wealthy lord

Chapter 136 Talking about Countermeasures at Night

Chapter 136 Talking about Countermeasures at Night
  If you want to become a qualified killer, excellent killing skills are naturally the core, but it is definitely not the most important.

You need to have a photographic memory of the environment and people. Only by being good at using terrain and human nature can you maximize your killing skills.

This was also the most introductory course taught by the head coach of the Lin family when Ah San was still working for the Lin family.

Although Ah San broke his leg and became a cripple, the skills he once mastered are still there.

He has even been secretly trying to use hidden weapons for the past six months.

He doesn't want to be a complete useless person. Only by creating value can he be valued by Lin Yun. This is also his way of survival.

Lin Yun nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the location of Nianzi Mountain, and asked curiously: "Why is this mountain peak painted differently from other mountains?"

Ah San took a look and explained: "Fourteenth Master, do you remember the copper mine I told you about last time? It's at this location!"

"The terrain of Nianzi Mountain is so dangerous that it is almost impossible for ordinary people to go up the mountain. But in order to facilitate mining, Master Ba sent his subordinates to illegally kidnap many young adults in Taoyuan Town and dig roads in the mountain!"

Lin Yun sneered: "Bago is really a bastard, he can do such wicked things!"

Lin Yun also mobilized the villagers to work for him, but it was paid work. His relationship with the villagers of Niubei Village was an employment relationship.

But Lin Xuan's behavior, on earth, is just a pure human trafficker. Using the power in his hands, he grabs a group of coolies to work in the mountains and works until they die. Not to mention getting paid, if he can come back alive, he will What a blessing.

Ah San lowered his head in embarrassment and said, "The Fourteenth Master is right! As the Eighth Master's minion, I also did a lot of immoral things!"

Lin Yun glanced at him and said: "I don't care what you have done in the past, but now you are loyal to me, so completely get rid of the bad habits Bago has developed for you! In the future, if you let me know that you will do these unethical things again , but don’t blame me for not giving you a chance!”

Ah San immediately nodded and said: "Ah San has kept all the teachings of the Fourteenth Master in mind!"

After that, Lin Yun helped him go back to his room to rest, and then returned to the study alone.

Since he promised to let Ah San stand up, he naturally had to make preparations.

Ah San's injuries have completely recovered.

But if you want to stand up again, you can only make prosthetic limbs.

Lin Yun decided to use good solid wood to make prosthetic limbs first to give him hope and let Ah San return to normal.

After he can successfully mine the hematite in Niubei Mountain in the future, he can then forge pure iron prosthetics for Asan.

Soon, he drew a rough drawing. Although it looked a bit nondescript, it was fine as long as he could understand it.

By the time he finished his work, it was already a quarter past midnight.

Lin Yun stretched tiredly, then opened the door and walked to the bedroom.

At this moment, Lin Wuyue had already changed into white pajamas and was leaning on the bedside to embroider.

In this feudal society, if people were at home, there were no entertainment projects. Embroidery was also considered a pastime for women in ordinary families.

However, if Lin Wuyue hadn't been waiting for Lin Yun, she would have fallen asleep long ago.

Lin Yun pushed open the door, stared with red eyes, and said listlessly: "Wu Yue, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Lin Wuyue immediately put down the embroidery in her hand, sat up straight and said, "My husband hasn't rested yet, how can I sleep?"

Lin Yun smiled with satisfaction and fell directly on the bed, pressing his body on her legs.

"The eldest lady is so considerate. I, Lin Yun, have really accumulated virtues in my past life!" Lin Yun took a deep breath, and the bed was filled with the scent of woman. Thinking back to the life of a loser in his previous life, it was really a sharp contrast.

However, Lin Yun must admit one thing. In this feudal society, as long as you have money and status, you can marry three wives and four concubines. Moreover, most of the women are virtuous. Although they will have complaints in their hearts, most of them are just for this. Home gets better.

In the previous life, it was completely different. Under the advocacy of modern society, women held up half of the sky. Not only did they forget the virtues and virtues passed down by their ancestors, but they also no longer knew how to do the basics of washing and cooking.

In Lin Yun's view, the skill that a person must master from birth to adulthood is to be able to live independently, but some women do not know these at all, and they talk shamelessly.

Comparing the two, Lin Yun prefers women in this world. Just being considerate makes him willing to give everything for the three ladies.

Seeing how tired Lin Yun was, Lin Wuyue immediately held his head in her arms and massaged his head herself.

Lin Yun felt very relieved and slowly opened his eyes, just in time to look her in the eye.

"Wuyue, have you practiced before? It feels like the strength is just right! It's really comfortable!"

Lin Wuyue curled her lips and said: "Don't talk nonsense! Who should I ask to practice such an intimate thing?"

"Hey! Isn't it okay that I said something wrong? Come... let me show you my husband!"

Lin Yun was so agitated by him that he hugged her in his arms.

The two rolled directly on the bed and were covered by quilts.

Lin Yun stared at her like a pervert, making Lin Wuyue blush and heartbeat. Finally, she simply lay on Lin Yun's chest and listened to his strong heartbeat.

"Ms. sir, don't think so wildly! Just have a good rest tonight!"

Lin Wuyue grabbed his mischievous hand, but her face turned into a peach blossom.

Seeing that she really had no interest, Lin Yun could only shake his head with a wry smile, took a deep breath, and said: "Wu Yue, in another two and a half months at most, it will be the end of the year! The Lin family will definitely send a housekeeper to collect taxes by then. You have started recently. Get ready! Keep this money ready!"

As soon as business came up, Lin Wuyue suddenly lost her sleepiness. She sat up suddenly and asked, "Do you want me to receive the Lin family?"

"What? Are you scared?" Lin Yun smiled playfully.

"That's right! In my opinion, there is no good person in the Lin family!"

Lin Wuyue was treated badly by the Lin family, so she was very afraid of the Lin family.

"As I said, the Lin family is indeed not a good person, but what about your husband-in-law? I am not a good person either?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes.

Lin Wuyue realized that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately fell into Lin Yun's arms, saying coquettishly: "Isn't it okay that I said the wrong thing? Why do you, a grown man, still choose your words? Seriously, do you really plan to Do you want me to receive the Lin family when the time comes?"

"That's right! You are my eldest wife, Lin Yun, and you control the financial power. The Lin family is here to collect taxes, so naturally it is you! Moreover, it is just a Lin family housekeeper, and it is not my turn to show up in person!"

Lin Yun is not a petty person, but he must follow rules in everything. He was once a bastard in the Lin family, a marginalized person who was not treated well by the Lin family.

But as time has passed, the situation has long been different.

He has a large area of ​​land that can grow food, so even the Lin family must give him a certain amount of respect.

(End of this chapter)

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