wealthy lord

Chapter 25 Building a Private Army

Chapter 25 Building a Private Army
  Lin Yun wasn't stupid either. One thousand five hundred taels of silver could fill a carriage. He would be traveling very slowly. He could find Zheng Lili at any time.

What's more, in his opinion, Zheng Li would not do such a stupid thing.

Zheng Li used to be a bodyguard, but he had no choice but to become a bandit.

But he is also forced to have no choice. As long as he is given a chance to change his ways, this kind of person will definitely not be willing to continue to be a high-risk profession like a robber.

Choosing to join Lin Yun will be his only chance.

Lin Yun's control over human nature is evident.

Ye Wanqing suddenly realized it, looked at Lin Yun with some admiration, and said: "It seems that all my previous worries were unnecessary!"

"I guess you must be full of hope for the future now, right?"

Lin Yun showed an intriguing smile.

Ye Wanqing nodded immediately. She didn't express her position before because she didn't understand Lin Yun.

But now, she finally saw through Lin Yun and said: "Being chosen by you in the first place is really a blessing that I have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

"Ha ha!!"

Lin Yun laughed heartily and got on his horse.

The two set out on their way home.

When they rushed back to Niubei Village, it was almost dark.

The villagers were still busy working in full swing, and Lin Yun could smell a foul smell even at the entrance of the village.

Ye Wanqing said helplessly: "The power of black gunpowder is indeed powerful, but the production process is really unflattering! Can't there be another method?"

"I would like to find another way, but it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so I can only deal with it for a while!"

At this time, the villagers discovered that Lin Yun was back and immediately informed the old village chief.

The old village chief came out with some villagers to greet him.

They were also very curious about what Lin Yun did all day today, but seeing that he came back safely, everyone was relieved.

Even Lin Wuyue and Oona also came after hearing the news.

The old village chief smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, you are finally back!"

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "What? What happened?"

"No! This Niubei Mountain is not safe for hundreds of miles, and robbers often appear! I am also worried about your safety!"

At this time, Ye Wanqing said with a smile: "Don't worry! From now on, Niubei Village will no longer have to worry about being harassed by robbers! My husband wiped out another robber den today!"

Everyone gasped.

He looked at Lin Yun in disbelief.

He only took Ye Wanqing and Zheng Li out with him, and the three of them wiped out a den of robbers?

If you tell me, no one will believe it.

But everyone's expressions betrayed their inner thoughts, as if they didn't believe it at all.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The old village chief laughed dryly and said, "Young master Lin, you won't be able to use that black powder to suppress bandits, right?"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Yes! The effect is not bad!" Then he looked at Oona in the distance and said: "Oona, go out and meet Zheng Lili immediately!"

Oona then stepped forward and said angrily: "Humph, you just thought of asking me to help you now! Why didn't you take me with you during the day!"

Looking at Ye Wanqing with almond-shaped eyes again, she refused to deal with Ye Wanqing, especially what Ye Wanqing said before leaving in the morning, which made Oona bored for a whole day.

"Since you don't want to go, then forget it!"

Lin Yun was tired after a day of toil, so he walked through the crowd and walked towards his mansion. He originally planned to ask Oona to spy on Zheng Lili.

"Isn't it okay if I go? Can't you just follow my instructions?"

Oona was full of complaints, and then she got on the horse that Lin Yun rode back. At this moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the distance.

A villager immediately climbed up the wall at the entrance of the village to look around and said in horror: "The robbers are coming!!"

Everyone was startled, and some timid ones turned around and ran away.

Lin Yun turned around and looked around. Although he couldn't see clearly, he still saw Zheng Lili walking at the forefront, followed by a carriage and more than 20 Yellow Turban robbers.

He smiled and said, "Don't panic! It's Zheng Lili!"

Everyone was suddenly enlightened, and at the same time they were all amazed.

The villagers thought Lin Yun was joking at first, but they didn't expect everything to be true.

Soon, Zheng Li and others arrived at the entrance of the village.

He turned over and dismounted, came to Lin Yun, knelt down on one knee and said: "Mr. Lin, I have lived up to my fate and brought back one thousand five hundred taels of silver, more than one hundred war horses, various grains, vegetables and meat, and accumulated two thousand taels of silver." More than a hundred kilograms! There are also various types of silk and satin that have not been counted yet!"

All the villagers present were stunned by the amount of loot.

Not to mention one thousand five hundred taels, they had never seen even one hundred taels of silver.

Other types of materials have long been ignored by everyone.

Lin Wuyue and Oona were also secretly happy.

I have put in a lot of time and energy during this period, and it has finally paid off, and it’s so rich.

Look at Lin Yun's eyes full of love. They say that money can make the world go round, and this is absolutely true.

The source of all troubles is poverty. Now that they have a way to make money, the three women no longer have to worry.

At this time, Lin Yun helped him up and said with satisfaction: "Not bad! He is not greedy for profit! He is indeed a good seedling!"

Zheng Li secretly broke into a cold sweat.

On the way back, he also had greed in his heart. If he took away the fifteen hundred taels of silver and flew away, he would definitely live a life like a landlord.

But when he thought about his future, he gave up decisively.

In addition, Lin Yun showed extraordinary skills today, like a sharp knife hanging above his head, so Zheng Li finally did not dare to take risks.

Now it seemed that he had guessed correctly. The rich and wealthy Mr. Lin was indeed testing him.

"Master Lin has shown kindness to the villain. The villain will never repay his kindness even if he dies, so how could he do such stupid things!"

He can speak in scenes, especially to express his loyalty when he gets Lin Yun's approval.

"Okay! I said before that you will be my first bodyguard! Now I will hand over to you the prisoners from the Black Wind Village and the prisoners from the Yellow Turban Alliance you brought back this time! I will give you three months Time to transform them into well-disciplined cavalry! If you need anything, just ask and I will definitely satisfy you!"

Lin Yun had thought about this scene when he first chose Niubei Mountain as his fiefdom.

What he wants is not to simply gain a foothold, but to establish his own power and gradually encroach on the entire Fengyang County.

He trampled under his feet those who once looked down upon him in the Lin family.

The surrounding villagers were shocked and impressed by Lin Yun's ambition and courage.

However, as long as they can live a good life, they don't care what Lin Yun does next.

Zheng Li's eyes flashed and he said: "I accept my order from my humble position!!"

He had called himself a villain just now, but this time he changed to a humble position, which was equivalent to saying goodbye to his former identity as a robber.

The Yellow Turban Alliance robbers behind him were also very happy. They had seen Lin Yun's power, especially the bamboo gun he used, which left a deep impression on them.

At night, Lin Yun's family of four sat around the table.

There was a wealth of food on the dining table, all of which were captured trophies.

There was chicken, fish, and even wine.

(End of this chapter)

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