Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 4 Boy, do you want to get in the car?

Chapter 4 Boy, do you want to get in the car?
  Clearwater City.

Huo Yuhao was following Hu Liena and the others out of the Spirit Hall when he looked up and suddenly saw a pair of cold eyes.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a dark robe, with a medal hanging on his chest. His expression was cold and expressionless, and a team of soul masters followed behind the carriage.

"This is Senior Fang, responsible for the safety of our trip." Hu Liena introduced with a smile.

Huo Yuhao looked at the stern black-robed man and called him "Senior".

The man in black robe did not respond, so Huo Yuhao stepped onto the carriage after Hu Liena's greeting.

The wheels were driven slowly out of the city, driven by the horses in front.

The space inside the carriage is quite spacious, with a leather sofa and a countertop in the middle with some fermented vegetables and fruits, so four people can gather together without feeling crowded.

Huo Yuhao found a corner and sat down, opened the curtain and looked out the window.

The sun was shining brightly, and its warmth fell on his plain white face, making him feel the warmth.

"Xiao Yuhao, where is your hometown?" Xie Yue asked while talking.

Judging from the aura exuding from Huo Yuhao, it was obvious that it could not be cultivated and shaped by ordinary civilians' family environment, as if he was born in a circle of powerful people.

Huo Yuhao put down the curtain in his hand and lowered his eyes.

"There's no going back from that place."

In the eyes of outsiders, this looks completely sad, obviously thinking of something sad.

Can’t go back?
  Several possibilities came to Xie Yue's mind.

Hu Liena heard the implication.

Perhaps his hometown no longer exists. If he had a home, why was he wandering away and becoming an orphan?

"Since you are helpless, would you like to join our Spirit Hall?" Hu Liena extended the invitation.

Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Hey, Na'er, there is a threshold for joining the Spirit Hall. You have to become a spirit master first."

"My cultivation level is still shallow. If there is a chance in the future, I will naturally give it a try." Huo Yuhao said with a smile, and his answer was perfect.

Xie Yue changed the subject appropriately and asked him some knowledge about soul beasts.

Conversation is the easiest way to reveal a person's true nature.

The more you say, the easier it will be for flaws to appear, and the closer you will be to the truth.

Huo Yuhao is quite familiar with this aspect.

He spoke in detail and even mentioned the special habits of some soul beasts, which opened their eyes.

Xie Yue's eyes became weirder and weirder.

These reserves of soul beast knowledge are by no means something that ordinary soul master academies can teach. The insights he put forward about soul beasts even go beyond the current cutting-edge theories.

However, whenever he inquired about it in detail, Huo Yuhao said that he only knew a little bit about it, not the core.

This was actually the tip of the iceberg that Huo Yuhao deliberately exposed in order to wrap himself up with more mystery and attract their attention.

After all, his current cultivation level is low and he needs to rely on external help to a certain extent.

From the conversation with each other, Huo Yuhao also had a clearer understanding of the three of them.

The girl in black dress is named [Hu Liena], she is fifteen years old, has a martial spirit fox, and has a soul power level of forty. This time she is preparing to hunt for the fourth soul ring.

This was her own revelation, and Huo Yuhao did not deliberately guide her.

The calm young man with white hair is named [Xie Yue], and he is Hu Liena's brother. He is now sixteen years old, has a soul power level of forty-three, and belongs to the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

The irritable young man with short red hair is named [Yan]. He is sixteen years old, has a soul power level of forty-one, and has recently obtained the fourth soul ring. He is a member of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

In addition, the carriage was also followed by some of the Wuhun Palace soul master team for protection.

Huo Yuhao could tell at a glance that the identities and backgrounds of these three people were not simple. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his cultivation reached level 40.

In the Peerless Tang Sect era, this level of cultivation was indeed nothing, but this was thousands of years ago, and these people were definitely elite beings who were favored by heaven.

These three people are probably the genius soul masters who rose up at the same time as Tang San and were known as the "Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace".

For such an important soul ring hunting operation, it is naturally impossible for them to choose and solve the problem when it comes to choosing suitable soul rings.

In addition to the man in black robe who followed them earlier, this marching team should also have masters from the Spirit Hall lurking secretly.

Huo Yuhao didn't care about that much, as long as he could reach Sunset Forest safely, he didn't bother to care about the rest.

The journey was still quite far, so Huo Yuhao leaned against the carriage window, lifted the curtain, and turned to look at the scenery outside.


On a winding and bumpy road.

The carriage carrying the flag of Wuhun Palace gradually moved away, and translucent humanoid creatures appeared one after another in the distant valley, finally condensing into two men in black robes.

"Has the boy's background been checked?" the man in black robe asked his subordinate.

"Reporting to your lord, according to the current investigation, we can only confirm that the young man entered Qingshui City early yesterday morning. It will take some time to find out the source." The soul master's subordinate responded.

"Check it out and report again." The black-robed soul master said calmly.

"Follow your orders." The soul master's subordinates took the order and retreated.

The black-robed soul master looked at the carriage in the distance.

The girl was valued by His Majesty the Pope. Although this time it was in the name of experience, they could not really be threatened with their lives.

A wandering boy with soul power level ten.

Even if the young man has evil intentions and approaches or approaches with some purpose, the strength and IQ of the three of them must be enough to face unexpected situations.


A few days later.

The carriage flying the flag of Wuhun Palace finally arrived at the border of Sunset Forest. Beyond that was the boundary of Soul Beast Forest, which was naturally not accessible to carriages.

The main person in charge of this operation was the man in black robe. Even Hu Liena, Xie Yue and others had to obey his arrangements and orders.

"Stepping into the Soul Beast Forest is not a trivial matter. If you don't obey the command and are a little careless, the entire army will be annihilated." The man in black robe said coldly.

Later, he briefly talked about some key points and taboos when entering the Soul Beast Forest. These can greatly help his own life in case of emergencies.

Hu Liena, Xieyue, and Yan at the scene were all listening to his teachings carefully.

Huo Yuhao was also there, listening carefully.

He didn't know much about the man in black robes who led the team, and he didn't even know what range his cultivation level was. He only knew that he should have good strength.

Moreover, in addition to the team of soul masters on the surface, there is a high probability that there are strong men from the Spirit Hall secretly hiding in order to deal with emergencies.

The black-robed soul master looked around the soul masters at the scene and stopped in front of Huo Yuhao. His eyes were like a hawk, full of oppression.

Huo Yuhao seemed to be under great pressure and subconsciously pulled at the hem of his clothes.

"If you encounter an emergency while traveling, report it as soon as possible and make sure you don't fall behind."

"Obey the order." Huo Yuhao immediately raised his head and chest.

The black-robed soul master then left.

After going around in a circle and confirming that there was nothing wrong, the man in black robe immediately gave an order:

(End of this chapter)

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