wealthy lord

Chapter 151 More unjust than Dou E

Chapter 151 More unjust than Dou E

"Daughter of the common people? You two don't count! I've invited you both many times but both of them have been rejected. This time, it's not up to you! Take action!"

Qiu Yi has coveted the two girls for a long time. How could he miss this opportunity?

It is said that people are in high spirits during happy events. This time he took the opportunity to sit in the position of the general manager of soldiers and horses in Yucheng, and he just happened to recruit two more beauties. This is called happiness upon happiness.

But Sun Xuemeng is just like a normal woman. She won't resist at all when faced with danger, and she doesn't know how to solve it. She will just hold her head and scream.

The scene became chaotic for a while.

Even Lin Wuyue and Ye Wanqing heard the news and came to watch the fun.

Although they didn't like Wang Siyi and Sun Xuemeng, they couldn't see Qiu Yi committing violence in public.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly said: "Master Qiu, what did you promise me just now? You won't regret it so soon, right?"

Qiu Yi was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Lin Yun, and said, "Exceptor Lin, this matter has nothing to do with our cooperation, right?"

"Who said it doesn't matter? As I said just now, Miss Wang and Miss Sun are both my friends and my clients! If something happens to them on my territory, and the news spreads, outsiders will think that my place is a land of wolves. Who will do business with me in the future? Mr. Qiu, isn’t this just ruining the situation, so what is it?”

Lin Yun's words seemed easy-going, but every word was so heartbreaking that Qiu Yi's face turned livid.

But the thought of offending Lin Yun for two women was totally not worth it.

After thinking about it, he suddenly grinned, showing a look that every man knows, and said ambiguously: "It turns out that Lin Lin has taken a liking to these two girls! Well, although this young master is romantic, he is not obscene, and he will not steal people. Such beauty! If that’s the case, then I’ll take my leave! Haha!!”

Qiu Yi laughed loudly and strode away like a meteor.

And a group of followers followed closely behind.

They also dislike Niubei Village.

As a bodyguard, you are naturally most concerned about safety issues, and you will be vigilant wherever you go.

But after nearly an hour, they found that the mansion was surrounded by soldiers who were watching eagerly.

The slightest movement on their part would attract hostile looks.

But Qiu Yi walked away, leaving the mess to Lin Yun.

Especially his last ambiguous words made him extremely embarrassed.

On one side are the two ladies who have followed him to this day, and on the other side are two beautiful ladies from Yucheng.

Lin Wuyue saw Lin Yun's hopeless look, snorted coldly and left.

Ye Wanqing pouted and said, "Ms. sir, is what Qiu Yi just said true? Are you really attracted to these two little goblins?"

Lin Yun smiled awkwardly and said, "What are you talking about? That Qiu Yi dog can't spit out ivory. Didn't you hear that he dug a hole for me on purpose?"

Ye Wanqing's expression softened slightly, but she was still willing to believe Lin Yun.

Although it is common for men in this world to have three wives and four concubines, especially for a man with extraordinary abilities like Lin Yun, if he is willing, he can make a home wherever he goes.

Therefore, if Lin Yun is willing to explain, it proves to be true, and there is no need to lie and ruin his character.

But at this moment, Sun Xuemeng suddenly said: "For an outstanding person like Lin Yuanwai, even if you are ruthless to me, I am interested in you!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was instantly shocked, as if a explosive charge had been detonated.

Lin Yun was stunned. He didn't expect that Sun Xuemeng, who looked like a lady, could say such arrogant words?
  Wang Siyi felt even more incredible and lost his voice: "Xuemeng, you...what did you say? Lin Yuan is a man with a family!"

"So what? I, Sun Xuemeng, have always admired the strong. Lin Yuanwai is not only strong enough, but also talented. Isn't such an outstanding person the perfect husband for me?"

Sun Xuemeng has a straightforward personality, and everyone present can't get off the stage as soon as she opens her mouth. She doesn't feel any discomfort at all.

Ye Wanqing immediately blushed with anger, stepped forward and pointed at her and said, "Say it again? Do you want to steal a man from me?"

"Mrs. Ye, why do you need to go to war? I do like Lin Yuanwai, but he doesn't like me! Besides, if you are confident, are you still afraid of me, a latecomer?" Sun Xuemeng seemed to have an epiphany, and spoke unusually Sharp.

Ye Wanqing was left speechless.

Lin Yun coughed lightly, understanding that if he didn't speak, he didn't know how far it would develop.

"Um... Commander Zheng, take a few soldiers with you and send the two ladies back to Yucheng safely. There must be no mistakes!"

“I accept my order from my humble position!!”

Zheng Li cupped his fists in greeting, then looked at the two women, made an invitation gesture, and said: "You two ladies, please invite me!"

He has always seen others play the game, not because he is snobbish, but because he knows how to assess the situation.

Seeing Sun Xuemeng boldly express his feelings to Lin Yun this time, he respected him even more.

Zheng Lili knew how charming his master was, but he didn't know if Lin Yun would accept Sun Xuemeng next.

Therefore, he did not dare to offend the two women in this situation.

Wang Siyi bowed to Lin Yun and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for speaking up just now and saving Xue Meng and I from falling into the hands of that beast! Let's take our leave now!"

After saying that, he took Sun Xuemeng's hand and left.

However, Lin Yun did not go to see her off. Instead, she turned to look at Ye Wanqing and said with a wry smile: "It's not my fault this time! I promise, I don't have any evil thoughts towards Miss Sun!"

Ye Wanqing curled her lips and said resentfully: "Yes! The ancients said that the cloud trees want to be quiet but the wind does not stop. I didn't understand it in the past, but today I have learned a lot!"

After saying this, she turned around and went back to her room without waiting for Lin Yun to hug her.

Obviously, what Sun Xuemeng said just now deeply hurt Ye Wanqing.

She was once the daughter of a wealthy and scholarly family, and she was also the pride of the family.

Moreover, she saw her own shadow in Sun Xuemeng, so she believed that what Sun Xuemeng just said was serious.

And the same goes for Lin Wuyue.

However, she believed in fate more and seemed to have expected that Lin Yun's radiance would sooner or later attract other members of the opposite sex.

It would be weird if it doesn't attract you.

Lin Yun didn't know what to say. Who did he provoke?

But he was also murmuring in his heart, is his charm really that great?
  He is not a single young man, but a man with three wives.

Returning to the workroom, he took out the ambergris Sun Xuemeng gave him, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and it suddenly smelled very strange.

If ambergris were made into perfume, the smell would definitely be stronger.

Of course, he knew that ambergris was actually whale excrement.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun laughed to himself.

It seems that all the things he has created recently are related to these filthy things.

Late at night, Lin Yun was still busy in the workroom and didn't even eat dinner.

It wasn't that he didn't want to eat, but that Lin Wuyue didn't cook at all.

Apparently in protest against him.

Lin Yun saw this and could only choose to remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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