wealthy lord

Chapter 27: Win people’s hearts

Chapter 27: Win people’s hearts
  The old village chief smiled and said: "Master Lin, today we have extracted ten kilograms of black powder materials each!"

Zheng Li was surprised in his heart.

He finally understood that the extremely powerful hidden weapon used by Lin Yun was actually made by the villagers of Niubei Village.

Lin Yun nodded, turned to look at the back room, and said: "No Moon!!"

The door opened and Lin Wuyue walked out.

"From now on, you will be responsible for paying wages to the villagers!"

Lin Wuyue's eyes lit up. This kind of work is not difficult. It only requires some patience, but it can still find something for herself to do, and it can also share Lin Yun's worries.

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely do a good job!"

Lin Yun looked at the old village chief again and said: "From now on, we will store all the processed raw materials in the cellar. Remember not to get wet! Keep it ventilated and cool!"

The old village chief nodded quickly.

Lin Wuyue smiled and said: "You always come with me!"

Afterwards, the two entered the living room.

The one thousand five hundred taels of silver previously were kept by Lin Wuyue.

This money was regarded as the start-up capital for Lin Yun's development of power, and he still cared about it very much.

But after all, he has been a man for two generations, and he knows that if he wants to make a complete turnaround and grow stronger, he must not only be able to make money, but also accumulate wealth. If he does not know how to manage money, the height he can reach in the future will also be limited.

Therefore, Lin Yun will next train Lin Wuyue and let her learn to manage money.

Without the outsiders, Lin Yuncai looked at Zheng Li and said, "It's so late! What's wrong with you?"

"Young Master, I have just spoken with the captives on your behalf! They are all willing to become the Young Master's private army! There are currently fifty-one people in total! So... I want a sum of money to arm them first, and then start. practice!"

After all, Zheng Li had been a bodyguard and was from a military background, so he was proficient in leading troops.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will go to Yucheng with Oona tomorrow to purchase equipment! In addition, tell the soldiers below that although they usually do not participate in production work, I will still give each of them one tael of silver per month. Military pay! As the commander, you can get five taels of silver a month!"

"I have only one request. They must be trained into cavalry with strict discipline and good style! Isn't this a high request?"

Zheng Li was ecstatic when he learned that he could get five taels of silver every month.

According to the official positions in the Daduan Dynasty, from the ninth grade Zhima official, the annual salary is only more than thirty taels of silver.

As the commander of the private army, he earned five taels of silver a month, which was sixty taels a year, which was twice the salary of a ninth-grade official.

Zheng Li immediately knelt down and said: "Thank you so much, sir! I am confident that the private army can meet your requirements. If you fail to meet your requirements after three months, I am willing to be punished by military law!"

Lin Yun then nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I will retire from my humble position!"

With that said, he turned and left.

But after taking a few steps, Lin Yun suddenly thought of something and said, "Come back!"

Zheng Li was stunned and said: "Young Master..."

Lin Yun handed the bamboo gun to him in his arms and said: "This is a bamboo gun with ten bullets in it. If you aim it, it can kill ten people. As the leader, you must establish prestige! I leave it to you! Remember , it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Once it is used, except for our own people, all outsiders who have seen it must die, do you understand?"

Zheng Li's eyes lit up and he quickly took the bamboo gun.

He had seen the power of this thing. Lin Yun was able to pick off nearly two hundred people from the Yellow Turban Alliance with just this bamboo gun. This shows how powerful this thing is.

"Thank you, sir, but this is what you use for self-defense. It has been relegated to a humble position. What will you do?"

Zheng Li is very sensible, takes the initiative to care about his leaders, and is emotionally recognized by his leaders.

Lin Yun chuckled and said, "Do you think I will lack this thing?"

Zheng Li was stunned and said with a wry smile: "That's true! The young master is a genius. If he can invent such a powerful firearm, he can definitely make more!"

"Okay! No need to flatter me! You can go down! I'm tired too!"

With that said, Lin Yun stood up on the wicker chair and left. He did not go back to the house to sleep, but came to the woodshed alone.

This place has been completely transformed into a workshop by him.

There were a lot of ammunition and explosive bags piled inside.

And wrapped in oil paper.

It is very convenient to store in this way and it is also moisture-proof.

The biggest fear of these ammunition is moisture.

And unlike in the highly developed technological society on Earth, bullets are wrapped in metal shells.

After that, Lin Yun made himself a brand new bamboo gun.

After today's actual combat test during the day, he once again improved the manufacturing process to increase the power of the bamboo gun while reducing the intensity of the shock.

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Now we have reached the limit! If we want to increase the power, we will definitely not be able to rely on materials like bamboo tubes alone!"

To him, the current bamboo gun is just an inferior product. When can an iron pistol be made, it will be considered the peak of manufacturing.

Lin Yun will also create more powerful thermal weapons in the future, and everything he does now is a considerable accumulation of technology.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the explosive pack used to deal with the Yellow Turban League.

He couldn't help but frown secretly.

The reason why he was able to achieve victory during the day was because of explosive bags with a weight of one hundred kilograms.

But to be honest, the shortcomings of explosive packs are very obvious.

First of all, it is too dangerous. If the user cannot avoid it, he will definitely be affected or even killed.

Secondly, this method of igniting the fuse is easily affected by uncontrollable factors.

For example, weather influence and human influence will cause the ignited fuse to extinguish.

It also gives the enemy time to react.

Recalling that Ye Wanqing lit the fuse of the explosive pack during the day, Lin Yun and all the Yellow Turban League robbers present heard the sound of burning.

This kind of voice is still unfamiliar to people in this world.

But as he gradually gains some prestige in the future, the other party will definitely take precautions.

If he thinks about such an easy victory, it will become more difficult.

After thinking about it, Lin Yun casually picked up an explosive bag weighing only ten kilograms on the wooden frame against the wall.

After untying the rag above, black powder was revealed.

Lin Yun murmured: "It would be great if we could make a grenade! This thing will definitely be more convenient! It will also be more lethal when used against the enemy!"

Just as he was talking, footsteps came from outside the door.

Lin Yun suddenly looked at the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"Ms. sir, you...how long will you be busy?"

It turned out to be Lin Wuyue, wearing a white wrap, standing in front of the workshop door, her body still shaking slightly, which showed that the night temperature in Niubei Village was still very low.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "It will take a while! You go back to sleep first!"

"Oh, okay!"

Just as Lin Wuyue was about to leave, Lin Yun suddenly said, "How about you come in and stay with me?"

The little girl's eyes lit up and she opened the door directly and came in.

(End of this chapter)

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