wealthy lord

Chapter 230 Shocking 4 people

Chapter 230 Shocking everyone
  He knows very well that arrogant soldiers will be defeated. If things continue like this, the private army in his hands will probably be destroyed.

Finally, Lin Yun set his sights on the deputy commander.

This kid is the root of evil.

At this time, Ah San said in a deep voice: "The bamboo gun invented by Mr. Lin is extremely powerful, and it is also the basis of our reputation as a private army in Niubei Village. Let's have a shooting competition first!! You and I each shoot one gun, who has the best hit rate?" How about whoever is the tallest wins?"

"Okay, then it's up to you!! Ah San, this is your choice, don't regret it!!"

From the deputy commander's point of view, he followed Zheng Li and shot guns all year round. He fired only 800 or not 1,000 rounds of ammunition a year. However, the number of times this lame man touched guns must be limited. Trying to shoot with him would undoubtedly be a recipe for death.

Ah San just smiled slightly, but looked confident.

At this time, the deputy commander waved his hand and shouted: "Come here, give him a gun!!"

A soldier immediately threw out the gun from his waist.

He deliberately threw it hard, just to make Ah San look embarrassed and lower his head to pick it up on the ground.

But Ah San was not an ordinary person, so how could he be embarrassed?

He raised his hand, easily caught the bamboo gun, and controlled the bamboo gun. He played with it beautifully in his palm before it was finally held by him.

Seeing such a method, the soldiers present were dumbfounded, and even the previous ridicule and contempt faded a lot.

The deputy commander also looked calm and realized that Ah San really had two brushes.

"You really have some abilities! However, these fancy things can't help you win. You'd better show your real skills!!"

As he spoke, the deputy commander skillfully pulled out the bamboo gun, raised his left arm, placed the bamboo gun on it, aimed at the wooden stake ten meters away, and fired with one shot.


There was a loud noise, and the ammunition spurted out, turning into a fire snake in the air, but it accurately smashed the wooden pile into pieces.

"Okay!! This marksmanship is only as good as Commander Zheng's ability than the deputy commander!"

"That's right, the deputy commander is the well-deserved spear king!"

"That's right! The real spearhead of our Niubei Village private army is Commander Zheng!!"

Hearing the cheers from many of his subordinates, the deputy commander was very proud and looked at Ah San provocatively.

Lin Yun, who had been standing outside the barracks door, just smiled coldly. These guys who don't know the heights of the world are really arrogant.

Just now I saw the deputy commander's shooting method. It was obvious that he had taught Zheng Lili the supported shooting method.

But the deputy commander only learned a little bit.

Ah San smiled approvingly and said, "The deputy commander's marksmanship is indeed well-deserved!"

"Hmph, it's too late for you to admit defeat now. With your ability, you can still be an ordinary soldier in my private army!"

The deputy commander sneered.

Ah San smiled contemptuously, slowly raised the bamboo gun in his hand, narrowed one eye slightly, and said: "On the battlefield, the enemy will not stand still and be shot by you. The deputy commander's shooting skills can only be used in front of these ordinary soldiers." Dominate the roost!! Today I will open your eyes!"

While he was talking, a crow happened to fly over high in the sky, about ten meters high.

Ah San found the right moment and shot out.

A fiery snake rose into the sky with such momentum that the dust beneath his feet rushed in all directions.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ammunition accurately hit the crow.

The crow let out a mournful cry and fell from the sky.

Seeing such a scene, all the soldiers were stunned, and the deputy commander opened his mouth wide, as if he could swallow two eggs.

Even Lin Yun, who was standing outside the barracks door, was surprised.

I sighed secretly that this real person Asan didn't show his face. He murmured: "It seems that I really ignored this kid's ability! He actually has such a talent!!"

Lin Yun was shocked and secretly happy at the same time.

I really found a treasure this time.

Ah San already had extraordinary leadership and commanding abilities, as well as advanced martial arts skills. Now he was even so good at shooting with a bamboo gun. This kid was simply a genius.

Ah San bent down and picked up the dead crow on the ground. He saw that the crow's wings had been punctured and its body was full of bullet holes.

Then he looked at the deputy commander with a smile and said, "How is it? Are you still convinced?"

"Impossible!! You must be blind! It's hard to detect even with the naked eye from a distance of more than ten meters, but you can still hit it? This is simply unrealistic!!"

The deputy commander immediately vetoed it.

The soldiers around him also changed from silence to agitation.

Seeing that these people refused to admit their fault, Ah San was also a little annoyed.

But at this moment, Lin Yun finally couldn't stand it any longer, stepped in, and said in a deep voice: "In a fair competition, no one can be bullied. Can the deputy commander not afford to lose?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned to look at the door of the barracks. When they saw Lin Yun approaching, everyone immediately lined up and stood up.

Lin Yun is their real leader.

He is also the leader and financial backer of this private army.

If it weren't for Lin Yun, then they would be nothing.

Therefore, even though they were shouting happily just now, facing Lin Yun, they could only remain silent.

The deputy commander smiled awkwardly and said: "Lin... Mr. Lin! It's not that I can't afford to lose, but Ah San was really blind just now! Although the bamboo gun is powerful, its accuracy is far from enough. Ten meters away, the ammunition It has already dispersed, it can only damage the enemy in a large area, but it cannot have such high accuracy!"

As soon as Ah San saw Lin Yun coming, her heart finally relaxed.

He knew that Lin Yun was very powerful, especially his shooting skills, which he could not match at all.

Therefore, he also chose to remain silent and see what Lin Yun would say.

Sure enough, Lin Yun sneered and said, "What's your name?"

The deputy commander was extremely nervous, but he also understood that today was his last chance. He quickly cupped his fists and said, "The villain's name is Yu Tao!"

"Hmph, your military quality is not high, but your tone is not bad! This bamboo gun was designed by me. Do you think this gun is not accurate enough?"

"This... villain doesn't mean that! It's just... just!!"

Yu Tao scratched his head anxiously, but couldn't think of a suitable answer.

Lin Yun stepped forward and snatched the bamboo gun from his hand. In full view of everyone, he suddenly raised his hand and aimed at the crow twenty meters away.

After taking aim for about five breaths, he suddenly fired.

The deafening sound shocked the surrounding areas and made all the soldiers feel terrified.

Because, high in the sky, another crow fell from the sky.

If Ah San's shot was a blind shot, what does it mean if Lin Yun can also hit a crow?
  At this moment, the soldiers were dumbfounded and understood that the deputy commander was finished.

But Ah San was amazed in his heart. He naturally saw that Lin Yun's shooting ability was better than his own, and he was more professional.

Shooting a palm-sized crow from a distance of 20 meters is equivalent to shooting a living person from a distance of 100 meters.

The understanding of the environment and shooting must have reached an extremely high level.

This is the so-called insiders watch the door, while laymen watch the excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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