Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 57 Return to Ice and Fire 2 Yiyan

Chapter 57 Return to the Ice and Fire Eyes (First update)
  Soto City, the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

People from Qibao Glazed Sect came to the door in person, and the manager of the organizer personally received him.

When he learned that people from the Qibao Glazed Sect were here to investigate the true identity of Judge Cunning Eyes, he pretended to be surprised. He said that although he did not know the specific situation, he would cooperate with the investigation.

In terms of investigation, he was indeed very cooperative and impeccable.

First of all, it is clear that the "Cunning Eye Judge" was not their insider, he came by himself.

After all, Judge Cunning Eyes only stayed in the Soul Fighting Arena for three days, and both times he came here for the "Thousand-Armed Shura". Their Soul Fighting Arena only focused on collecting money, so how could they ask for the opponent's identity?
  If the Qibao Glazed Sect wants to investigate the specific identity of "Judge with the Creepy Eye", it still needs to trace its origin.

He provided some vague features of Judge Cunning Eyes, his dressing style, as well as the time he appeared and what he did.

The Qibao Glazed Sect only made some records but made no substantial progress, so they had to leave first.

The manager finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know who invited the Qibao Glazed Sect, but fortunately nothing was found.

All he knew was that neither side was simple.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is one of the top three sects. It is as rich as any country and has a rich sect foundation. It can be said to be one of the top sect forces in the mainland.
  The "Cunning Eye Judge" has a mysterious identity and many methods. Although his specific identity is not clear, he also knows that this kind of person must not be offended; otherwise, once the other party takes revenge, it will be a disaster.

The Soul Fighting Arena stays out of the action and focuses on cooperation.

Furthermore, he could see that "Judge Cunning Eyes" was a thoughtful person, and the appearance he saw was most likely a disguised appearance, so there would be no big problem in reporting it.


Qibao Glazed Sect, main hall.

Ning Rongrong sat on the sofa with her hands on her hands and her feet dangling.

After taking the Xuanshui Pill, she scrubbed in the bathroom for more than two hours, and then she managed to remove the dirt and oil stains on her body.

However, there are relative benefits. The texture of her skin is more delicate, her body and bones feel lighter, her soul power has increased, and her cultivation speed has also been significantly improved.

Obviously, the elixir does have some effect.

"Dad, do you still have the Xuan Shui Pill? The effect is really good, give me six more pills." Ning Rongrong blinked and said.

She thought about bringing them to her friends, no more, no less, one for each of them.

Ning Fengzhi just smiled and shook his head.

"I bought this thing at an auction. I also discussed it with the seller, but they said they don't have it anymore. This is the only one."

"Okay." Ning Rongrong was a little discouraged.

"Rongrong, the efficacy of this Xuanshui Pill is extraordinary. It must have required a large number of rare medicinal materials to refine it. The cost will not be low. It is already a miracle that it can be refined," Gu Rong said with a smile.

"Then we can invite him to come to our sect to refine medicine?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously, swinging her short legs.

Need rare medicinal ingredients? With the financial and material resources of the sect, even if mass production is not possible, it should not be difficult to get seven or eight pieces.

"The other party's excuse is that he is just doing the auction on his behalf, and there are experts behind it." Ning Fengzhi said.

Although the other party said that he would convey his wishes, there was no further news.

In addition, he had inquired with himself about the four major subordinate clans of the Haotian Sect.

It seems like we need to follow up and see if we can get any useful clues.

At this moment, the person who was originally out to investigate Judge Cunning Eye came back to report.

The man recounted what he saw and heard that day and the details of the investigation, and finally added that he was still following up on the investigation.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after hearing the news.

No trace?

This means their investigation is not deep enough and will take time.

After all, since people exist, they will inevitably leave various footprints.

Now it seems that all we can do is wait.

"In addition, follow up and investigate the four major affiliated clans of Haotian Sect." Ning Fengzhi ordered.

“As you command!”…

On top of a certain mountain cliff.

Zi Ling looked at the endless forest ahead, and suddenly turned her head to look at Huo Yuhao in surprise.

"Is that the sunset forest in front?"

"You know?" Huo Yuhao was slightly surprised.

"I have been to many places, and I know a lot about them. At that time, I was almost eaten by a big flying spider." Zi Ling explained.

In the beginning, she went to practice everywhere, "traveling" all over the world. She changed her practice place again and again, and she was always disturbed. She had to move frequently, and finally took root in the frozen forest of the north. She just wanted a stable place. quiet.

"The big flying spider you mentioned is a hundred thousand year soul beast?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Well, there is a misty lake in the core area. Do you need me to take you there?" Zi Ling asked.

"Don't worry, go to another place first." Huo Yuhao said.

Too much to chew.

The soul power accumulated in his body is already very bloated.

There are already many seals in his body, but if he absorbs another 100,000-year-old soul ring, it will easily break the balance of soul power in his body.

He now urgently needs to consolidate his soul power before making any plans.

As for the news about hundred thousand year soul beasts, he really has no shortage of information.


Sunset Forest, outer area.

Huo Yuhao used the soul simulation skill to simulate his own aura into a hundred thousand year old soul beast, the Netherworld White Tiger.

In an instant, the surrounding low-level soul beasts were frightened to death on the spot, and the few remaining soul beasts trembled and crawled, not daring to move.

Huo Yuhao frowned slightly, obviously not expecting this result.

"You are too cruel, aren't you? So vicious." Zi Ling looked at the corpses of soul beasts that were frightened to death along the way. Corpses were lying everywhere, and soul rings were everywhere.

"If you want to eliminate monsters along the way, I have no objection." Huo Yuhao said coldly.

"Aren't you afraid of attracting other hundred thousand year soul beasts?" Zi Ling asked.

"This is the outskirts of the forest." Huo Yuhao said.

"That's also possible..." Zi Ling argued.

"Are you talking to me about probability?" Huo Yuhao snorted coldly.

Zi Ling:? ? ?
  Why did he suddenly become arrogant?

"Follow me." Huo Yuhao walked straight into the depths of the forest, and his aura simulation was reduced from a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast to a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast.

"Oh." Zi Ling kept up with her footsteps.


Sunset Forest, core area.

Huo Yuhao and Zi Ling arrived at the outer valley by a familiar route, with clouds and mist hovering above.

Looking at the steep cliffs of the valley, which stood thousands of feet high, he saw that not long ago he had to climb with bare hands, but now - Huo Yuhao suddenly spread out a pair of body-sized golden ghost butterfly wings from his back, flying up into the sky.

Zi Ling was still looking around, but suddenly she saw Huo Yuhao rising into the air, and she immediately became anxious.

"Wow, you should wait for me!"

The purple spirit immediately turned into a purple rainbow and escaped into the cliff, chasing Huo Yuhao's figure in reverse direction.

For her, mountains, rivers and forests are her support and foundation. In the environment of mountains and rivers, she can walk around at will like a fish in water.

(End of this chapter)

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