Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 92 Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus

Chapter 92: One Hundred Thousand Years Snow Lotus (Second Update)
  Pope's Palace.

"Are you going to the north?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao nodded.

In the future era, Dragon City, where the Earth Dragon Gate is located, is located in the north, only one step away from the Far North.

Now, he checked the map of the northern city area and found that there happened to be a small city named Cold Winter at the corresponding location.

This is exactly his goal.

Bibi Dong thought about it, "Do you need someone to accompany you?"

Xieyue, Nana, and Yan were all good prospects, the future pillars of Wuhun Palace, but Huo Yuhao still had little contact with them.

"No, I'll just go there myself." Huo Yuhao shook his head repeatedly.

Is he preparing to return to the family?
  Bibi Dong weighed it in her mind and felt that this was indeed inappropriate.

"Since I'm leaving, when can I come back?"

The date of return is very important. It has only been less than half a month since the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace was established. If he cannot find someone for several months, it will be a slap in the face.

"Well, it will probably take more than a month." Huo Yuhao said.

"A month?" Bibi Dong's tone suddenly rose a little higher.

"...expected." Huo Yuhao was a little embarrassed.

"Twenty days at most. As the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, you cannot lose contact for too long." Bibi Dong said.

Twenty days?
  Huo Yuhao felt a little moved in his heart.

At the limit, it's almost enough for a round trip.

Although Winter City is close to the far north, it does not need to go as deep as last time, and the time spent on the road will be much shorter.

"I'll try my best," Huo Yuhao said.

"Yeah." Bibi Dong's expression returned to normal.

"Since you plan to go out alone, you need to be careful in everything. If you encounter trouble, you can use the Holy Son Token to mobilize the nearby spirit masters of the Spirit Hall to coordinate." Bibi Dong said calmly.

"I sincerely follow the teachings of His Majesty the Pope." Huo Yuhao bowed and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Bibi Dong temporarily stopped him.

  Huo Yuhao looked up at her with some confusion.

Your Majesty, is there anything else you would like to add?
  Bibi Dong opened the storage bracelet, took out a jade box, and slowly floated towards Huo Yuhao under the influence of her soul power.

"Bring this thing with you."

Huo Yuhao's eyes flickered with surprise, but he accepted the jade box.

Did she think she was giving me a meeting gift when I went back to visit my family?
  Bibi Dong didn't explain anything, and Huo Yuhao didn't ask any questions.

"If there is nothing else, should I retreat first?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Let's go, I won't send you off." Bibi Dong waved her sleeves, a little impatiently.

Huo Yuhao left immediately.


Outside Wuhun City.

Huo Yuhao changed into his ordinary blue clothes and looked back at the huge city behind him.

Phew, finally free.

He fully deployed his mental power and conducted mental detection——

Thousands of meters away, there were three Eight-ringed Contras following in secret.

Good guy, are you worried about something happening to him on the road?

Although Huo Yuhao felt a little uncomfortable, he accepted it.

Looking at the entire Wuhun Palace, there are very few people who can enjoy this kind of treatment when they go out.

The golden generation is protected secretly by three seven-ring soul saints.

The Holy Son of Wuhun Palace is secretly protected by three eight-ringed Soul Douluo.

The young master of Wuhun Palace is closely protected by two nine-ring titled Douluo.

This is really the fine tradition of Wuhun Palace.

If he is weaker, this is indeed a safety net.

Since this was a protective mechanism, there was no need for Huo Yuhao to throw them away from the beginning, as it would be difficult to deal with them emotionally.

It was better to wait until we reached the border of the North and approach Winter City to make another plan.

After all, he is an expert in anti-tracking.


In a certain mountainous forest area.

When Huo Yuhao was resting on the way, he took out the jade box that Bibi Dong gave him from the star bracelet, wondering what would be inside.

When he took it apart and took a look, he looked slightly stunned.

Good guy.

The elder’s order from Wuhun Palace?

Huo Yuhao took out the token from the jade box. It was engraved with six patterns: Pope's Crown, Haotian Hammer, Seven Killing Sword, Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, Chrysanthemum, and Ghost.

This Pope is really as shrewd as a ghost and a bit scary. Huo Yuhao immediately put these things away and continued to move towards the northern city.

As for other things, we will talk about it later.


Huo Yuhao followed the planned route and revisited his old place.


Seven days later, Tianshui City.

Huo Yuhao appeared on the city streets again, walking with the crowd.

Winter City is further north than Tianshui City, so it is naturally impossible for him to reveal his true destination.

After sneaking into Tianshui City, Huo Yuhao used simulated soul skills to cover up his aura, changed his appearance, and blended into the crowd.

The three Contras secretly followed by Wuhundian shortened the distance to a few hundred meters in order to avoid losing track.


Um? Where is His Royal Highness the Son?

The three Contras looked at each other.

Tianshui City? It seems that this is his destination.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Pope has already given instructions. If you are lost, there is no need to panic, just wait in place in the nearby area.

Now that I think about it, His Majesty the Pope is really good at knowing things.


The far north.

In the endless snowfield, the sky and the earth are blank, white and silent.

The Snow Emperor sat alone on the top of the snow mountain, holding a hundred-thousand-year-old snow lotus in his hand. He looked at the blizzard deep in the ice field with some confusion, and his figure seemed a little lonely.

Since he left, her inner peace has been shattered.

She has lived in this world of ice and snow for hundreds of thousands of years, all year round.

However, the world is strange.

It seemed that the moment I met him, my time really started to flow.

She found that time became so slow, so slow that every minute and second was so clear.

She had never felt like this in all her years.

Waiting, waiting.

day to day.

But he didn't seem to have any intention of coming back.

He had also invited her and asked her if she would like to see the outside world.

She refused at the time.

She is afraid of the outside world and the invisible human heart.

When she refused, what she was thinking was, are you willing to stay? Stay in this peaceful world of ice and snow.

It was impossible for her to say these words, perhaps never.

The Snow Emperor raised his hand and lowered it, tore off the petals from the snow lotus in his arms, put them into his mouth, chewed them, and drank them one by one.

In the silent far north, the cold wind howls and the snow gathers.

Eventually it brewed into a blizzard, annihilating everything in the past...


Thousands of miles away.

Huo Yuhao, who was on the streets of Tianshui City, suddenly felt a little tight in his chest and his soul was trembling. He immediately ducked into a remote alley.

The sea of ​​spirit.

The remaining spiritual thoughts were emitting strong fluctuations, as if they were foreshadowing something.

Huo Yuhao covered his painful heart, frowning and looking a little pale.

"Yuhao." Electrolux woke up from his deep sleep. .

"Yuhao, what's wrong with you?" Tian Meng surrounded Huo Yuhao and asked anxiously.

Huo Yuhao felt dizzy and his broken soul was triggered. In his mind, he could vaguely see the figure standing on the top of the ice and snow mountain, which was a bit illusory.

"This is……"

"Snow Emperor, something must have happened in the far north..." Huo Yuhao suppressed a splitting headache.

He forcibly activated the remaining spiritual thoughts, trying to trace the source of this throbbing uneasiness.

However, everything is gone.

The soul no longer resonated and fell into a deathly silence.


Tianshui City, remote alley.

Huo Yuhao stood up with difficulty, gritting his teeth.

No, we have to go to the far north first to see what happened there?
  (End of this chapter)

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