Chapter 38 Capture Operation (First Update)
  The frozen forest, the northern edge of the land.

The Snow Emperor descended from the sky with Huo Yuhao in his arms, and stopped to wait at the edge of the forest.

Huo Yuhao looked at the dark coniferous forest in front of him. There was fine snow floating in the sky. The forest in the distance was hazy and dreamy, and he could only see a rough black color.

Snow Dragon Ridge Mountain towers into the clouds and stretches through the frozen forest in an east-west direction.

The turquoise rainbow from the north landed next to the Snow Emperor, and the Ice Emperor revealed his figure. Behind him, Tianmeng was tied into a rice dumpling with a rope, and was now frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Hey." The Ice Emperor slapped his palm on the ice, which immediately cracked and fell, and the rope broke and fell to the ground.

Tianmeng, who was originally frozen, was immediately relieved. He hugged his hands and shivered and cried out in the cold.

"As an ice attribute soul beast, you don't feel ashamed to shout this?" The Ice Emperor snorted coldly.

"Bing'er... this is different. I'm not afraid of the cold... but that doesn't mean I'm immune to freezing..." Tianmeng trembled.

A twelve-segmented emerald-like tail suddenly appeared behind the Ice Emperor, its barbs flashing with cold light.

"No, no, I'm fine." Tian Meng suddenly broke into a cold sweat and wiped the sweat from his forehead with shame.

Huo Yuhao looked at the two of them with a smile flashing in his eyes.

Under the threat of the Ice Emperor, Tianmeng immediately activated his natal soul skill [Spiritual Exploration].

The mental fluctuations spreading between his brows covered a radius of 1,500 meters.

Afterwards, Tian Meng activated his second natal soul skill [Breathe Simulation].

Soon, the auras of the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor on the scene changed drastically.

The aura of ferocious beasts on their bodies degraded all the way, and finally exuded the aura of ordinary thousand-year-old soul beasts.

As for Huo Yuhao, does his cultivation still need to be disguised?

To be on the safe side, Tian Meng slightly adjusted Huo Yuhao's aura and simulated him into a thousand-year soul beast.

"Okay, now in the eyes of outside soul beasts, we are just ordinary thousand-year soul beasts. As for the image, it will evoke the existence that they are afraid of subconsciously."

"Originally, the radius of my soul skill can reach a hundred meters. However, your cultivation level is too high. It is best not to be ten meters away from me, otherwise there is a risk of your breath being exposed." Tianmeng explained.

The Snow Emperor looked at himself and felt the aura emanating from him, actually covering up his own aura.

This simulated soul skill is indeed very effective. If used properly, it can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy unexpectedly.

"Besides..." Tian Meng then released his third natal soul skill.

The next moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly gained an empty gray field of vision, and could clearly "see" the wind and grass movement within a kilometer radius.

Huo Yuhao immediately recognized this soul skill.

This is exactly the series of soul skills that Brother Tianmeng gave him - [Spiritual Sharing].

[Spiritual Sharing] combined with [Spiritual Detection] can accurately convey the "information" observed by oneself to teammates.

This soul skill can assist teammates to a great extent, reduce communication costs, and improve team collaboration efficiency.

It's a pity that the [Ultimate Individual Soldier] plan he implemented later made the team's god-level auxiliary skills useless.

These are all things for later.

Huo Yuhao could tell from the surprised expressions of Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor that they also gained the same vision at this time.

"Hehe, my soul skill is called [Spiritual Sharing]. It can transmit what I see and hear to the recipient. In conjunction with my soul skill [Spiritual Detection], it will definitely..." Tian Meng proudly introduced a lot of things. .

"Shut up, who can you beat?" Ice Emperor said coldly.

"Bing'er." Tianmeng suddenly felt resentful and his face turned red.

Ice Emperor glanced at him with a warning look, and Tianmeng immediately shut up.

He comforted himself in his mind.

At the very least, he didn't get reprimanded when he called her Bing'er.

