wealthy lord

Chapter 308: Using Achnatherum splendens to make medicine

Chapter 308: Using Achnatherum splendens to make medicine
  Lin Yun stared at him and suddenly saw the shadow of Qiu Guangri on him.

In this feudal society, inheritance is very important.

If there is no male in the family, no matter how much family property and wealth is accumulated, it will be in vain.

Lin Yun comforted him: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, leave this matter to me!!"

Afterwards, the two returned to the dining table in the main hall.

Wang Chuanzhong said: "From now on, our entire Wang family is not allowed to go out!"

Qiao and Wang Siyi both stood up and didn't understand why he said that.

But Lin Yun just stood at the door indifferently, no longer thinking about eating.

He was secretly glad that he discovered it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, Wang Siyi came over and asked, "Mr. Lin, what is going on?"

Lin Yun slowly shook his head and said: "Just listen to your father! I'm going to the Sun family now. If I don't come back, you are not allowed to take a step! Do you understand?"

Wang Siyi wanted to ask more questions, but was pulled back by Wang Chuanzhong.

Lin Yun turned and left.

He still doesn't know if he is infected.

However, he is the only one who can cure the smallpox at the moment.

Lin Yun is a time traveler after all, and he knows that there is another herb that can treat this disease, and that is Achnatherum splendens.

Therefore, he still needs help from the Sun family.

When we arrived at Sun Mansion, it was already dead of night.

The person who opened the door was Uncle Fu, the old housekeeper of the Sun family.

However, Lin Yun has been here many times, and Uncle Fu also knows him.

"Lin... Mr. Lin, why are you here so late?"

Lin Yun sighed and said, "Has Second Master Sun rested?"

"The master has just returned to his room, he should rest now!"

Fubo said.

"Then please go and call Mr. Sun and tell me that I have something important to do!"

Uncle Fu also knew Lin Yun's abilities. Even he said it was a big deal, so he must be anxious. He quickly said: "Master Lin, please come in quickly. I will call the master out now!"

Lin Yun nodded and followed into the main hall.

Not long after he sat down, there were footsteps outside the door.

I saw Sun Xing walking in his white pajamas and a mandarin jacket. When he saw Lin Yun, he asked, "Mr. Lin, it's so late. What happened?"

As soon as he lay on the bed, he heard the call, especially the old housekeeper's talk, which made him very anxious.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Does your Baicao Hall have splendens now?"

"Splendens splendens? Why does Mr. Lin want this thing?"

"Of course it's to treat illnesses and save people! Is that true?"

"Yes, but this herb is not commonly used, and our Baicaotang doesn't have much in stock!"

Lin Yundao: "Is it enough to cook ten medicines?"

"Maybe not enough! Mr. Lin, what happened?"

This was the first time that Sun Xing saw Lin Yun's serious expression.

Lin Yun couldn't be more serious. Wang Chuanzhong's son contracted smallpox. If he was not treated in time, his life would be in danger and it might spread.

Lin Yun didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

"Don't worry, it's just that Manager Wang's son is suffering from a strange disease, so I came here to ask for medicine!" When he mentioned Wang Chuanzhong's son, Sun Xing relaxed and said with a smile: "I have treated that boy's disease. I have personally seen it, and it is just the most common cold disease. It can be cured by resting at home for a period of time and taking medicine on time!"

Lin Yun didn't want to explain too much to him, let alone create panic.

He said in a deep voice: "Okay, Mr. Sun will take out all the splendens from Baicao Hall. I will give you as much silver as you need!"

Sun Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Young Master Lin, you're welcome! These Achnatherum splendens are not worth much, so I'll just give them to you!"

Immediately, he looked out the door and said, "Uncle Fu!" ! '

The old housekeeper then walked in and said respectfully: "Master!"

"Go and send someone to Baicao Hall to get all the Achnatherum splendens!"


The old butler turned around and left without any unnecessary nonsense.

At this time, Sun Xing tried again: "Mr. Lin, did I make a wrong diagnosis before? Isn't Manager Wang's son suffering from wind-cold disease?"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Yes! This disease is similar to wind-cold disease, but the symptoms are different! If it cannot be treated in time, it may be life-threatening!"

"Oh, so you can use Achnatherum splendens to cure it?"

Sun Xing is not stupid. Now that a new disease has been discovered, his Sun family, as a medical family, will naturally take the opportunity to understand it. If they can control the prescription, it will be a great thing.

From a big point of view, it means that curing diseases and saving people has great merits, but from a small point of view, it is a new opportunity to make money.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "That's right! If this Achnatherum splendens is in the hands of Mr. Sun, it can't save people, but if it falls in my hands, it can save lives and cure diseases!"

Sun Xing's eyes lit up and he said, "Mr. Lin, can you tell me?"

"Prepare a room for me to prepare medicine. I will make medicine overnight!"

The medicine Lin Yun mentioned was naturally about extracting the essence of Achnatherum splendens.

This herb has antiviral ability, but because of its small content, if taken as a normal decoction, the effect will be minimal, and it will also cause patients to suffer from illness.

Therefore, Lin Yun plans to extract the essence of Achnatherum splendens, which can greatly improve the efficacy of the medicine and achieve the effect of curing diseases.

Sun Xing was overjoyed and said quickly: "That's no problem. There isn't much else in our Sun family, but there are many pharmacies! Mr. Lin, please come with me!"

Sun Xing was sleepy before, but after hearing Lin Yun's words, he suddenly became energetic.

He had long wanted to witness Lin Yun's pharmaceutical methods with his own eyes.

Especially the batch of Dali Pills that Lin Yun sold to him before were sold in Baicaotang and received an excellent response.

It's only been less than a week, and it's almost sold out.

He just went to bed and discussed with his wife to ask Lin Yun to make another batch of Dali Pills.

No matter what age men are, no one can guarantee that they are not weak, but this Dali Pill can really increase their confidence.

Lin Yun followed him, turning left and right, and finally came to a pharmacy.

There are some pharmaceutical equipment inside.

Lin Yun glanced around, shook his head and said: "These things are useless, except for this stove, take everything else away, and you can find me some ceramic pots and other objects!"

He wanted to extract the essence of Achnatherum splendens, so naturally he didn't need these things.

Sun Xing looked confused. Although he didn't understand what Lin Yun wanted to do, he still ordered his subordinates to do it.

Soon, several servants came over carrying some bottles and cans.

After all, the Sun family has a big business. These ceramics are decorations placed at home and will not be moved at all on weekdays.

So there was a layer of dust on it, and they all wiped it with rags.

Sun Xing looked embarrassed and secretly scolded the servants at home as bastards. These guys are usually busy, but they still have such big dust. It can be seen that their daily work is all about fooling people.

Lin Yun also saw this and said in a deep voice: "You can't wipe it like this!! It must be sterilized at high temperature. Find a big basin filled with boiling hot water and boil these utensils for the time of two sticks of incense!"

(End of this chapter)

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