Joining Sichuan Airlines starts with rescuing the captain of a powerful country

Chapter 212 Less than 100 meters from the end of the runway, the plane finally stopped

Chapter 212 Less than 100 meters from the end of the runway, the plane finally stopped
"600 feet" Liang Dong said so nervously that his voice trembled.

If 600 feet is converted into meters, it is only about 182 meters.

For buildings, 182 meters is already a skyscraper.

If someone jumped from this height, it would take about eight or nine seconds.

But for an airplane traveling at a speed close to 280km/h, this little bit of altitude is achieved in an instant.


Lu Qingzhou immediately pulled up the nose of the aircraft slightly when the altitude of the aircraft was 1200 feet, slowing down the speed of the aircraft's continued downward dive.


It is estimated that the plane has crashed near the airport by now.

But the current speed of the plane is still too fast.

You still need to slow down.

Lu Qingzhou glanced at the aircraft instrument panel and immediately said to Liang Dong, "The flap (speedbrake) degree has been raised to the highest level. Our current speed is still too fast."

Liang Dong was in a hurry.

But he still quickly completed Lu Qingzhou's instructions.

Planes generally use three methods to slow down in the air.

The first is to reduce the fuel supply or even turn off the aircraft engine, so that it can be slowed down through air resistance.

The second is to use flaps, that is, speed brakes to slow down.

The third is to slow down by adjusting the flight attitude of the aircraft.

When the aircraft was still at an altitude of 3500 meters and preparing to dive downward to land, Lu Qingzhou had already begun to reduce fuel supply.

After all, what he adopted was a 'dive-style tactical landing'. If he still maintained the fuel supply or even increased the throttle at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to stepping on the accelerator and falling off a cliff?

It is precisely because of this.

So even if the plane dives downward in a cliff-jumping manner, the plane's speed will quickly drop from 500km/h to nearly 300km/h now.

When the plane's altitude dropped to 1200 feet, he immediately adjusted the plane's flight attitude and slightly pulled up the nose of the plane.

The plane's altitude is now less than 600 feet.

If you want to continue to slow down, you can only rely on the speed brake.

at this time.

Huangtianba Airport is within easy reach.

Even though dark clouds blocked his vision, Lu Qingzhou could already clearly see the runway not far away.


Wang Yifan and others now came to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the control hall.

Almost everyone put their feet up and looked towards the runway in the distance.

Although it was raining heavily now and their sight was not as far as usual, no one dared to close their eyes.

Boom boom. Boom boom.
The roar of the aircraft engine broke through the barrier of rain and fog, and reached the ears of everyone in the tower very clearly.

"Come on"

I don’t know who spoke loudly.

Then everyone looked towards the end of the runway in mid-air.


In the sky not far from the runway, a civil airliner loomed, roaring towards the runway.

Wang Yifan's fists were clenched tightly and he looked nervously at the civilian airliner.

"Too fast, too fast." He murmured.

But even though he knew that the plane was going too fast, it was very likely that it would overrun the runway.

But Wang Yifan was still powerless.

There was even a hint of despair in the trial.

As a soldier, especially a senior general who had been in the army for more than 20 years, he hated this feeling of powerlessness.

"Our speed is too fast." Liang Dong also noticed this problem.

Although Lu Qingzhou has exhausted all methods to slow down the plane, the current speed of the plane is still around 260km/h.

The landing speed of passenger aircraft is usually around 200km/h.

The fastest cannot exceed 250km/h.

Now the speed of this Airbus A319 passenger plane is still maintained at 260km/h, which is already 10km/h faster than the maximum landing speed.

But Lu Qingzhou now has no time to slow down the plane. at this time.

The height of the plane was already less than 100 meters, and the runway was within easy reach.

"300 feet 200 feet 100 feet"

The aircraft central control system reports altitude in real time.

When the height was less than 20 meters, Lu Qingzhou immediately gently pulled the operating lever and pulled the nose up.

next second.

The plane flew over the Huangtianba runway.

The plane lost altitude while flying along the runway.

A few more seconds passed.

It sounded like a heavy object hitting the ground.

The plane's rear landing gear hit the runway hard.

The rebound force immediately acted on the fuselage of the aircraft, and the force was so strong that it even bounced the aircraft directly.

But soon the plane touched the ground again.

Although there is still rebound power this time, it is far less rapid than the first time.

After the rear landing gear touched the ground, it immediately began rolling down the runway.

A few more seconds passed.

The nose landing gear also landed smoothly.

However, although the plane has landed smoothly, it does not mean that the plane and everyone on the plane have escaped.

Because the plane was still running towards the end of the runway at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour.

If Lu Qingzhou could not slow down the speed in a short time, the plane would soon overrun the runway and crash.

The good news is.

Although Huangtianba Airport is not used very frequently, because the airport is the designated test flight site of Chengdu Lockheed Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, the runway is relatively long, a full 4000 meters.

The bad news is.

The speed of the plane is really too fast.

So when the plane landed front and rear, Lu Qingzhou immediately activated the braking system.

The braking system worked instantly.

The plane's fuselage seemed to be pulled by two different forces, causing the fuselage to begin to tremble.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qingzhou immediately activated the reverse thrust device.

Let the third force join in.

Then he grabbed the control stick with both hands, trying to keep the nose of the plane facing.

This Airbus A319 passenger plane is like a fierce horse that has not been tamed, still running wildly on the runway.

Lu Qingzhou, on the other hand, was like an experienced horse herder, holding on to the strong horse's mane and not letting go.

at last.

This 'fiery horse' finally exhausted all its strength and slowly succumbed to Lu Qingzhou's 'powerful power'.

The plane ran along the runway for about 2000 meters, and then gradually slowed down.

Slower and slower.

Slower and slower.

Finally, the plane finally stopped less than 100 meters from the end of the runway.

This 'fiery horse' ran a full 3900 meters.

If I had run another 100 meters, I would have gone straight off the track.

So when the plane came to a stop, several people in the cockpit slumped down in their seats almost at the same time, gasping for air.

It's not just them.

Inside the tower control hall.

When I saw the Airbus A319 passenger plane finally parked steadily at the end of the runway, a hissing sound immediately sounded.


ps: There are a little few monthly tickets and recommended tickets in the past two days. Could you please ask for some monthly tickets and recommended tickets?

(End of this chapter)

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