Huo Yuhao looked at this scene with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


Under the simulation effect of Tianmeng's breath, Huo Yuhao and his party stepped into the frozen forest.

In the outer area, relying on the aura of the thousand-year soul beasts, it is easy to scare away those century-old soul beasts.

When he was in the mixed area between China and foreign countries, Tian Meng raised his aura simulation skills to ten thousand years to intimidate those ten thousand year soul beasts.

Finally, Huo Yuhao arrived in front of Snow Dragon Ridge Mountain again and stopped to look at the snowy top of the peak that never melts all year round. He really didn't expect to come back so soon.


Snow Dragon Ridge Mountain, a cave somewhere.

A certain gopher dug through the stiff frozen rock formations and came to the dark place deep in the cave, squeaking and telling something.

No exception?

The shadow in the corner seemed hesitant, and its heart was a little restless. This was obviously a sign of an impending crisis.

It seems that I can't stay here any longer, it's time to find a new place to live.

It immediately gathered its low foundations hidden deep in the rock formations and prepared to jump away from Snow Dragon Ridge Mountain.

Outside the snow mountain cave, the young figure walking out of the shadow leaned against the rock wall, looking at the wind and snow outside the mountain with his purple eyes.

This kind of weather seems not suitable for wandering out.

It looked back at the deep, dark cave where it had lived for many years.

It's a pity that it is no longer safe here, but the next home is far away, and the previous one can only wander.

The purple shadow sighed slightly.

Suddenly, its body was frozen into blocks by the ice.

"I found you." A cold voice sounded.

The Snow Emperor stood in the sky among the wind and snow, with his long snow-white hair scattered and moving in the wind. His expression was calm and he stared at the frozen figure at the entrance of the cave with his blue eyes.

The figure in the ice looked at the Snow Emperor floating in the wind and snow, and couldn't believe it.

Snow Emperor? !
  As the ruler of the Far North, what will happen to you personally?
  The next moment, the purple shadow in the black ice disappeared out of thin air, and a bulge of gophers suddenly appeared on the ground, heading towards the depths of the cave.

"Where to run?" The Ice Emperor's figure appeared at the end of the cave, his ice claws penetrated the rock formations, and the scene was frozen in an instant.

She raised her hand through the rock formations, grabbed the end of the bulge, and then picked it up.

However, when she got it, Ice Emperor discovered that what she had caught was only a layer of ginseng medicine that had faded away.

ice King:? ? ?

At the same time, at the foot of Snow Dragon Ridge Mountain.

Ziying appeared quietly. She was a fair and tender little loli in a purple dress. Her long black hair was tied with a dark red ribbon hanging down her waist. At this time, she was patting her chest with lingering fear.

A sweat towel was handed to her, and she took it to wipe her sweat.

Phew, it was so dangerous, I almost fell down.

The Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor.

Those were the two masters of the Far North, and it was simply terrifying that they actually went out to catch him personally.

No wonder her previous anxiety came from this.

Fortunately, she had prepared a backup plan in advance and buried the remains at the foot of the mountain in advance.

She is different from other plant-type soul beasts that solidify their territory. She has a strong ability to run away and can exchange her body with her lost position.

It is precisely because of this life-saving magical skill that every time she encounters a crisis, she can always avert danger and avoid being chased by soul beasts that are far more powerful than herself countless times.

If she didn't have some skills, she wouldn't have been able to practice for ten thousand years.

"Don't you feel lucky to have survived the disaster?"

"Well, thank you." The little lolita in purple handed the sweat towel in her hand back to the boy next to her.

Suddenly, she froze.

The girl in the purple skirt turned her head indifferently and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was a human boy.

Fortunately, it's not ice...

At this moment, the two Ice and Snow Emperors descended from the sky and appeared behind the human boy, staring at her.

The little girl in purple was completely shocked and immediately turned around and ran away.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand to capture the purple-clothed lolita...

(End of this chapter)

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