Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 97 The woman beside His Royal Highness the Son

Chapter 97 The woman beside His Royal Highness the Son (first update)
  Half a month later.

Tianshui City.

Huo Yuhao held hands with the still young Snow Girl, followed by the Ice Emperor, walking side by side through the streets.

The Ice Emperor looked at the surrounding environment, with some novelty flashing in his eyes.

Snow Girl was full of novelties about the things around her. She stared at the candied haws seller passing by and tugged at the corner of Huo Yuhao's clothes.

Huo Yuhao followed the snow girl's gaze and saw the vendor carrying a bunch of candied haws on his shoulder. He waved to him to come over.

The Ice Emperor avoided his gaze and turned his head.

Huo Yuhao casually took three candied haws from the top, paid some copper soul coins, and handed them first to the childish Snow Girl, and then to the Ice Emperor.

Seeing that she was a little arrogant, she reluctantly accepted it.

Although Huo Yuhao also held a bunch in his hand, he never tried it.

"Sir, your daughter is so beautiful." The old man selling the goods approached with a smile.

Ice Emperor's eyebrows suddenly stood up and he glared at the old man.

The old man immediately did not dare to say anything and quickly retreated.

Huo Yuhao was speechless and signaled the Ice Emperor not to be sulky.

The Ice Emperor snorted coldly and led the Snow Girl forward.

Xue Nu turned back to look at Huo Yuhao later.

Huo Yuhao followed immediately.

He had long been used to the Ice Emperor's temper.

Under the cover of his keen mental power, he noticed someone snooping in the hidden corner.


Tianshui City, the prosperous area of ​​Dongcheng.

Deluxe private room.

After the waiter served the tea, he left first.

Huo Yuhao sat in front of the sofa, placed the Holy Son Token of Wuhun Palace in front of the table, and turned to look at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

Ice Emperor picked up the glass and took a tentative sip of green tea. He immediately felt the fragrance linger in his mouth, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Humans are really strange creatures.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside the wing.

"Come in." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

There was no movement outside the door. A dark figure appeared in the dark corner of the room and immediately knelt down on one knee towards Huo Yuhao.

"See His Royal Highness the Holy Son."

"What's the matter?" Huo Yuhao looked down at the man in black in front of him, his tone was quite calm.

Shadow Guard, senior spy of Wuhun Palace.

He did not hide his true appearance, and it was normal for them to find traces of him.

"His Royal Highness the Son has been missing for more than a month. During this period, His Majesty the Pope has been very worried. He hopes that His Highness the Holy Son will return to Wuhun Palace as soon as possible."


A flash of suspicion flashed in the Ice Emperor's heart.

"In the past month or so since I have been away, what news has come from Wuhun Palace?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"His Majesty the Pope has a message for His Royal Highness the Holy Son." The Shadow Guard said respectfully.

"Say." Huo Yuhao said coldly.

"His Majesty the Pope has ordered that if you meet His Royal Highness the Holy Son, please pass on a message: The Seven Treasure Glazed Sect is also collecting rare metals."

Qibao Glazed Sect? It's really interesting.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flickered.

"Send a message to His Majesty the Pope for me. I have some matters here and need to go to Tiandou City. After the matter is settled, I will return to Wuhun Palace." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"...Yes." The Shadow Waiter responded and had to retreat first.

Huo Yuhao took a sip of green tea, and calm returned to the room again.

Tang San, have you started tinkering with hidden weapons?
  Choosing the Qibao Glazed Sect as his backer was quite expected.

"The Pope of Wuhun Palace is the strongest among human soul masters?" the Ice Emperor asked.

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "Not yet."

"As long as you don't take the initiative to display your soul beast's true form, even a titled Douluo will never be able to see through your identity." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"Then where are we going now?" Ice Emperor asked. She knew very little about the outside world, so naturally she didn't know how to behave.

"Tiandou City is quite close to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect." Huo Yuhao said leisurely.

Speaking of which, he might not have seen the "young master" of Wuhun Palace for a long time.


Wuhun City, the Pope's Palace.

Pope Bibi Dong was currently at his desk reviewing and handling various matters in the Wuhun Palace.

When he was tired, he walked in the courtyard.

Speaking of which, Huo Yuhao has been missing for more than a month.

According to the descriptions of the three Contras who secretly followed him at the time, Huo Yuhao disappeared after entering Tianshui City more than a month ago.

They waited in place for more than half a month, but they didn't see any trace.

Bibi Dong had his own thoughts.

The northern border, Tianshui City.

Huo Yuhao's existence seems to be inextricably linked to the Northern Territory.

In the past few days, she had consulted many ancient materials and learned about the legend of the Frost Goddess circulating in the north.

If Huo Yuhao really comes from a family of gods, then it is most likely that he comes from the lineage of the Frost Goddess in the North.

There are no detailed records in later generations, and that deity lineage probably retired from the world in seclusion.

In today's era, looking at the entire northern border, only the Tianbingmen Shui family has some background.

The location of Tianbingmen happens to be in Tianshui City. There may be some connection between the two...

Of course, this is just her personal speculation and is not supported by evidence.

Thinking of Huo Yuhao, she felt quite helpless.

More than a month has passed and he still hasn't come back. Could it be that he was detained by someone from his family?

She invested a lot of money into Huo Yuhao, mobilized the Wuhun Palace's 2 billion funds for supply and purchase, forced the Elder Palace to canonize the Son, and even gave him a ten thousand year soul bone.

As the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, if he continues to disappear like this, she, the Pope, will not be able to live with her emotionally.

It's better if the time is shorter, but if the time is longer, those old guys in the Elder Hall will definitely cause trouble.

"Alas..." Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh.

She regretted letting him leave now.

Although she also knew that it was impossible for someone like Huo Yuhao to stay by force.

At this moment, the soul power in the shadow corner throbbed.

Bibi Dong's expression returned to normal, elegant and unattainable.

"See His Majesty the Pope."

"What's the matter?" Bibi Dong said coldly.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son appears in Tianshui City." Shadow Guard said.

Bibi Dong was moved by this, but quickly suppressed it.

"Can you bring me your words?" Bibi Dong asked.

"After my subordinates brought His Majesty the Pope's words to His Highness the Holy Son, His Highness the Holy Son expressed his intention to go to Tiandou City. The return date... has not yet been determined." The Shadow Guard trembled.

Tiandou City?
  What was he doing there?
  Bibi Dong's reaction was a little overwhelming, and she subconsciously thought of the person lurking in the Tiandou royal family.

No, he probably doesn't know about this.

Since it is related to metal materials, he should be planning to go to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Bibi Dong's slightly raised eyebrows quickly relaxed again.

With Huo Yuhao's character, he shouldn't act recklessly.

As for the meaning of the Qibao Glazed Sect's collection of metal materials, she had some guesses in her mind.

"Besides..." Shadow Guard hesitated.

"Say!" Bibi Dong said coldly.

As a spy, you only need to report truthfully, and you don't need to consider it. The superior will weigh and make judgments on their own.

"When I was in Tianshui City, I saw Lord Shengzi carrying a white-haired baby girl. He behaved very affectionately. He was followed by a girl in a green skirt. He faintly felt the strong soul power aura from her body. When he met with his subordinates, that The baby girl and the girl in the green dress have not shied away from it either." The Shadow Guard responded truthfully.

  Bibi Dong raised his eyebrows slightly.

He has only disappeared for more than a month, so it shouldn't be...

(End of this chapter)

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