wealthy lord

Chapter 21 The trump card

Chapter 21 The trump card
  Yucheng was the city where Oona purchased all kinds of supplies before, and it was also the only city near Niubei Mountain.

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows, turned to look at the two villagers who admired him, and ordered: "Let him out!"

"It's... Mr. Lin!"

The two villagers then took out the keys, opened the prison door, and released Zheng Li.

In fact, they were both a little scared, fearing that these robbers would suddenly rise up.

But the robbers had long lost their will to resist, and now even if they were all released, they would not dare to take action, let alone escape.

Zheng Li moved his numb legs, then walked out of the prison and bowed to Lin Yun.

The robbers inside all looked envious.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Okay! No need to be polite! Come with me!"

He turned and walked towards a corner, and Zheng Li followed immediately.

The old village chief looked curious and asked: "Second Madam, what...what is going on? What is Mr. Lin going to do?"

Ye Wanqing stared at Lin Yun in the distance and said with a smile: "Don't worry! My husband is going to do a big thing! In the future, it will only make Niubei Village stronger and will not put everyone in danger!"

The old village chief nodded thoughtfully.

Here, Lin Yun looked at Zheng Li and asked, "Do you know why I brought you out alone?"

"I don't know! I don't need to know! I only know that I am loyal to Mr. Lin. Even if I risk my life, I must complete it!"

Zheng Li was eloquent and flattering, which made him feel comfortable.

But how could Lin Yun be so gullible? He smiled and said, "You are so eloquent. It seems that you did well in Black Wind Village before, right?"

Zheng Li smiled awkwardly and kept warning himself to be careful.

"You made Mr. Lin laugh! The villain is just..."

"Okay! You don't need to explain! Let me ask you, how many forces like Black Wind Village are there within the 500-mile radius of Niubei Mountain?"

Zheng Li was stunned and replied: "I'm not sure how many powerful villains there are within 500 miles of Niubei Mountain! But I heard Master Xiong mention it once! There will be a robber's den near every three villages! And! Fifty miles away from Niubei Village, there is a force called the Yellow Turban Alliance!"

Lin Yun's eyes lit up and he said: "Okay!! How strong is the Yellow Turban Alliance?"

Zheng Li finally figured out that Lin Yun had inquired so carefully that he must be preparing to eliminate all the robbers hiding in Niubei Mountain.

"The Yellow Turban Alliance is about the same as the Black Wind Village! But their boss, Mr. Liu, is just average! If Mr. Lin wants to suppress the bandits, I am willing to do my best!"

"Well...that's it! Then come with me later!"

After saying that, Lin Yun turned around and walked back.

Zheng Li was overjoyed and followed closely.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, no one is willing to fall into the trap. Now that there is a chance to make a comeback, he will naturally seize it.

At this time, Lin Yun said loudly: "Zheng Lili, from today on, you will be the first bodyguard under my command, Lin Yun, and all your companions will be under your management! If there is any problem with them, I will ask you !”

Zheng Li knelt on the ground with a pop and kept thanking him.

Although the prisoners in the cage were dissatisfied, they were happy that at least they could save their lives.

Afterwards, Lin Yun took Ye Wanqing and Zheng Lili, rode out of the village, and headed straight for the location of the Yellow Turban Alliance.

However, the Niubei villagers were shocked when they learned that Lin Yun was going to suppress the bandits, and they didn't understand why Lin Yun would do this.

There are at least several hundred people in a bandit den, but Lin Yun only takes two people to suppress the bandits. I am afraid no one will believe it, especially Ye Wanqing is a weak woman, which is a drag. If Oona is brought along, everyone will still be willing to believe it. .

Of course, the villagers also knew that Lin Yun must have the black powder that exploded before, and it would be no problem to have this thing to save his life. Ye Wanqing was very quiet along the way. While controlling the horse under her, she looked at the surrounding scenery, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Only Zheng Li was worried.

He thought that if Lin Yun wanted to suppress the bandits, he would definitely bring many troops with him, at least the barbarian woman who had stabbed Mr. Xiong that day.

But now I know that there are only three of them.

"Mr. Lin, is it... too dangerous for the three of us to challenge the Yellow Turban Alliance?"

Zheng Li had a bitter look on his face. Despite what he said just now, he was actually more afraid of death than anyone else.

Lin Yun held a straw in the corner of his mouth and stared at the official road in the distance, wondering: "What? Are you scared?"

"The villain is not afraid! It's just that... I feel unsure! No matter how weak the Yellow Turban Alliance is, it still has a force of nearly 200 people!"

"Okay! You don't have to be afraid! I, Lin Yun, am not stupid enough to risk death! I am calling you here this time just to be a guide! I am not asking you to risk your life!"

Hearing what he said, Zheng Li was even more confused and had no idea what kind of medicine was sold in Lin Yun Gourd.

At this time, Ye Wanqing discovered that there were two packages hanging on both sides of Lin Yun's horse, and asked curiously: "Ms. sir, what are you carrying here?"

She remembered that Lin Yun didn't bring anything, so these two packages must have a lot of history.

After hearing what she said, Zheng Li also looked at the package, but he couldn't even think of what it was.

Lin Yun shook his head, still staring into the distance: "Don't you know what it is?"

Ye Wanqing's eyes lit up and she murmured: "Could it be..."

Zheng Li scratched his head anxiously, and just as he was about to ask, Lin Yun held a riding crop in one hand, pointed to the mountain col in the distance, and said, "Is this the location you mentioned before?"

Zheng Li observed the surrounding terrain and nodded: "That's right! The Yellow Turban League's home base is on a line of sky in the center of Jinshan Col! Mr. Lin has great eyesight!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Take me to that line of sky quickly!"

Zheng Li clearly felt that Lin Yun had become serious, and he did not dare to ask any more questions, so he immediately rode forward to lead the way.

They were now going up the mountain. Although the mountain was not steep, it was very difficult for the horses under Lin Yun.

Ye Wanqing said: "Ms. sir, are you trying to detonate black powder here?"

She had already guessed that the packages on both sides of Lin Yun's horse were black powder. If these two large packages exploded directly, they would be extremely powerful.

Lin Yun nodded and said: "That's right! You stay here and wait for my signal later. When you hear the second gunshot, light the fuse!"

"Okay! Sir, are you sure this plan can kill all the robbers?"

"Who said I want to kill all the robbers?"

"Then what do you want to do?"

While talking, the three of them had arrived at the top of the mountain.

Lin Yun got off his horse and took off the two packages on his horse. When he reached the line of sky, he took a closer look.

About a hundred meters below, a group of strong men wearing yellow scarves were drinking and eating meat, and the atmosphere was very heated.

None of the robbers noticed anyone above them.

Lin Yun smiled coldly and directly placed the two packages on both sides of the sky.

These two explosive packets were improvised by him. Although they were crudely made, they weighed a hundred kilograms, which was enough for these robbers to drink a bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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