Chapter 110 Meeting

Xu Xiuwen participated in the interview process and had an impression on most people.

In addition to these people, Miss Yang Zi is also in the classroom.

"Xiuwen, you're here."

When Hang Fei saw Xu Xiuwen, he immediately stood up from his seat.

"Everyone is here? Do you want to start now?"

Hang Fei shook his head, "It's not time yet, there are still a few people who haven't come yet, let's wait."

Xu Xiuwen nodded, indicating that he understood, and then found a seat to sit down.

Tang Weiwei was a little nervous when she came to a strange environment and met strangers, so she followed Xu Xiuwen unswervingly from the moment she entered the classroom.

Bai Yue'er has a relatively cheerful personality. She took the initiative to greet Hang Fei with a smile on her face.

After about five minutes, three more students entered the classroom.

When the last student arrived, Hang Fei stood up and said, "Okay, everyone is here. Now let's start the first crew meeting. I am the director of this play. Everyone knows me so I won't say more. I want to introduce someone in detail. .”

Xu Xiuwen guessed that Hang Fei was talking about him, so he stood up on his own initiative.

Hang Fei pointed at Xu Xiuwen and said, "This is Xu Xiuwen. You have read the novel. It was written by him. He also provided funding for the filming, and he will also star in the male lead of the show."

Hearing Hang Fei's words, everyone in the classroom immediately turned their attention to Xu Xiuwen.

The students at the School of Art were surprised.

They have already read the novel. A novel that can become a hit on Jinjiang is naturally not bad.

Now that I heard that he even provided the funds himself, I couldn’t help but respect him.

Miss Yang Zi also looked at Xu Xiuwen and thought, "That's amazing."

Bai Yue'er was the only one in the classroom who opened her mouth in surprise.

She turned to look at Xu Xiuwen's side face, suspecting that she had heard wrongly.

Xu Xiuwen... he is the male lead?
  Bai Yue'er has read his novel several times in the past few days, and can almost memorize the plot about Shancai in it.

She immediately blushed when she thought of some of the plots.

Bai Yue'er has dreamed of becoming an actor since she was a child, but she has never had the opportunity to enter this industry.
  This opportunity, she often told herself, was hard-won and must be cherished.

So after knowing that there was a kiss scene in the novel, even if it was her first kiss, she still tried to convince herself and prepared to devote herself to art.

But she never thought that the person she dedicated herself to would be Xu Xiuwen?
  She was a little worried when she thought that she would kiss Xu Xiuwen. If Shi Xiangming found out, he would definitely not agree and would even make a fuss.

Bai Yue'er decided not to tell him.

Next, the actors introduce themselves.

In order of roles, Bai Yue'er is the female lead, ranked first.

At this moment, her mind was so confused that she didn't know what to say when she said her name.

Fortunately, Hang Fei asked her to sit down in time.

Xu Xiuwen stood up after the girl sat down and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, "Hello, fellow seniors, my name is Xu Xiuwen, and I play the male lead Daoming Si in this drama. This is my first time filming a TV series. , please take care of me in the future, thank you.”


Xu Xiuwen passed the first round of introductions and remembered everyone's name. The remaining three members of f4, Hua Zelei, Ximen, and Meizuo, are all juniors majoring in acting, and their names are Jing Ran, Su Zheng, and Song Bin respectively.

The second female lead Qiu Jiayi (Matsuoka Yuki) and the third female lead Song Shuxian (Fujido Shizuo) are played by Miss Yang Zi and Su Yutong respectively.

In addition to a few important characters, some minor characters have also been cast. I won’t go into them one by one without counting the number of words.

The actors introduced themselves and were cast members.

When Tang Weiwei introduced herself, she lowered her head and looked quite nervous, obviously not used to this kind of scene.

After everyone was introduced, Hang Fei clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"During the filming of this drama, we may encounter various difficulties, but I hope that everyone can work together to overcome all difficulties and work together to produce an excellent work. I hope that this drama can become our Everyone’s masterpiece!”

After Hang Fei finished speaking, Xu Xiuwen took the lead in applauding.

What Hang Fei said was also what he wanted to say. From the crew to the actors, this drama is full of newcomers. When filming, there will definitely be accidents and difficulties, which can only be overcome by the concerted efforts of the entire crew.

After the applause ended, Xu Xiuwen expressed the question in his mind, "Who will play the other roles of Daomingsi's mother?" I just noticed the missing part of the role.

Hang Fei said, "The actors for these roles haven't been decided yet, and I can't find actors of the right age in the school. I plan to find some extras with acting skills to play them, but these people will definitely cost money."

Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said, "Okay, you still have to spend the money that should be spent. It's up to you to decide this matter."

Hang Fei nodded to indicate that he understood, and then said: "We are a small crew, so we won't engage in formalism. We will have a meal together in the evening, and the filming will begin in a week."

As director Hang Fei confirmed the shooting time, this simple little crew also began to prepare intensively.

Director Hang Fei and the filming team he formed, although young, are all action-oriented and very efficient.

In the week before filming, Xu Xiuwen, in addition to occasionally communicating with Hang Fei and cooperating with him to revise the script, almost acted as a hands-off shopkeeper at other times, while Tang Weiwei became a busy person.

Tang Weiwei was very unfamiliar with the financial work she took over for the first time. On the first day, she had to report to him for instructions on almost everything, and she still used Bai Yue'er's mobile phone.

Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to say to Tang Weiwei, "I believe you 100%. As long as you think it is reasonable, you will agree to all the money. If you think it is unreasonable, you can discuss it with the director. The director has agreed. I have no objection. If there are still problems , come to me finally.”

When Tang Weiwei heard what he said, she felt that the burden on her body became heavier, but she didn't say anything and accepted it calmly.

In the next few days, Tang Weiwei's requests for instructions decreased.

One Sunday passed in the blink of an eye.

The filming of the TV series "Boys Over Flowers" has officially started.

The first location for shooting was the rooftop of the Humanities Building of Jiaotong University.

The first scene filmed was when the female lead, Shancai, saw a bullied male student about to jump off a building, and she saved his life.

In this scene, Xu Xiuwen has no role.

However, since it was the first scene for the entire crew, he was not absent and arrived at the filming location in advance.

Hang Fei specially chose such a scene to start filming, considering that firstly, the roof of the building would not be disturbed, and secondly, there were not many lines in this scene, and it should be a relatively simple scene for a newcomer like Bai Yue'er.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Bai Yue'er put on makeup with the help of a makeup artist and stood at the rooftop stairs wearing the clothes provided by the crew.

The extras and cameras are all ready.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20220402190252549", "Hat Giving Madman", and "Book Friends 20220226221840507" for their monthly votes!

  (End of this chapter)

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