Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 45 Martial Soul Resonance

Chapter 45 Martial Soul Resonance (Second Update)

Xiangming Tea House
  "Yuhao, are you willing to join our Tianshui College?" Shui Binger invited with a smile.

"Isn't your college only recruiting female students?" Huo Yuhao was slightly surprised.

"Rules are just rules." Shui Binger said with a smile.

The corners of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched slightly.

It can be seen that she has a high status in Tianshui College and even has the ability to influence high-level decisions. Otherwise, with her calm and reserved temperament, she would never be able to say this.

However, Tianshui Academy is full of female students, and he doesn't feel comfortable staying here. Besides, he has no intention of practicing there at the moment.

"Thank you. I understand your thoughts, but I have no intention of joining the academy in the near future." Huo Yuhao shook his head slightly apologetically.

"It's okay, I wonder if you would like to come and visit our college?" Shui Bing'er said with a smile.

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

Zi Ling also realized something, looked up at him, and pulled his clothes in the dark to remind him.

At this time, even Xue Wu noticed something was wrong and looked at Shui Bing'er's profile in surprise.

What's wrong with Bing'er?
  "Okay." Huo Yuhao nodded in agreement.

A trace of doubt arose in his mind.

It seems that he has never shown his soul ring or soul bone in front of them. In terms of cultivation, he only said that he has just broken through the third ring, and his true level is unknown.

They had not even tried to confirm whether he was really a third-ring soul master, nor had they seen his actions, the strength of his soul skills, and his potential, but they warmly extended the invitation and even changed the rules of the academy to invite him. This had already made him It felt a little strange.

Even though he had already refused, the other party kept inviting him.

Could it be that the other party saw Zi Ling's true identity and wanted to use the excuse of visiting the academy to arrest him?
  In this case, he chose to use the trick to see what the other party's purpose was.

He is not afraid of ambushes. If they really dare to attack him, then he doesn't mind giving them a bloody lesson. Kill those who deserve to be killed without mercy!
  Although his spiritual eyes can see through all things, they can only see through people's hearts. It would be great if he could gain the ability to read other people's thoughts, so that he would not have to worry about guessing.


The sea of ​​spirit.

Tianmeng looked at the scene outside and obviously realized that there was a fraud in it.

He originally wanted to remind Yuhao to be careful, but then he thought about it, Yuhao's strength was unpredictable, and he could even be evenly matched with Bing'er, so he stopped being silent.

According to his understanding, Yuhao is by no means a simple-minded person and is unlikely to be deceived by this trick.

Besides, the old man in black robe, whom Yu Hao respectfully called "Yilao", didn't say anything. There was really no need for him to worry.


Tianshui City.

Under the guidance of Shui Binger and Xue Wu, Huo Yuhao took Zi Ling to the gate of Tianshui College.

Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu stepped forward to communicate with the guarding instructor.

The instructor on duty was a serious middle-aged woman with sharp eyes.

After listening to Shui Bing'er's introduction, she glanced at Huo Yuhao and the two standing outside the gate with a scrutinizing gaze, and then continued to talk to them.

Huo Yuhao waited at the door without being arrogant or impatient.

Zi Ling was a little wary and was even ready to run away.

If she hadn't known that Huo Yuhao was extremely powerful, she would have run away long ago. How could she have walked into his door and thrown herself into a trap?

Although she has combat power comparable to a hundred thousand years of cultivation, she is still very wary of unknown crises. After all, if you don't waste time, you won't die.

Soon, Shui Binger communicated properly, greeted them with a smile, and invited them in.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly and followed Shui Binger Xuewu into Tianshui College.

On the main road of the college.

The appearance of Huo Yuhao and Zi Ling immediately attracted the attention of the female students in the academy.

They looked at the two outsiders curiously and talked quietly.

"Who is the young man accompanying Sister Bing'er? Do you know him?"

"What a handsome young man. It would be great if he could join our academy."

