wealthy lord

Chapter 118 Discovering Yizhuang

Chapter 118 Discovering Yizhuang
  Lin Yun was startled. When he saw it was Oona, he patted his chest gently and said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, I've been too tired recently! So I slept a little longer!"

"Hmph, are you too tired recently or too tired last night?"

Oona smiled meaningfully.

Lin Yun flicked her forehead angrily and said angrily: "What nonsense...what nonsense? Do you think Wuyue is as crazy as you and Wanqing?"


After saying this, Lin Yun moved his body and walked out of the mansion.

"Hey...wait for me!"

Oona immediately gave chase.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Zheng Li had already been waiting at the stables for a long time.

As Niubei Village gradually develops and grows, some infrastructure construction in the village has also been completed.

The first reason for raising horses is to facilitate going to the city to do business, and the second is to prepare for the private army.

The private army that Lin Yun wants to train must be versatile, capable of being both powerful infantry and cavalry. Especially when equipped with firearms, their pursuit and killing capabilities will be greatly improved.

At this moment, Zheng Li was taking out a bundle of fodder to feed the horse. When he saw Lin Yun approaching, he immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Lin, you have finally come out! I thought I had remembered the wrong time!"

Before Lin Yun could reply, Oona rushed to reply: "Humph, your Mr. Lin has just woken up! Look, he hasn't even washed his face!"

Zheng Li was stunned for a moment and observed his face curiously.

Lin Yun was secretly annoyed. Three black lines appeared above his head. He said angrily: "What are you looking at? Let's go!"

Zheng Li was sprayed, and he felt a sense of injustice in his heart.

However, when he saw that Oona's attitude towards him seemed much better than last time, he was secretly relieved.

But Lin Yun had already skillfully got on his horse and rode away.

On the way to Yucheng, the three of them always stopped and stopped.

About ten miles away from Yu City, Lin Yun suddenly discovered that a small road had been opened on the side of the official road. Looking from a distance, he could see an antique building that was very tall and taller than him. The village mansion is much larger.

However, the building is surrounded by gray tiles and white walls, which makes it look very strange.

Lin Yun frowned and said, "What place is this?"

He had gone to and from Yucheng many times before, but he had never seen this mansion.

Zheng Lize immediately stepped forward, took a closer look, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Lin, this is Yizhuang! It was built by the dignitaries in Yucheng who pooled their money to build it. It is a place specially used to store dead bodies! This place is too unlucky, so we still Leave quickly!"

Although he never believed in ghosts and gods, living people would always feel upset when they came to a place where the dead lived.

Even the always bold Oona was so frightened that she stepped back and hid ten meters away when she heard it was Yizhuang.

After learning that it was Yizhuang, Lin Yun suddenly realized that although he was going to Yucheng for business this time, he still had another mission, which was to find a group of robbers.

Lin Yun asked: "You said last night that you had some survivors after you and Qiu Yi went to suppress the bandits last time, right?"

Zheng Li nodded and smiled and said: "That's right! Being able to escape the government's encirclement and suppression is enough to prove that these surviving robbers are not ordinary forces! It is very difficult to find them. Maybe they are common people during the day, but their fierce appearance will be revealed at night. Go out and loot the surrounding villages!”

He was also a robber before, so he knew robbers very well.

Lin Yun praised: "What you said makes sense! Guess, Commander Zheng, could this Yizhuang be the hiding place of the robbers?"

This was also Lin Yun's random guess. After all, from the perspective of these vicious robbers, Yizhuang is indeed a very good hiding place. Even if the officials come to Yizhuang, they will find it unlucky and refuse to enter.

Zheng Li smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Lin, your ideas are always so different! However, according to what you said, it is really possible! How about... let's go in and have a look?"

It turns out that even the Yizhuang was built by the dignitaries in Yucheng who pooled their money to build it, so most of the people responsible for moving the corpses in the Yizhuang were people of unknown origin.

Although corpse movers make money, not many people are willing to do this job.

No one wants to make friends with a corpse mover.

Little did they know, just when Lin Yun and Lin Yun were still hesitating, a pair of eyes full of murderous intent were looking at them from the tower in Yi Zhuang, holding a bright waist knife in their hands.

Although this man looked haggard and unkempt, he was very imposing. There was a beveled scar on his face and a green beard all over his face.

At this time, a young man behind him said worriedly: "Brother, are they trying to break in?"

As expected by Lin Yun, this place was indeed occupied by robbers. They saw many people every day, and they could tell at a glance whether the people were here to bid farewell to the dead, or whether they had ulterior motives.

The scar-faced middle-aged man shook his head slowly and said: "Don't act rashly! But be prepared. If the other party is sent by the government to investigate, kill them!"

Ever since the last aggressive robber attack in Yucheng Mansion, the robbers from thousands of miles away have been frightened by the news. If they are not careful, their identity will be revealed and they will be killed.

"Follow orders!!"

After receiving the order, the young man turned around and left, notifying his men hidden in every corner of Yizhuang that countless sharp arrows had been aimed at Lin Yun and the other two.

Here, the two of them were still unaware of the danger. Lin Yun continued to observe the situation in Yizhuang vigilantly, shook his head and said: "Let's forget it for now! Let's go!"

Lin Yun could clearly feel that something was wrong. On the surface, the Yizhuang seemed calm, but for some reason, it always gave him an uneasy feeling.

Maybe this is people's sixth sense.

As a subordinate, Zheng Li naturally had more things to do than less things to do. Lin Yun had already spoken, so there was no need for him to cause trouble.

After that, the two rode away, which also made all the robbers in Yizhuang secretly sigh in relief.

Except for the scar-faced middle-aged man who was on the tower just now, all the other robbers in Yi Zhuang were wearing black and white robes. The combination of these two colors has an ominous meaning and symbolizes death.

At this time, the scar-faced middle-aged man walked out of the tower and shouted: "Here comes someone!!"

The young robber from before came over and said, "Brother...what are your orders?"

"Immediately send someone to keep an eye on the two people just now and find out where they came from! Don't alert the enemy!"

The scar-faced middle-aged man looked cautious. He could tell that although the other party did not break in, it was not difficult to find that Yizhuang had been targeted. Maybe more people would come to investigate next time.

Therefore, he wanted to strike first.

"Okay, brother, don't worry! I'll let the younger brother do it himself! If there is a suitable opportunity, the younger brother will deal with them outside!"

The young man bowed and accepted the order and left.

On the other side, Lin Yun and the others had arrived outside the Yu City Gate. It was now crowded with people queuing up.

If you want to enter the city, you need to pay ten cents.

It can also be regarded as the tax revenue of Yucheng Prefecture.

(End of this chapter)

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