wealthy lord

Chapter 14 Set a small goal

Chapter 14 Set a small goal
  When it comes to leading troops in battles, Ye Wanqing feels inferior to her, but when it comes to playing with power or businessmanship, she is the best at it.

She had learned last night that Lin Yun would definitely choose the path of government and business, otherwise it would be a fool's errand to pay off the 53,000 taels of silver within three years.

On the other side, Lin Yun didn't know that his two side wives were jealous.

He was climbing a mountain with the old village chief.

Although Niubei Mountain is not steep, climbing up the mountain is not easy for the old village chief.

Lin Yun looks young, but he has lived in the Lin family all year round and his physical fitness is not very good.

The two of them arrived halfway up the mountain, but they were both breathing heavily.

The old village chief smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Lin, you are too vain!"

Lin Yun looked embarrassed and said: "I make you laugh all the time! I have never traveled far away from home in the Lin family before, let alone climbed a mountain!"

"Eh... These days, those who work hard are all fools. Only Mr. Lin with a background like Mr. Lin, who is brave and resourceful, can achieve great things in the future!"

When he mentioned his background, Lin Yun thought of those in the Lin family who looked down on him. He turned to look in the direction of the top of the mountain and asked, "Old village chief, who built this road up the mountain?"

"Hey... Speaking of this road, there is still some history! It was built by the villagers led by the previous lord of the Lin family. They originally wanted to plant some fruit trees in Niubei Mountain so that the villagers could have more harvests. Who would have thought ...Hey, the environment on the top of Niubei Mountain is very harsh. Although the terrain is flat, the land is barren and it is impossible to grow any crops!"

Li Xiaoshan suddenly realized and said: "Of course! However, what you always said is not accurate. The environment in Niubei Mountain is indeed not good, but it is not barren!"

The old village chief frowned at first, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "What does Mr. Lin mean?"

He wasn't stupid either. Lin Yun mentioned Niubei Mountain again and again, and he couldn't wait to go up the mountain just after killing the bandits. It must have a lot of meaning.

Lin Yun stretched and said, "Let's continue!"

The old village chief followed immediately.

"Actually...the strange rocks you talk about are treasures in my opinion! These stones can be smelted into iron. Although I am not sure how much reserves there are in Niubei Mountain, I think they will be there!"

Lin Yun was talking eloquently, but he didn't see that the old village chief was stunned and froze on the spot.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Lin Yun turned around and saw the old village chief looking at him blankly.

He swallowed hard again: "Mr. Lin, you just said that these stones can be turned into iron? Isn't pig iron directly mined?"

"This...I can't explain it in just a few words!"

It turns out that the iron in this world is all naturally formed. People found that iron was hard enough, so they developed a crude forging process. After heating the pig iron, they made it into various weapons and agricultural tools.

However, because the forging process and iron-making technology were too primitive, the quality of the weapons produced was very low, and the blades often broke on the battlefield.

They didn't know the existence of iron ore at all, not to mention that Niubei Mountain was full of hematite. The quality of this ore was extremely high. If Lin Yun could refine it, it would bring huge wealth.

At that time, let alone paying off the debt, he can completely turn over and live a life of a rich man.

Soon, the two came to the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, as the old village chief said, the top of the mountain is flat but bare, not even weeds.

Lin Yun observed the surrounding environment, then squatted down, grabbed a handful of sand from the ground, put it to the tip of his nose, sniffed, and murmured: "It's really sulfur!"

At this time, the old village chief squatted down curiously, looked at the sand in his hand, and asked: "Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? What is sulfur?"

Lin Yun stood up, sprinkled the sand in his hands on the ground, and said, "Nothing! Let's go over there and have a look!" Looking at the direction Lin Yun was going, the old village chief quickly stopped him and said, "Mr. Lin, there's something terrible there. Can’t go!”

"Oh why?"

"There is a quicksand pool there, and anyone who gets close will be swallowed up by the loose quicksand! When the road up the mountain was just built, some unsuspecting villagers were swallowed up by the quicksand pool!"

Lin Yun nodded and walked forward carefully. When he saw the red sand pool in front of him, he was immediately ecstatic.

"Ha ha!!"

The old village chief looked confused. Lin Yun said too many words that he couldn't understand along the way, but he didn't dare to ask further and could only stare.

"Master Lin, why are you laughing?"

"These are all red iron sand!"

"Hematite sand? Is it just iron?"

Lin Yun slowly shook his head, tore off a large piece of his robe, grabbed a handful of hematite sand well, and wrapped it with sulfur-containing sand.

"Okay, let's go down the mountain!"

He took these two samples away and wanted to go back and study them carefully. It would be best to try them first.

Upon returning to the village, Lin Yun was immediately surrounded by dozens of children.

There were women and men around, all looking at him with kind faces.

Lin Yun glanced at the crowd and showed a smile. He understood that it must be his previous performance that finally impressed everyone.

At this time, a woman came forward with a basket and said: "Mr. Lin, thank you for your work in suppressing bandits in the village! Everyone misunderstood you before! The dried fish and a few eggs in this basket were collected by the villagers. , the things are not valuable, please accept it with a smile!"

"Yes! Mr. Lin please accept it!"

"Master Lin, you are the benefactor of our Niubei Village!!"

The villagers expressed their gratitude to Lin Yun with every word.

Lin Yun dragged the basket back and said with a smile: "Don't be so polite! I know you are all living a hard life! You should keep these foods for yourself! And... I, Lin Yun, have said before that from From the day I entered the village, I have been a member of Niubei Village, and I am just an ordinary person like everyone else!"

"If I have to say something different, it is that I promise to everyone that I will completely change the people's livelihood in Niubei Village in the shortest possible time! Just taking advantage of the crowd today, I will set another small goal, within three months Not only do I want everyone to be fed and clothed, I also want every family to have a surplus of food!"

Everyone had seen Lin Yun's methods and was definitely not a big talker, so their eyes lit up.

At this time, the old village chief took the lead in applauding, followed by thunderous applause.

It even attracted the three women in the mansion.

They all heard about Lin Yun's small goal and were all surprised.

Ye Wanqing said helplessly: "My husband is becoming more and more like a magic stick!"

She also had to admit that Lin Yun's eloquence was very good. In the past few times, even she, a person who had been hanging out in the National Academy of Sciences all year round, could be easily infected by his emotions, let alone these villagers living at the lowest level.

They are too eager to have a leader emerge who can lead everyone to live a prosperous life.

Oona curled her lips and said: "The word "Shen Guan" should be given to you! The National Academy of Sciences you were in before was a group of people who had nothing to do and only knew how to fight openly and secretly. They didn't care about the people at all! They didn't even know the sufferings of the people at the bottom. !”

(End of this chapter)

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