wealthy lord

Chapter 130 Beating Zheng Lili

Chapter 130 Beating Zheng Lili

But even if he wanted to surrender, he didn't know if the young master would accept him.

Lin Yun nodded and smiled and said: "Forget it, since Jiang Kun is a friend of Commander Zheng, let's forget about tonight!"

Jiang Kun was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly, almost kneeling down and kowtow.

But Zheng Lili heard the implication and frowned: "Master, Jiang San's ability in the escort agency was still above that of his humble position. It's just that he has become a bandit in recent years and has no chance to show it. Master, please consider it because of his humble position. If he can Give him a chance!"

Lin Yun put away the bamboo gun, pulled in the reins, and said in a deep voice: "Commander Zheng, it's getting late, let's get on the road!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yun clamped his legs together hard, and the horse under him immediately turned around.

Zheng Li sighed deeply, not understanding what Lin Yun meant, and said quickly: "Jiang San, the master may want to test you! You go back and make arrangements, and go to Niubei Village immediately! I will intercede for you right now!"

With that said, Zheng Li also controlled the horse beneath him and prepared to leave.

Jiang Kun asked: "Favorable, where does this young master come from?"

In his eyes, Lin Yun was the young master of a certain big family, and Zheng Li's outfit was so extraordinary that he couldn't figure it out at all.

Zheng Li said in a deep voice: "My young master's name is Lin Yun. He is the lord of Niubei Village, and he is also a sixth-rank member of the Yucheng Internal Affairs Bureau!"


Jiang Kun was shocked, and he was so envious that he went crazy.

Anyone who falls under the grass and becomes a bandit does so as a last resort.

No one is willing to be a robber, even though there is wine, meat and women to sleep with every day, and the life is endless.

In fact, they have been deprived of their place of origin by the government and have become black households.

Even if you want to clear your name, there is no way.

Zheng Li not only cleared his name, but also became the domestic slave of a sixth-grade official. This is definitely the greatest luck.

"It's beneficial, you must help me this time!!"

Jiang Kun begged.

"Don't worry, the young master didn't refuse to take you in just now. He probably has something in mind. I'll find out when I get back and ask! You should follow me quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Li rode away, leaving Jiang Kun with a look of despair.

At this time, a younger brother whispered: "Brother, are we not going to be robbers in the future?"

Jiang Kun raised his eyes to look at him, raised his hand and gave him a loud slap in the face, and cursed: "Damn it, are you blind or deaf? Get back here and warn the brothers to wait until I come back before making any decisions!"

"Yes...yes, brother!"

The little brother covered his face and burst into tears because of this big mouth.

But Jiang Kun didn't care about his mood. When he saw the group of horses under the official road, he immediately ran over, got on his horse, and went straight to Niubei Village to chase after them.

Although he is the leader of the robbers, he has also heard the name of Niubei Village in the past six months.

During this period, he also had the evil thought of wanting to make a fortune in the extremely wealthy Niubei Village.

But when he thought about the miserable fate of Black Wind Village and Yellow Turban Alliance, he could only endure it.

He never expected that he would be lucky enough to meet the most legendary lord of Niubei Village today.

He felt that this time would be a turning point in his destiny, and he must seize the opportunity no matter what.


When Lin Yun rushed back to Niubei Village, it was already three o'clock in the hour.

The villagers worked in an orderly manner every day, so they all took a rest early.

The village is very quiet.

There are only a small team of soldiers patrolling the perimeter.

Lin Yungang drove the horse into the stable, and Zheng Li finally chased after him. "Sir, how come you are so fast! Even though I was chasing you all the way, I didn't catch up with you!"

Lin Yun showed a meaningful smile and said: "Commander Zheng, do you feel that you have grown up enough to make decisions for me?"

Zheng Li was shocked and knelt on the ground with a thud.

"I know I was wrong in my humble position!! Please forgive me!"

It turned out that Zheng Li had just been forcing Lin Yun to make a decision in front of Jiang Kun.

But how could Lin Yun be manipulated by him?
  If he agreed immediately, what would Jiang Kun think?

As a leader, Lin Yun must always keep his authority inviolable.

Although he understood Zheng Li's mood at that time.

But reward when it's time to reward, and never tolerate it when it's time to discipline, otherwise you will only raise a group of white-eyed wolves.

Lin Yun looked at him condescendingly and said: "I don't mean to blame you, but you must always remember that you are a soldier under my command, Lin Yun. As a soldier, you only need to obey orders! Instead of making your own decisions, Understand?"

"Yes, that's what the young master taught you!"

Lin Yun then shook the dust off his body and said: "Then if Jiang Kun comes, take him to the barracks to entertain him. I will go see him later! Remember... don't talk to him too much about whether to accept him or not." , it also depends on his character! If you, Zheng Li, dare to use your power for personal gain, don’t blame me for my military punishment!”

After saying this, Lin Yun threw the riding whip on the ground and turned around to enter the village.

Zheng Li then stood up, exhaled a breath, and smiled bitterly.

He was too anxious before, so he messed up Tsunasa and angered Lin Yun.

In Zheng Li's heart, Lin Yun was like a huge rock weighing on his head. He was always in awe and fear at any time.

He couldn't explain this complicated mood.

However, Lin Yun was good at controlling people, and what he wanted was his complicated mood.

Loyalty is not just words, but must always be implemented in actions and thoughts.

Lin Yun subtly guided Zheng Li, hoping that he could use this idea in his private army.

Only strict discipline can allow private armies to have strong combat effectiveness.

Here, Lin Yun returned to the mansion. Before he entered the door, he smelled an alluring aroma of food.

Lin Yun had been running around all day, and there was no food in his stomach. He was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back.

Immediately walked to the main hall.

Then she saw Ye Wanqing reaching out to grab some vegetables, but Lin Wuyue slapped her on the back of her hand.

"Eating secretly again, you are my husband's second wife, why don't you understand any rules?"

Lin Wuyue looked like a great lady.

Ye Wanqing pouted, covered her little hands, and said pitifully: "Sister Wuyue, you have reheated this meal two or three times. I don't know when my husband will be back. How about we eat first?"

"Wait a minute, my husband hasn't come back at this time, he must be busy with something big! As family members, if we can't even make our husband eat hot meals, then we are so incompetent!"

Ye Wanqing stared pitifully at the food on the table, swallowed her saliva, and nodded accordingly.

Of course she understands the truth, but she's not used to waiting for others when she's hungry.

When Lin Yun outside the door saw this scene, his whole heart melted.

No matter how miserable, tired or dangerous he was outside, he looked happy when he thought of his three lovely wives waiting for him at home.

Lin Yun coughed lightly and immediately walked in from the darkness, deliberately pretending not to hear anything, and said with a smile: "Madams, I'm back!"

Ye Wanqing immediately stood up and said happily: "Mr. sir, you are finally back! If you don't come back, I will starve to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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