"Don't be such a nympho. As a rule, our college does not admit male students. He should be here to send his sister to school."

"This little sister has such a stunning appearance. She will be a perfect embryo in the future."

"It's obviously not easy for these young siblings to be led by Sister Bing'er and Xue Wu in person..."

Huo Yuhao relied on his strong mental perception to hear these discussions clearly.

Zi Ling was watching the surrounding environment, wary of all forces approaching around him.

It didn't take long. Shui Binger took Huo Yuhao to the reception hall of the college.

The environment of the entire hall is elegant, the hall space is bright, and the overall color is warm. Crystal ceilings hang from the ceiling, exuding soft light.

After Shui Bing'er invited them to sit on the sofa, she first asked Xue Wu to inform the dean of the college, and then personally made a pot of hot tea and poured it for the two of them.

They waited here for a while, and not long after, Xue Wu came back and said something in Shui Bing'er's ear.

"Sorry Yuhao, please excuse me. Please wait here for a while." Shui Bing'er said slightly apologetically.

Huo Yuhao nodded in agreement.

Immediately, Xue Wu took Shui Bing'er and left the reception hall.

Zi Ling sat on the sofa, swinging her short legs and looking around the environment of the hall.

"Do you think they are planning something, trying to trap me and kill me?"

"Normally, only Titled Douluo can see through your soul beast's true form. Under the influence of my simulated soul skills, this possibility can basically be ruled out." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"Besides, the number of Titled Douluo in the human world is far from being seen everywhere." Huo Yuhao took a sip of fragrant tea.

His spiritual eyes easily penetrated the building and saw Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu having a conversation outside.


Outside the reception hall.

Finally encountering a chance to be alone, Xue Wu took the opportunity to ask Shui Bing'er.

"Bing'er, what's the specific situation?"

Since meeting Huo Yuhao today, she has become a little abnormal.

Invite Huo Yuhao to join Tianshui College and bring him to visit the college. What exactly are you doing?
  This is not only her question, but also the dean's question.

Shui Bing'er pondered slightly, seeming to be organizing her words.

"Xiao Wu, did you feel anything when you saw Yu Hao?"

Xuewu was stunned, "Feeling? What do you feel?"

"When I saw him here, my martial soul started to throb. The feeling was very strange, like jumping for joy, or even...resonance." Shui Bing'er frowned.

Martial spirit resonance?

Xue Wu was stunned when she heard this.

"You mean... there is a possibility of martial soul fusion between the two parties?"

When Xue Wu asked this question, her face was filled with astonishment, and her tone of voice couldn't help but become a little higher.

Shui Binger nodded slightly.

This will put Xue Wu in trouble.

You know, they already have martial soul fusion skills.

In such a unique situation, Bing'er's martial spirit can still resonate with another person's martial spirit. This——

Is it possible that one martial spirit can form a martial soul fusion skill with two different martial spirits?

This absolutely subverts and refreshes people's understanding of the current theoretical system of martial soul fusion.

"So, I invited him here because I wanted to test my inner thoughts." Shui Bing'er said.

"Wait a minute, didn't you feel this way when you met him before?" Xue Wu suddenly reacted.

Shui Bing'er shook her head, "He should have encountered some opportunities later, and he has undergone certain changes."

"I remember he said that his martial soul was his eyes. If he could really produce a martial soul fusion skill, what would it be?" Xue Wu was a little confused.


reception hall.

Martial spirit resonance?

Huo Yuhao used his strong mental power to overhear their conversation and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Two times before and after, different perception conditions.

This is easy to understand.

When they first met, he didn't have a second martial spirit.

If it was a pure ice elemental martial spirit given by Brother Tianmeng, he would understand.

But the problem is that Yi Lao has disintegrated the fixed ice attribute and turned it into a blank formless martial soul template. Can we still resonate under such circumstances? What exactly is her martial spirit?
  Huo Yuhao fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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