wealthy lord

Chapter 159 Loyalty and Righteousness Are Hard to Complete

Chapter 159 Dilemma of Loyalty and Righteousness

Wang Siyi was still angry. Qiu Yi coveted her. She had known for a long time and was not angry.

But this time, even his father stood up for Qiu Yi and sent her out even though he knew that Qiu Yi was a bastard. This was the reason why Wang Siyi was angry.

Little Cherry quickly nodded in agreement, and as soon as she turned around, she saw the beautiful middle-aged woman standing behind her.

She was so frightened that she quickly leaned over and said, "I've seen Madam!!"

The beautiful middle-aged woman nodded with a smile. As soon as she walked in the door, she saw that the house was in a mess, and the curtains were chopped into pieces.

"Siyi, can you listen to my advice?"

Wang Siyi said in a deep voice: "Er Niang, you have treated me well since childhood. Logically speaking, I shouldn't contradict you! But this matter is related to my future happiness, and I will not agree to it!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman said bitterly: "I know that your father's decision has really hurt you as a child, but have you ever thought that your father has always been upright, why did he suddenly change his mind this time?"

Wang Siyi frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

"General Manager Wei has taken a back seat! The current military commander is Qiu Yi, and your father, the military commander, is under the control of Qiu Yi! If your father refutes his reputation, have you ever thought about what our Wang family will do? What’s the outcome?”

Wang Siyi suddenly realized it and sneered: "It turns out that my father is willing to sacrifice my daughter in order to preserve his own position, right?"

The middle-aged beautiful woman frowned and said: "Siyi, don't say that! We are all a family. Although we have different divisions of labor, we all have to contribute to the family! What's more... Although Qiu Yi said it was unbearable, after all, He is the son of Mr. Fu Yin. If we can find out that the matchmaker is marrying you, it may not be like this in the future!"

"Okay! Are you finished talking, Er Niang?"

The beautiful middle-aged woman nodded.

"Then please come back, Erniang! Please Erniang, please go back and tell my father that there is someone who can help us solve the problem that he can't solve!"

Wang Siyi wanted to find Lin Yun. Among the people she knew, only Lin Yun could stand up to Qiu Yi and put pressure on him.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was shocked and said: "You...you want to find that Lin Yun?"

As the wife of the Wang family, she had naturally heard of it, especially since her husband had mentioned Lin Yun just now.

Wang Siyi said playfully: "Yes! Mr. Lin will definitely help me!"

Saying that, he took a step and left.

The beautiful middle-aged woman quickly stopped her and said, "Don't... don't go! If your father finds out, he will definitely whip you! I beg you, my second mother!"

Wang Siyi shook his head and said: "Even if you beat me to death, I will go!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she broke free from the middle-aged beautiful woman's hand and ran away through the door.

"Come back...come back quickly!!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman could only stare.

The guards guarding the surroundings wanted to stop him, but when they saw the cannibalistic look in his young lady's eyes, they could only watch helplessly.

After Wang Siyi and Xiao Yingtao met, they left through the back door of the palace.

When the middle-aged beautiful woman told Wang Chuanzhong about this, he was so angry that he cursed and shouted: "Here comes someone!!"

Several guards with knives came in immediately outside the door.

"Go...capture the eldest lady!! I don't care what method you use, even if you tie her up, you have to tie her back up!"

As soon as everyone accepted the order, the beautiful middle-aged woman said: "Master, listen to me! Maybe that Lin member really has a way! Let Siyi try it!"

Wang Chuanzhong showed a trace of struggle in his eyes and said bitterly: "But, if Mr. Qiu learns about this matter, our Wang family..."

"Master, didn't you just say what you said? That member Lin is very powerful. Since he can talk to Master Fu Yin, there might be a way! Moreover, you have made your attitude clear. This girl does not agree. Even if Qiu Yi is held accountable, we still have an excuse!"

"Otherwise, even if we marry Siyi to Qiu Yi, the reputation of the Wang family will be ruined!" These words struck Wang Chuanzhong's heart and made him fall into silence for an instant.

As a military general, loyalty is the first priority in his heart. If he gains status by betraying his daughter, he will never be able to forgive himself in his life.

And it was only after he was threatened by Qiu Yi that he became hot-headed and regretted what he said to his daughter.

After a long time, Wang Chuanzhong waved to his subordinates and said with a tired look: "You all should stand down!"

All the soldiers looked at each other, then turned and retreated.


Lin Yun comforted the three ladies and was just about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door.

Lin Wuyue frowned and said, "Why is it so late and someone else is coming?"

Lin Yun stood up, put on some clothes and said, "Madam, rest first!"

With that said, he got up and opened the door.

As soon as he reached the gate of the compound, he heard Zheng Li scolding his men.

"Keep your voices down! Don't disturb the villagers!!"

It turned out that Zheng Youli led everyone to get fine sand from outside Taoyuan Town.

With the current physical fitness of the private army, just transporting fine sand is definitely child's play.

Lin Yun opened the courtyard, and Zheng Li immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Sir, I brought back the fine sand you asked for!"

Lin Yun nodded with a smile, gave up his position and said: "Put them all into the courtyard!!"

Only then did all the soldiers come in carrying a sack.

This sack weighed a hundred pounds and was very light for them to carry.

Lin Yun saw this and felt extremely pleased in his heart.

After spending a lot of money and training for nearly a year, these private armies finally became combat effective.

The performance of combat effectiveness is not only on the battlefield, but also reflects the combat effectiveness of an army from the execution of tasks in peacetime and whether it is vigorous and resolute.

Obviously, Lin Yun's private army has begun to take shape. Although the number is not large, even if there are only a hundred people, they can still stand up to a thousand-man cavalry army.

Lin Yun asked: "I thought I would have to wait until dawn to come back. How come it's so fast?"

Zheng Li smiled and said: "It's all thanks to the sketch provided by Jiang San. We followed the route on the sketch, which not only took less time, but was also very safe! Although we encountered a group of officers and soldiers from Taoyuan Town patrolling by chance, we were not discovered by them. !”

Lin Yun nodded with satisfaction, directly pulled out the short knife hanging from Zheng Li's waist, and directly separated the sack, and the golden sand flowed out instantly.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand to grab it, felt the soft and fine sand, and praised: "Okay, this is the fine sand I want!! Commander Zheng, you did a good job this time! I will mark your contribution! Remember to reward the soldiers." , go down and rest!”

"I'm resigning from my humble position!"

With that said, he led the soldiers away.

Lin Yun focused all his attention on the fine sand. He grabbed a handful of fine sand and entered the workroom. Under the light of an oil lamp, he observed carefully. He could see that although the fine sand was small, it was full of amber crystals.

This is the perfect material for melting glass.

It is almost certain that it is impossible for Lin Yun to achieve the level of glass craftsmanship in modern society. It will definitely be very rough and not even transparent.

(End of this chapter)

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