wealthy lord

Chapter 258 Interlocking

Chapter 258 Interlocking
  Lin Jinbiao smiled bitterly and said: "You said it is so easy! Resist the Lin family? Why do you have it? Just rely on the firearm in your hand? This kind of thing cannot completely defeat the Lin family!"

"I never planned to use force to overthrow the Lin family! What really played a decisive role was this!!"

Lin Yun tapped his temple with his finger.

"Humph, it's great to be young! You can be so arrogant! However, I advise you to go home and dream! There is everything in your dreams!"

Lin Yun picked up the teacup, glanced at him sideways, and said, "You don't believe me?"

"That's right! You kid can defeat Yucheng and Haocheng in one year. It's really impressive! But you grew up in the Lin family since you were a child. You know the Lin family no less than I do. Do you think that just because of your current ability? With some strength, is it possible to succeed?”

Lin Yun shrugged and said, "It's definitely not enough now!" Therefore, I still need Mr. Lin’s help next! As long as you are willing to do things for me! If we cooperate inside and outside, we can definitely shake up the foundation of the Lin family! Don’t forget, a thousand-mile embankment breaks down in an ant nest. Nothing in this world is impossible! '

Lin Jinbiao grinned and said: "Okay! I believe you for the time being! However, it is very expensive to let me work for you! Are you willing to spend money?"

He knew that Lin Yun was rich, and he also knew about Lin Yun's ambitions, so he wanted to make a fortune, or else run away in the future.

Neither the Lin family nor Lin Yun want to restrict his freedom.

Lin Yun leaned forward slightly and said with a smile: "No problem!! As long as Mr. Lin can come up with information that satisfies me, I can give you as much money as you want!"

"Then it's a deal!"

With that said, the two high-fived each other and made a verbal agreement.

Lin Jinbiao killed Tian Jingyu with his own hands, thus handing over his handle to Lin Yun.

Therefore, Lin Yun was relieved about him for the time being.

However, if Lin Jinbiao really thinks this way, he would be totally wrong.

Lin Yun has said more than once that he only sells discs when others see him.

Naturally, he must pay attention to someone like Lin Jinbiao who has access to the top leaders of the Lin family, both psychologically and realistically.

He will never give Lin Jinbiao a chance to make a comeback.

It took about three or four hours to carry the food outside.

By the time everything was done, it was already midnight.

Lin Yun, despite Lin Jinbiao's efforts to persuade him to stay, chose to go home.

He and Qiu Guangri must not stay for long.

Otherwise, if Tian Jingyu's matter comes to light in the future, he will definitely be suspected.

Lin Yun didn't want to get into this trouble.

On the way back, Qiu Guangri asked: "Lin Yun, are you really not afraid that Lin Jinbiao is plotting against you? Since the Lin family has placed him here, it will definitely not be as simple as we see on the surface!"

Lin Yun stretched out his waist and said with a smile: "I know! However, this is my only opportunity to get close to the top leaders of the Lin family, and I will not miss it! Moreover, life is a gamble. If you are timid, what will you do? Only when can we achieve our goal!”

Qiu Guangri nodded thoughtfully.

On the contrary, Ma Ji and Wang Chuanzhong looked at each other and understood that Lin Yun's deal with Lin Jinbiao this time was a gambling fight.

Naturally, everyone will be happy if they win and get more capital in their hands, but if they lose, they may lose everything overnight.

Everyone here will be screwed.

Nowadays, in addition to Lin Yun, Qiu Guang Rima Ji and Wang Chuanzhong are the closest and most important people around him.

If something happens to them all, the group will be destroyed.

At this time, Ma Ji asked: "Sir, even if Tian Jingyu is from the Lin family, Lin Jinbiao can suppress it, but it is always difficult for the court to solve it. To put it bluntly, even if the court does not pursue the case, it will send another person. What should I do if an official succeeds as the governor of Haocheng?"

Both Qiu Guangri and Wang Chuanzhong's eyes lit up, this was indeed a big problem.

Lin Yun said with a smile: "Just before Master Qiu and I arrived, I had already arranged for someone to go to Beijing to deliver a letter to Master Cui! I believe he will cooperate with me to properly resolve this matter!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

At this time, Qiu Guangri, Ma Ji and Wang Chuanzhong all expressed admiration for Lin Yun. His plan is link by link, neither aggressive nor timid, but completely steady and steady.

If Cui Mingchong can really arrange everything in the capital, then they really don't have to worry.

At least in the short term, nothing will happen.

When these old things are really brought up in the future, Lin Yun may be different from what he used to be, and maybe the Lin family will no longer be a threat.

Afterwards, Qiu Guangri and the other two returned to Yucheng and dispersed.

Lin Yun rushed to Niubei Village overnight.

This journey was not very close, even Lin Yun felt tired.

When we returned to Niubei Village, it was broad daylight.

However, although he was physically exhausted, he was in a good mood.

The threat in Taoyuan Town has been lifted, and the matter in Haocheng has come to an end for the time being.

We also harvested the big fish Lin Jinbiao, which will come in handy in the future.

You can have a leisurely time now.

Lin Yun sent the horse into the stable and met the private army soldiers who were about to go out for patrol.

Now, under the leadership of Ah San, they have all gotten rid of their previous decline.

And the deputy commander Yu Tao was surprisingly in this team.

When he saw Lin Yun, he immediately came forward to flatter him and said with a smile: "Master Lin, you are finally back!"

Lin Yunyi raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Then Miss Sun came last night! She wanted to stay and wait for the young master to come back, but she was rejected by the three ladies. They almost got into a fight last night!"

Three black lines suddenly appeared on Lin Yun's head.

This is really a problem for Sun Xuemeng, he said: "What about now?"

"It was the eldest lady who placed her and Miss Wang in the guest room together, so this matter is over!"

When Lin Yun heard that Wang Siyi was here, he immediately understood that it must be Sun Xuemeng's fault. It was not enough for her to cause trouble by herself, she also needed a companion.

Lin Yun's head felt as big as a bucket when he thought about the scene of several women getting together.

"No! I can't go home now!" Lin Yun murmured to himself, then looked at Yu Tao and warned: "Don't tell anyone about my return!! I'm going to the barracks to rest now, and we'll talk about everything after I wake up! !do you know?"

Yu Tao said flatteringly: "Don't worry, sir! I promise to pretend to be deaf and mute and won't say a word!"

Lin Yun then smiled with satisfaction and stepped into the barracks.

There were many empty rooms inside, so he found one at random and slept in it.

After running around for a whole day and night, even a strong body will feel tired.

What's more, Lin Yun went out to Taoyuan Town early yesterday morning, traveling between Yucheng and Haocheng, a round trip of several thousand miles.

Not to mention that he couldn't bear it, even the horse was exhausted.

In a blink of an eye, it was already three poles high.

Lin Yun was still sleeping soundly when he suddenly felt a numbness in his nose.

He scratched it, but it started to itch again.

In anger, he raised his hand and slapped himself awake.

(End of this chapter)

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