wealthy lord

Chapter 202 Teaching by precept and example

Chapter 202 Teaching by precept and example

"If I can find you, Mr. Yang, I must have inspected it a long time ago! I will demonstrate it in person first. Mr. Yang will take a closer look! If there is no problem, I will leave this work to you in the future!"

Yang Tiexin could only nod in agreement. He had always wanted to seek refuge with Lin Yun. After all, no one had trouble with Yinzi.

In addition, he still wanted something from Lin Yun this time, so he didn't dare to refuse.

"Okay! I must be watching carefully!"

Lin Yun began to demonstrate, first lighting the blast furnace, and while waiting for the temperature to rise, he took out a basin of fine sand in a sack on the side.

This is just a demo, so it doesn't require much.

The old blacksmith was dumbfounded when he saw Lin Yun's smooth operation, and he was filled with admiration in his heart.

He knew very well how hard it was to work around the blast furnace all day, and it was simply not a job that ordinary people could do.

But Lin Yun can operate it so skillfully, which shows that he must be working hard every day.

This also indirectly proves that Lin Yun is different from ordinary rich men.

This made Yang Tiexin praise in his heart that the master he would follow in the future did not have the common problems of rich young masters, which was definitely a thing to be happy about.

Here, Lin Yun had completed all the preparations. He turned around and saw a smile on Yang Tiexin's lips, and asked, "Why are you laughing, Mr. Yang? Is there something happy about you? Tell me and share it!"

Only then did Yang Tiexin react and waved his hands quickly: "No!! The young man was just impressed by the master's skillful operation! After all, this is not an easy job!"

Lin Yun nodded and smiled, and said: "Mr. Yang will follow me and work hard. You will find that this young master knows more things! It will definitely benefit you a lot!"

In fact, from the moment he planned to recruit the old blacksmith, Lin Yun had no intention of letting him go.

A person who has mastered many of his skills cannot be let go easily.

Otherwise, it will be very disadvantageous if you are bribed by one of your enemies or competitors in the future.

"Then thank you so much, Mr. Lin! I must learn with humility!"

After about half an hour, the temperature of the blast furnace finally came up.

It was troublesome in ancient times, but in modern times, it is very easy to increase the temperature of the blast furnace, at least it does not need to take so long.

Lin Yun stood up and opened the lid of the blast furnace. Suddenly a wave of heat surged over him, and the red firelight reflected on his face, like a layer of gold.

The old blacksmith carefully came to the furnace and looked at the blazing flames inside, feeling secretly frightened.

"Mr. Lin, how is the interior of this blast furnace designed? How can it preserve the heat so well? It's really amazing!"

Yang Tiexin was very envious. If his blacksmith shop had such a blast furnace, his daily work efficiency would be greatly improved.

If the temperature is high enough, the effect of calcining the iron will be better, and it will also allow the impurities and air in the iron to be squeezed out.

He can then use less hammer blows.

This may seem like an inconspicuous benefit, but it definitely brings a chain reaction.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry! As long as Mr. Yang is willing to do things for me, these are just small things! You have to see the next steps clearly!"

"I brought this fine sand back from the dry sea in Taoyuan Town. There are very few impurities in it. After being calcined at high temperature, the fine sand will melt!"

Yang Tiexin was a little surprised and said with emotion: "The young man is really ignorant. This is the first time I heard that fine sand can be smelted!"

These inconspicuous things are usually ignored by people. It is estimated that if Lin Yun had not mentioned it, Yang Tiexin would never have thought of calcining fine sand.

In his opinion, it was a complete waste of coals. When he opens his business, he knows how much coal he consumes every day and how many finished iron tools he can forge.

If the losses are too great and the benefits are not proportional, he will definitely not do it.

Not only him, but also a businessman would not do a loss-making business.

Therefore, the technology provided by Lin Yun is definitely rare and valuable.

Lin Yun nodded and smiled, and continued: "After being calcined at high temperature, the fine sand will gradually dissolve and become a viscous substance like molten iron! The next step is the most critical, and it is also the place with the highest gold content. You have to look carefully. !”

Yang Tiexin immediately widened his eyes.

After a period of high-temperature calcination, the fine sand dissolved into a liquid state as Lin Yun said.

However, Lin Yun did not take out the liquid solution immediately, but continued to calcine.

Yang Tiexin asked: "Master Lin, what are you going to do next? What exactly do you mean by glass?"

There was no concept of glass in his mind.

"The dissolved matter in this crucible needs to continue to maintain a high temperature. The temperature must not be allowed to drop. You must pay attention to the surrounding environment. Even a gust of wind may affect the subsequent finished product!"

As he said that, Lin Yun took another earthen basin on the workbench and filled it with a layer of white substance.

"This is lime powder and quartz powder, which are the key materials for making glass! The next thing you have to do is to pour all the powder from this porcelain basin into the crucible!"

Lin Yun explained and operated at the same time.

After completing all the steps, he fastened the furnace lid and continued calcining.

During this period he also added hot coals.

Let the fire burn brighter.

The entire workroom was already very hot, making both of them sweat profusely.

The old blacksmith was very adaptable to this environment. Apart from sweating, it had no effect.

Lin Yun wiped the sweat flowing from his forehead with his sleeve and said: "Starting from now, it will take about two sticks of incense to complete!"

The old blacksmith nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, how do you master such high-precision tempering?"

He wanted to ask just now. As an old blacksmith, he knew very well what Lin Yun's operation meant.

If the glass produced is as good as Lin Yun said, it is definitely a brand new technology.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Just think that I am self-taught! I have mastered the skills here after studying for a long time!"

Soon, the time for burning two sticks of incense was up. Lin Yun opened the blast furnace cover, took out the red-hot crucible with a special bamboo clip, and placed it on the prepared iron plate. Then he changed his position and poured out the liquid solution. Pour it on the bluestone slab.

The crimson liquid was very viscous and flowed very slowly, but eventually it spread evenly on top.

After another period of time, it finally cooled down, and a side of amber glass was finally made.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand to stand up the glass and said with a smile, "Do you understand?"

Yang Tiexin nodded and said: "The level is quite complicated. Although it is different from iron smelting, it is still understandable! Mr. Lin, can you let me try it myself?"

"Don't worry, that's it for today. You eat first! There will be plenty of time for you to try it during the day tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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