Time travel at the same time: Is the golden finger actually me.?

Chapter 145 [Order of the Phoenix and Lupine]

Chapter 145 [Order of the Phoenix and Lupine]

The news brought by Rock really shocked the surrounding little wizards.

In their hearts, the Ministry of Magic still has a certain authority, and they never thought that one day the Ministry of Magic would be attacked.

"The Ministry of Magic was attacked. How come I haven't heard my father mention such a serious matter?" Ron said in surprise.

Mr. Weasley worked in the Ministry of Magic and must have been the first to know about it. He probably had his own reasons for not mentioning this to his family.

"Oh my God, the Ministry of Magic is being attacked. This is a big deal. Look! Even Ron knows how bad this is." Fred, who was sitting next to him, said pretending to be surprised.

George also echoed: "Yes, even Ron knows."

"The Ministry of Magic did not report to the genius Ron, which may be a major mistake in their decision-making."

"Hey!" Ron suddenly became dissatisfied.

"Okay." Mrs. Weasley stood up, picked up the newspaper on the table, and patted Ron and Harry on the shoulders: "This is something we adults have to consider. You just need to go to Hogwarts and enjoy yourself. My student life will be great.”

"Well... I know that you and Dumbledore have always been very close. Well, I mean you and I are the same now..."

Well... not Dumbledore himself, but a master from the Order of the Phoenix.

Minister Fudge did not immediately pay attention to Weasley, a member of the Ministry of Magic. Instead, he hurriedly looked around, looking for a person.

Who else could have this kind of strength? Fudge said Sirius's name to others, but actually it was Voldemort that flashed in his mind.

He glanced at the bar casually. To be honest, he had felt it when he came here just now. The average strength of the wizards in the bar seemed to be a step lower than before.

Fudge only saw a group of students waiting to go to school here, and did not see the "Masters of the Order of the Phoenix" he was looking forward to.

The main trouble is on Harry's side. Regardless of whether it is Voldemort or Sirius, the target is definitely Harry Potter.

Harry was a little overwhelmed by his enthusiasm.

Fudge smiled pretendingly: "And you look very much like me when I was young. I used to be very popular at Hogwarts."

Excellent wizard?

Rock looked over and saw a stout little man wearing a pinstriped robe hurriedly walked in at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

To be precise, he was asking the Aurors and Weasley.

Then, he anxiously walked to Weasley and whispered: "Hey, Arthur, Arthur Weasley, come here! Let me discuss something with you."

Ginny, who had aspired to be the county magistrate's wife since childhood, swayed towards Harry and Rock every day at home.

Is Voldemort coming back? ! This conclusion really frightened him.

"Rock?" Mr. Weasley subconsciously glanced at the handsome boy next to Harry. He didn't know what Fudge wanted to do with this kid.

"Haha, kid, you picked a very interesting name. It happens to have the same name as the person I'm looking for."

So Fudge went to seek Dumbledore's help without stopping. Although Fudge hated Dumbledore in his heart, he felt that the existence of this "greatest wizard" was really a violation of his authority.

But Dumbledore said: "Harry already has a powerful and outstanding wizard here. The Ministry of Magic only needs to take care of itself..."

But the Ministry of Magic suffered such a big blow last night. Most of the Aurors should have returned to the Ministry of Magic. They can't all stay with Harry, otherwise their homes will be stolen.

Fudge's attention was immediately attracted.

"Oh, great, Harry, I'm so happy to see our savior now." Fudge looked at Harry with a smile on his face, as if he was sizing up his beloved nephew.

"Tomorrow there will be two Ministry of Magic buses taking you to King's Cross Station. Then get on the bus obediently. In the end, you will sit on the train all the way. You will arrive at Hogwarts as soon as you close your eyes..." Mrs. He said to Harry like he was teasing a child.

Rock, who learned that the time turner might be ruined, felt really ordinary.

But the Ministry of Magic really doesn't have that many manpower. If they are all arranged on Harry Potter's side, if the other party tries to counterattack the Ministry of Magic again, then Fudge feels that his career will most likely be over.

Because school was about to start, the people sitting at the Leaky Cauldron Bar were mostly students and their parents.

"Are you Rock?" He followed the voice and looked over, frowning at first, and then relaxed.

Even Mr. Weasley noticed: "Minister Fudge?"

