wealthy lord

Chapter 197: Rats have become sperm these days

Chapter 197: Rats have become sperm these days
  "Hmph, I have official business to attend to, so let her come back another day!"

He had to carry out the orders issued by Lin Yun and Qiu Guangri, so how could he still be in the mood to accompany the Sun family girl.

"Sir, you'd better meet her! Miss Sun also said that she has something important to report!"

The guard refused to give up, which made Ma Ji angry. He turned his hand and hit him in the face.

"You bastard! I told you that I have official duties, why do you talk so much nonsense? Or did you just accept the benefits from Miss Sun?"

The guard covered his face, looked at him in horror, and quickly begged for mercy: "Sir, have mercy! How can I have the guts to take advantage of this!"

The officers and soldiers who were already waiting in front of him stared at the guard like an idiot.

In their eyes, the guard who dared to contradict the manager was simply seeking death.

At this moment, Sun Xuemeng's voice suddenly came from outside the Moon Gate.

"Mr. Ma, why are you so angry? My little girl wants to see you, but she has something important to say!"

Ma Ji turned around and saw Sun Xuemeng walking towards him with lotus steps. The anger in his heart rushed up to Tianling Gai, and he said in a deep voice: "Miss Sun, you are so brave, you dare to break into my house of internal affairs! Do you know? What sin is this?”

Sun Xuemeng smiled slightly, but was not afraid, and said: "Manager Ma, I am working specifically for Lin Yuanwai this time. Are you so unreasonable?"

Ma Ji's expression suddenly changed. Although many officials in Yucheng knew about his relationship with Lin Yun, it was an open secret and no one dared to mention it face to face.

After all, Lin Yun was just an outsider in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After all, he was still an official under his command, and he should not be given any face either emotionally or rationally.

But being told by Sun Xuemeng to his face made him greatly embarrassed.

The officials and soldiers below were all talking about it.

Ma Ji said sternly: "So what? I am busy with official duties, but I don't have time to listen to what you have to say! If you are wise, leave as soon as possible. Don't wait for me to punish you, or you will regret it!"

Ma Ji's words were just to tell her that if you have anything to say, please wait in private. Now is not the time to talk.

With that said, he pushed Sun Xuemeng away and said loudly: "This time, I have been ordered by Master Fu Yin to go to Niubei Village. You will go there quickly without any mistakes!"

Ma Ji did not say anything specific.

The officers and soldiers also went about their routine, and without asking any questions, they lined up and walked outside the mansion.

Ma Ji ignored Sun Xuemeng and left at the end of the team.

Sun Xuemeng immediately caught up and said, "Manager Ma, I'm here specifically to discuss Lin's medical qualifications. Do you really not want to hear it?"

Ma Ji was a little annoyed and frowned: "In that case, why did you come to me instead of going to the forest officer?"

Sun Xuemeng asked, "I heard that Manager Ma went to Niubei Village this time to transport grain? Is it true?"

Upon hearing this, Ma Ji was shocked. Only Lin Yun and Qiu Guangri knew about this, including himself. It was impossible for a third person to know about it.

How did Sun Xuemeng know this?
  Seeing Ma Ji's surprised expression, Sun Xuemeng smiled and said, "It seems I guessed it right! Manager Ma, let me go with you!"

Ma Ji looked at her deeply and could only nod in agreement.

He didn't feel confident now. Less than half an hour had passed since Lin Yun and Qiu Guangri ordered the food transportation. Sun Xuemeng knew that there must be some unknown secret behind it.

Even he was a little undecided now.

We can only take Sun Xuemeng with us and hand it over to Lin Yun.

"Okay! Then come with me!"

After saying that, Ma Ji turned around and left. Along the way, the officers and soldiers talked and laughed, just as relaxed as usual when they go out to perform official duties.

Only Ma Ji was worried.

You know, what he is going to do this time is top secret and extremely involved. If it is not handled well, the consequences will not be something he can bear.

At this time, Sun Xuemeng smiled and said: "Manager Ma, Lin Yuanwai was also in Yucheng just now, why didn't he go on the road with you?"

"Hmph, why are you asking me? No one can guess what Lin is doing outside. You can ask him directly!"

"Oh, I heard that Haocheng Prefecture Yin Tian Jingyu had a big quarrel with Mr. Qiu and Lin Yuanwai just now. I don't know if it's true? Could it have something to do with this food shipment?"

Sun Xuemeng kept beating the drum, which made Ma Ji feel anxious. Finally, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Why do you know so many things? Sun Xuemeng, who are you?"

This was not really about Sun Xuemeng's name, but about the strength behind her.

In his opinion, although the Baicaotang behind the Sun family belongs to the Ministry of Industry, the Sun family has no real power. Being placed in a border city like Yucheng is enough to show that the Sun family has not entered the core, but they can know that such Being troublesome is not normal in itself.

Sun Xuemeng said in a deep voice: "Don't Manager Ma know me? Why do you ask?"

At this moment, she no longer looked as cute as before in front of Lin Yun, showing a maturity that was not in line with her age.

Ma Ji looked at her deeply and said no more.

Soon, the large group of people finally arrived at Niubei Village.

Lin Yun had already arranged everything and asked the villagers and private soldiers to move all the stored grain out of the underground granary.

He still kept in mind that the specific location of the underground granary might be known to outsiders, even if Ma Ji was very close to him.

However, when Lin Yun saw Sun Xuemeng accompanying Ma Ji, he couldn't help but frown.

What we are doing today is top secret and cannot be known to outsiders at all.

On the side, Ah San also frowned and said, "Sir, why did Ma Ji bring an outsider?"

Lin Yun whispered: "Inform Commander Zheng and ask him to send people to keep a close watch and seal off the entire area within a mile of Niubei Village. If anyone comes close, there is no need to notify them and they will be killed directly!"

Even though he was usually kind to people, especially towards his relatives and friends, he had no temper, but if he really wanted to attack, Lin Yun would never tolerate it.

Ah San immediately accepted the order, turned around and left.

Lin Yun regained his smile and walked forward quickly.

"Manager Ma, come as soon as you come, why did you bring a tail?"

He was asking about Ma Ji.

Ma Ji smiled bitterly and said: "Exceptor Lin, the rats have become sperm these days! Niubei Village is now a major grain grower in Yucheng, so we have to be careful!"

Ma Ji's answer was also telling Lin Yun to be wary of Sun Xuemeng.

And Sun Xuemeng was not stupid, so how could he fail to hear the connotation of the conversation between the two.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he immediately returned to his silly and sweet expression, smiling: "Exceptor Lin, I came uninvited, won't you be angry, right?"

Lin Yun had already been reminded by Ma Ji, so he was not surprised and said with a smile: "Of course, Miss Sun is a guest from afar. Isn't there some good news for me and Manager Ma to stop by this time?"

"Hehe!! Of course! You and my second uncle had already reached an agreement last time, and I'm here to send you my medical qualifications this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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