her hand and waved her sleeves, and a vortex unfolded in the void. The meaning could not be more obvious.

Huo Yuhao took the initiative to step forward and hold Qiu'er's hand. Qiu'er was a little flattered and wanted to break free.

"It's easy to get lost in space teleportation. You don't want to end up in some corner of the world after you go out, right?" Huo Yuhao explained.

After hearing what he said, Qiu'er gave up struggling.

But why doesn’t Sister Yin need to hold the hand?

The Earth Goddess was speechless.

You actually believed his lies? If I can't even accurately control space teleportation, what kind of earth god am I?

As they approached the space vortex, Huo Yuhao, holding Qiu'er's hand, suddenly turned sideways and looked back, staring at the beautiful figure floating in front of the ancient golden tree.

“Then let’s go. See you later.” Huo Yuhao said seriously.

Ah Yin followed beside Huo Yuhao and also looked back at the god of the earth.

The Earth Goddess did not respond. She watched them enter the vortex. Her backs disappeared into the pure white void world, and a gentle smile appeared on her plain face.

He is really a worrying guy.


Star Forest, Star Lake
It was just daybreak. The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python were guarding here, looking at the surface of the Star Lake.

"Why haven't they come out yet? Could something have happened to them?" the Titan Ape said in a buzzing voice.

It was mainly worried about Ah Yin's safety. As for Huo Yuhao? It hoped that something would happen to him.

The Azure Bull Python remained silent.

Let’s not worry about the others for now, but if anything happens to the emperor’s auspicious beast, the ferocious beasts in the ancient forbidden area will definitely kill the three of them.

Therefore, after such a long time had passed and there was no movement from Xinghu, it was still worried.

"It'll be fine." Xiao Wu said softly, looking at the Star Lake illuminated by the starlight.

The originally dim starlight in Star Lake suddenly lit up, and a pillar of light rose into the sky.

Then, under the illumination of a strong beam of light, three figures appeared on the surface of Star Lake, walking towards the shore on the waves.

Huo Yuhao held Qiu'er's hand, followed by A Yin, and walked towards them.

Seeing this scene, they finally felt relieved.

Huo Yuhao looked up at the edge of the forest. The sky was gray and the darkness was going away, and dawn was approaching.

"How long has it been since we disappeared?"

"Only one night has passed." Xiao Wu responded softly.

One night?

That’s a good thing, they don’t have to look for people everywhere in the ancient forbidden area.

Huo Yuhao took Qiu'er by the hand and carefully led her ashore. He said to her, "It's time for us to go back."

"Yeah." Qiu'er nodded slightly.

I don’t know how Chi Wang is doing. I wonder if he noticed that she had sneaked out.

Huo Yuhao turned around, looked at Ah Yin beside him, and nodded slightly.

"Sister Yin, goodbye." Qiu'er greeted politely.

Ah Yin nodded slightly.

Huo Yuhao took Qiu'er by the hand and walked towards the depths of the ancient forbidden area.

Ah Yin watched them leave and their backs disappeared into the depths of the jungle before he turned and walked towards Xiao Wu and the others.

"Ayin, are you okay?" The Titan Ape asked with concern.

The Azure Bull Python vaguely felt something was wrong.

The fluctuation of her soul power seemed to have broken through a major bottleneck.

If one breaks through after 100,000 years of cultivation, wouldn’t he become a ferocious beast?

"Sister Yin, are you okay?" Xiao Wu asked worriedly.

Ah Yin shook his head gently, "I'm a little tired."


Behind, the ancient restricted area.

The sky was bright.

Chi Wang was still pretending to be asleep at this time, feeling a little anxious.

Why hasn’t the auspicious beast come back yet? Where did Huo Yuhao take her to fool around?
It was so anxious that it wanted to go find it.

However, if it went to look for it, then the "lucky beast is lost" would become a reality.

Pretending to be asleep is to give them an opportunity.

If they haven't returned before dawn, not only will I have to go look for them, but I will also be scolded.

At this time, Huo Yuhao held Qiu'er's hand and returned to the ancient forbidden area. Before arriving, Qiu'er broke free from his hand.

Huo Yuhao was not annoyed, he just smiled.

Seeing that Chi Wang and the others were still resting and had not woken up, Qiu'er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not discovered.

Huo Yuhao smiled and said nothing.

When he came before the Red King, the three red devil mastiffs suddenly woke up, revealing their ferocious aura.

"What do you want to do, kid?"

"No, I just came to see you, senior." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

There was suspicion in the Red King's eyes.

Are you so kind? I'm lucky enough that my soul ring is not destroyed by you.

At this time, Xue Di woke up slowly, sat in front of the ice couch with his armrests, his eyes bright.


(End of this chapter)

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