Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 324: Using Power to Overwhelm Others

Outside Poseidon Island.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King summoned a huge number of sea soul beasts to form a beast tide army, and directly advanced to the border, arriving a hundred miles outside the storm barrier outside the Sea God Island, waiting to be summoned.

As the ruler of the Forbidden Sea, it is not difficult for the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to launch a beast tide. He just hopes that everything will go smoothly.

His wife and daughter are still waiting for his return in the Deep Sea King City.


Poseidon Island.

Poseidon looked at the black army of orcs outside the island. The deep and loud whale song made her face extremely solemn.

She immediately gave Xiaobai an order, "Pass on my order, the Demon Soul Great White Shark retreats to the sea near Poseidon Island and does not act rashly."

Facing a massive number of high-level soul beasts led by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, the Demon Soul Great White Shark alone could not stop the torrent. If it took the initiative to attack in this situation, it would surely be a failure.

"Yes, sir." Xiaobai jumped up without hesitation, transformed into a huge demon soul great white shark and dived into the inner sea, quickly heading towards the outer seaport.

At the same time, Poseidon looked at Seahorse Douluo.

"Listen to my order, summon the other six Holy Pillar Guardians, go to the Sea God Temple to discuss, and gather the seven Holy City Sea Soul Masters to prepare for the battle."

"As you wish." Seahorse Douluo set off immediately.

Poseidon flew into the air, ready to go to the Temple of Poseidon to open the defense barrier.

Before leaving, she looked down at Tang San below with cold eyes.

"Your cultivation is still in its infancy. Go to the Seahorse Holy City as soon as possible. Someone will pick you up there."

After saying that, Poseidon turned into a red light and flew through the air, heading straight for the Temple of Poseidon in the central restricted area.

Suddenly, Tang San was the only one left at the scene, with a cold expression on his face.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King obviously came to kill him for the Heart of the Sea God.

Now that his injuries have not recovered yet, it is naturally impossible for him to fight head-on.

Now we can only rely on the original power of Poseidon Island to fight against the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

You damn beast, after this time, my spirit rings and spirit bones will not be enough to vent my hatred, I will definitely skin you alive and pull out your tendons!
Tang San immediately set off and headed towards the Seahorse Holy City.

Poseidon arrived quietly in front of the Linhai Temple from the air.

Facing the strong gale, his slender figure was revealed, with the whistling sea breeze in his ears and the endless dark shadow of the soul beast in front of him.

It was like a painting that was dyed black by ink, and its coverage area was dozens of times larger than the sea area of ​​Poseidon Island.

The overwhelming pressure from numbers makes a person seem so insignificant alone.

How much can she block alone?

How much can the seven sacred pillar guardians block?
Deep Sea Demon Whale King, why would it attack Poseidon Island today?
Was it the Heart of the Seagod that reappeared, or was it Huo Yuhao’s crusade that angered it?
If it is the latter, how is he doing now?
If anything happened to him, this Heart of the Sea God...

Poseidon was a little worried.

From the top of the highest staircase, overlooking the direction of the seven holy pillars below, there are figures spontaneously running towards the Central Sea God Mountain.

The seven guardians of the sacred pillars arrived at the Temple of Poseidon one after another and reunited with Poseidon.

Poseidon Island entered the highest state of alert.

They are about to face the third largest tide of ocean beasts in history.

Once, the Heart of Poseidon was lost in the chaos.

The guardian of the Holy Pillar once fell, but was taken over and restarted by later generations, and there are still silent Holy Pillars today.

"If he were here, the situation might be better." The Sea Witch said softly.

That man's methods are absolutely powerful.

Even with only a brief contact, she could roughly judge that the other party's strength was probably second only to that of a super powerful great priest.

All the Saint Pillar Douluo present were silent.

Huo Yuhao.

There are many extremely high-level ferocious beasts around him, including the vertical-pupiled monster covered with tentacles, whose oppressiveness is even close to that of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

"Don't count on others. Protecting Poseidon Island is our responsibility." Poseidon said calmly.

"Besides, he's probably too busy to take care of himself right now, so he may not be able to come."

Poseidon looked out at the distant sea, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, the Saint Pillar Douluo at the scene's expression changed slightly.

"Poseidon Island, I'm in your hands." "Yes, sir!" The seven holy pillar guardians bowed in salute.

Under Poseidon's gaze, they scattered.

Poseidon Island is not a pass, they all have their own territories to guard.

She turned and stepped into the Temple of Poseidon.

Bow down and worship before the statue of Poseidon, then activate the Heart of Poseidon.

A pillar of blue light burst out from the Temple of Poseidon, supporting the sky.

Afterwards, hidden magic pillars burst out from the centers of the seven holy cities one after another, standing tall against the sky. A magnificent and vast aura fluctuated, and the light of Poseidon was fully unfolded, covering the entire Poseidon Island.

[Divine Realm: Light of the Seagod]


Along the coast of Poseidon Island.

Xiaobai led the entire clan of Demon Soul Great White Sharks to be on high alert, with extremely solemn expressions.

This time, I wonder how many tribesmen will be killed or injured.

Poseidon Island is her home. Facing a desperate situation, there is no way she could retreat even a single step!


The Holy City of Hippocampus.

Tang San looked at the Seagod Mountain in the central restricted area, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Fight, fight, just fight, it’s better to fight to the death!
The loud whale songs echoed in the open sea, and thousands of sea soul beasts emerged one after another, forming a black mass.

They began to cross the storm barrier outside Poseidon Island in large numbers.

Over a distant corner of the sea.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was standing on the top of the Evil Emperor, staring at the overwhelming sea soul beasts in the distance.

Beast tide.

The almost unforgettable memory still made him frown.

First, he would not allow Poseidon Island to be truly impacted.

Second, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King obeys his orders, and he possesses absolute military power to suppress everything.

What he did was simply to put pressure on Poseidon.

What does Poseidon Island mean to you?
Secondly, it was for acting and to complete the seventh divine test set by the Frost Goddess.

The main focus is on free rewards.

He is Huo Yuhao.

Instead of letting the Deep Sea Demon Whale King follow the normal script and raise a tide of beasts to massacre the Sea God Island.

It would be better to control the Deep Sea Demon Whale King first, and follow the procedures, but control the direction and mark the ending.

This will minimize the damage.

As for your question, is it okay not to launch the beast tide?
The answer is no!

This is a contradiction.

To resolve conflicts, you need to intensify them, make them explode, point them out, compromise, and ultimately resolve them.

This step cannot be skipped.

Just as, without external enemies approaching, how can a general command his troops and how can an emperor be willing to give up power?

How can one demonstrate his superior medical skills by preventing illness instead of treating it? And how can one convince patients?
Everything needs preparation and a process.

Don't acknowledge my existence?
God’s test is targeted and treated differently.

Now, Poseidon Island is facing a disaster and is about to be annihilated.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is approaching, and I have absolute force.

Poseidon's trident, broken
Sea God's inheritance, incomplete

Rewards, None
At this time, Tang San "happened" to return the Heart of Poseidon, and everything was ready.

Are you going to give up this power or not?
He would rather let the Sea God Island be destroyed than not support Tang San to ascend to the throne.

Or take the initiative to bow to me and open up to me - the authority of the ocean!
(End of this chapter)

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