But hate it, hate it, and when something really happened, Fudge still followed his heart and went to Dumbledore, praying that he could solve this problem.

"I'm Roark." Roark, who was leaning against the wall and chatting with Hermione and others, suddenly spoke out.

He was going crazy with anxiety. Last night, the Ministry of Magic suffered a sudden disaster. Several halls in the Department of Mysteries were destroyed, but the so-called elite Aurors under him didn't even see each other's appearance.

It should be said that the Auror content was much less than the previous few days.

Fudge stepped forward and wanted to pat Rock on the shoulder to show friendship, but Rock was well developed and Fudge was a stout little man, so his attempt to pat the shoulder looked very uncoordinated.

"Especially you, Harry, good boy, don't think too much, just get to Hogwarts, Dumbledore is there."

Suddenly, Roark raised his eyebrows, because he found that the eyes of the Aurors in the bar were all focused on the door.

Yes, it will pass as soon as the eyes are closed and opened, because when the Dementors get on the train and get addicted, Harry will be sucked out directly... Rock leaned against the wall on the side, thinking boredly in his heart .

"By the way, I wonder who is Mr. Roark?" Fudge changed his tone and suddenly asked everyone.

To be honest, Weasley still has a good impression of Roark. This is because of his own child Ginny.

Fudge planned to meet this master and at least do some basic face-saving projects for politicians, which would also give him some peace of mind.

So Fudge's original intention was to ask Dumbledore to come out, whether it was to wait beside Harry, or to sit in the Ministry of Magic, in order to help him relieve the pressure.

When Harry first came here, there were quite a few Aurors in the Leaky Cauldron. They were probably arranged here by Fudge in order to capture Sirius.

"the same?"

Weasley had no idea what Fudge was talking about.

"Stop pretending to be stupid! What else could it be?" Fudge clenched his fists and uttered the last three words in a low voice: "Order of the Phoenix!"

you? Order of the Phoenix?
Stop it. Dumbledore will let you join the Order of the Phoenix?

The Order of the Phoenix is ​​an organization founded by Dumbledore to resist Voldemort. He can be any unknown person, but he can't be related to you Fudge.

Arthur Weasley laughed, this was the first outrageous thing he had heard in a while.

The second outrageous thing is that something happened to the Ministry of Magic, and the third outrageous thing is Sirius escaping from prison.

Seeing Arthur Weasley laugh directly, Fudge became even more annoyed, but at this moment he had to ask for help, so he had to suppress his anger: "Well, I do have nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix, but at this critical moment, everyone is on their own. people……"

"Hurry up and let your friend show his face and tell me everything, otherwise I won't even be able to sleep well now."

Arthur was also helpless: "I really don't know what you are talking about, and I don't know who the friend you are talking about is?"

"Rock!" Fudge gritted his teeth and said, "Don't tell me, you don't know Rock?" "Of course you do." Arthur pointed at the boy not far behind him, and his daughter seemed to be chatting up: "That's Rock."

"Sh*t!" Fudge clenched his fists: "I'm talking about Rock! Rock Anderson! An excellent wizard, a master of the Order of the Phoenix!"

Arthur was silent, why didn't he know that Rock was from the Order of the Phoenix.

But Arthur still answered the Minister of Magic truthfully. After all, the other party was theoretically his boss: "If Anderson is added, then I am even more sure that it is him."

Fudge: "..."

He finally felt that Arthur wasn't joking.

But if Arthur wasn't kidding, then Dumbledore must be!
Fudge's face suddenly darkened. He glanced at Roark one last time, then turned and left without hesitation.

The Aurors in the bar quickly followed.

"Contact the people in Azkaban." Fudge shouted to the Auror behind him as he walked: "Release all the dementors! Release as many as you can!"

This was his original plan, but now it is more extreme and he wants to release more!
If there is a lack of manpower, then the dementors can only be used as Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

"Uh... put as much as you can?" Auror hesitated.

The Dementor population has grown to extremely high numbers over the years due to their unbridled feeding of people's happiness.

The most important thing is that the wizard has no means of harming the dementors. If they are released all, it may be difficult to control them.

At this moment, the Auror even began to wonder if Fudge had eaten feces and eaten his brain.
Hearing his subordinates' doubts, Fudge turned around suddenly: "I was tricked by damn Dumbledore! If I don't save myself now, it will be over!"

