wealthy lord

Chapter 102 The body was hollowed out

Chapter 102 The body was hollowed out
  Lin Yun trembled all over. Thinking back to yesterday's unbearable scene, he had the urge to cry.

"You...stop talking! A week...no no, a month! Don't mention that to me again! Eat your leftover noodles!"

Afterwards, he pushed open the door and left.

Walking in the yard, Lin Yun was holding his breath more and more as he thought about it. He was so angry that he beat his feet and chest.

It’s not a problem to continue like this!
  He has three beautiful wives and concubines, and he was supposed to live a life like a king, but now it seems that his good luck is about to turn into a bad luck!

"No! If this continues, I might end up dead in bed one day! I have to find a way to make some tonics!"

Lin Yun calmed down and muttered to himself.

He has personally experienced what it means to have a sore waist and knees, what it means to be powerless, and what it means to be hollowed out.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Hey! My husband is ready to give up! The third sister is really amazing, she actually made my husband so embarrassed!"

Ye Wanqing covered her mouth and snickered, looking gloating.

Seeing that it was Ye Wanqing, Lin Yun became furious and said with a black face: "No wonder you and Wu Yue were so shady and angry yesterday. It turned out that you deliberately set a trap for me! She really has the most poisonous heart of a woman!"

"Bah! You are the poisonous woman! I am not doing your best! How could you accuse me so unjustly? You really have no conscience!"

Ye Wanqing looked heartbroken and stepped forward to help Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was shocked and pushed her away quickly, saying: "Don't...touch me! I said, don't be with women for a month, you...stay away from me!"

Ye Wanqing burst into laughter, looking at Lin Yun's leaving figure in such a mess, she couldn't help laughing.

In fact, she also had her own ideas, and it wasn't that she didn't care about Lin Yun.

However, in Ye Wanqing's view, Lin Yun is so good that he will definitely attract more beautiful women in the future.

If he doesn't control his body firmly, something bad will happen.

In line with the principle that wealth should not go to outsiders, she was willing to let Oona and Lin Yun sleep in the same room.

It can be seen that Lin Wuyue and Ye Wanqing are two completely different women, and their ways of caring for Lin Yun are also fundamentally different.

At this time, Lin Yun came back angrily.

Ye Wanqing smiled and said: "Hey, why are you back again? It turns out that my husband is reluctant to let me go!"


Lin Yun was as angry as a child and said: "I just remembered that I still have something to do, and I almost delayed the important event!"

He returned to the study, closed the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on a chair nearby.

This time he could be regarded as experiencing the power of the three ladies.

He was caught in the middle, truly a world of ice and fire.

Lin Wuyue is as gentle as water, able to meet any of her requirements, and is even more considerate in life.

Ye Wanqing, on the other hand, was like a greedy little fox, always thinking of some clever ideas to use on herself. Although Lin Yun felt infinite passion, she also felt tired.

Finally, there is Oona. Although this girl is born as a girl, her soul is definitely that of a man.

Lin Yun recalled the scene of him being tortured by this girl yesterday, which made him have the urge to cry.

Four words to describe Oona, that is, domineering.

Lin Yun opened the drawer on his desk and took out a book with yellowish paper inside. It looked quite old.

There are four big characters written on it: "The Imperial Palace Canon".

This book was a gift Ma Ji gave him secretly last time.

When Lin Yun received the book, he sneered at it with a look of disdain.

But now, he couldn't wait to give Ma Ji a warm hug.

This kid really understands himself. Lin Yun opened the "Palace Internal Classic" and the first page was the catalog. What about Strengthening Muscles and Bones Pills, Turtle Strengthening Essence Decoction, Strengthening Kidney and Dali Pills, etc...

Looking at the dazzling array of formulas, Lin Yun was filled with emotions.

He murmured to himself: "It seems that no matter what era it is, men feel that they are a little weak!"

Although Lin Yun had never read any books on this subject in his previous life on Earth, he knew that there must be more than this era even if he thought about it with his buttocks.

However, this gave Lin Yun a brand new way to make money.

This Daduan god is in charge of male dominance, and it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. If he can create a miracle drug that is as effective as Viagra, he will really make a fortune.

After all, in this feudal and backward Daduan Dynasty, people's lives were relatively simple, especially at night, when they were either drinking, visiting brothels, or going home to sleep. Something would inevitably happen during this period.

Especially when Lin Yun read the records in the 'Palace Canon', he sneered.

"This is also called the Palace Internal Canon? Isn't it just a collection of folk remedies?"

Relying on food supplements is too slow to achieve the effect, so it is better to use herbal medicine directly!

Lin Yun simply leaned back on the Taishi chair and closed his eyes to rest. Some famous Chinese medicines kept popping up in his mind, such as ginseng, angelica, wolfberry, deer antler, mulberry, polygonatum, and rehmannia glutinosa.

If these herbs are collected and rolled into balls, will they be able to replenish yang?

Just as Lin Yun was thinking about it, there was a sudden knock on the study door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lin Yun suddenly sat up straight and asked, "Who is it?"

Ye Wanqing said through the door: "Ms. sir! Come out quickly. The old village chief said that many people have come to Yucheng Mansion!"

Lin Yun sighed inwardly, knowing that what was supposed to come had come.

At this moment, a large group of Yucheng Mansion officers and soldiers gathered at the entrance of the village, followed by two sedan chairs.

Ma Ji, as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the official who has been closest to Lin Yun recently, is riding a horse and standing at the forefront.

When Lin Yun arrived and saw such a big scene, he was shocked.

He immediately saw the two sedans behind the team.

At this time, Ma Ji quickly turned over and dismounted, gave Lin Yun a wink, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, you are finally here! Today, Mr. Fu Yin and Mr. Cui, the imperial envoy of the imperial court, came to inspect Niubei Village! Hurry up and greet me with me. Two adults!"

Lin Yun whispered: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Hey, Mr. Lin, your speed is too fast! It has only been two days and you have already harvested all the grain?"

Ma Ji was a little anxious and whispered.

Lin Yun smiled proudly and said, "Of course!"

While talking, the two came to two sedan chairs.

Ma Jigong said: "My lords, Mr. Lin is here!"

The two bearers then opened the curtain.

I saw Qiu Guangri walking out first, looking sanctimonious.

In another sedan, a handsome middle-aged man with a goatee and a jade-like face walked out. He was wearing an official robe and had court beads hanging on his neck. He looked majestic.

Lin Yun did not dare to ask for help, so he bowed and said, "Lin Yun, a common man, has met these two adults!"

Qiu Guangri nodded and glanced around Niubei Village. It was already completely bare. He said displeasedly: "Lin Yun, I heard that your Niubei Village has a good harvest this year. Why didn't you see a single ear of wheat? But you are deliberately teasing. My officer?"

Mr. Cui was also very puzzled and looked around curiously.

He had long heard about how desolate Niubei Village used to be, and he also knew some rumors about the boy from the Lin family in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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