"Dumbledore... damn, he must be trying to take this opportunity to oust me... I've known it for a long time, I've known it for a long time..." Fudge kept mumbling to himself.

But his words made the Auror laugh a little, and he almost stopped laughing.


Soon, the first day of school at Hogwarts arrived.

There was chaos before departure at the Leaky Cauldron. Several young wizards were busy moving their luggage down the narrow stairs of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Hey, what kind of magic is this?" Twin Fred looked at Rock's blue transparent hand with curiosity.

"It can be regarded as an upgraded version of the floating spell."

While explaining, Rock formed another mage's hand to help the twins take the luggage.

"Hermione, take care of your cat!" Ron shouted from behind the team: "He's about to bite my Scabbers to death!"

"Oh! Sorry." Hermione said hurriedly: "I don't know why, but he went crazy when he saw your spots."

"Okay, kids!" Weasley shouted to the team, "The car is coming."

Weasley led the team across the short sidewalk, where two old dark green cars were parked.

The man driving the car looked familiar to Rock. He was the Auror from the Leaky Cauldron who had followed Fudge that day.

"Get in the car." Auror said to Roark: "Just put the suitcase in the trunk. The Invisible Stretching Charm is cast there."

"No, I'm just here to send my friend to the car." Rock said, lowering the brim of his hat, and then his body twisted and disappeared.

Disapparate? !
Still haven’t recited the incantation?
The Auror's eyes widened. Are Hogwarts students so outrageous now? He turned to look back at the other students and found that those people were already used to it.

Even senior Percy thought this was normal.

Damn it, the Auror thought as he opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. Suddenly he thought of Minister Fudge's complaint that day.

Hmm... maybe, Principal Dumbledore wasn't playing tricks on him.

The Auror shook his head, started the car, and drove towards King's Cross Station.


Rock passed through platform nine and three-quarters. The black and red Hogwarts train was now parked at the edge of the platform, billowing white steam spurting out from the chimney of the locomotive...

Because he came directly to King's Cross Station by apparating, Rock was one of the earlier ones, and most of the boxes were empty.

However, he still walked in as a habit, trying to find a box further inside.

"...Your wizard robe is so cool." A strange voice suddenly came from behind Rock.

Roark was now wearing the prize for winning a first-year duel, which represented the uniform of Ravenclaw Academy. There was a golden eagle tattooed with gold thread on the dark blue robe. This golden eagle would follow the wizard's spell casting. Give off bright light.

He didn't have any extra money to buy clothes, so the wizard robes he usually wore in school were the suits from the four major colleges he had won, and he wore them in turn.

Not many students from other colleges said anything about him. After all, he won based on his strength. However, on the first day of school, Roque still liked to wear the robe of his own college.

Rock turned around and saw a stranger, wearing an extremely worn wizard robe with patches in several places.

He was sickly and tired, and looked young, but his light brown hair was already streaked with spontaneity.

The box at hand reads: "Professor R.J. Lupine"

"Hello, Professor Lupin." Rock nodded politely towards the other party.

Lu Ping was stunned, not expecting that the other party actually knew about him, but then he looked down at his box and knew the answer.

"Ah, hello."

Because he is a werewolf, Lupine rarely greets people, and he is not very willing to deal with people. The act of praising Rock's clothes just now made Lu Ping feel strange, as if Rock had a kind of affinity. It's like letting him put down his guard.

"Are you a student of the Eagle Academy?" Lupine pointed to Rock's clothes: "No matter how many times I see them, your clothes are very beautiful and they match you very well."

"It must be the clothes in the college treasure chest circulated in school! When I was in school, my friends and I also collected them, but we didn't collect them all until graduation..."

"It's not easy to collect all these..." Lu Ping sighed with emotion. He thought of his past school days, but then he thought of his friends, and his face gradually darkened.

Peter Pettigrew was sacrificed, Sirius was imprisoned, and Potter was killed by Voldemort.

Now that he was returning to Hogwarts, the person who knew him best among his peers was actually Snape.

I really hope Snape won't tell anyone about him being a werewolf...

This matter must not be exposed, otherwise his career as a teacher may be over.

Just when Lu Ping was thinking this, the student in front of him suddenly said:

"Professor Lupine, you are a werewolf."

(End of this chapter)

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