wealthy lord

Chapter 33 Shocking Thunder

Chapter 33 Shocking Thunder
  The leader of the men in black didn't believe it at all. He stared at Lin Yun intently and said, "Originally I was too lazy to say more, but since you asked, I'll tell you! Although my master has the same father as you, Brothers, but there is no brotherhood. We are sent here this time to kill you!"

The leader in black showed a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and held the waist knife in his hand tighter.

Lin Yun then smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, if that's the case! Then I have nothing to worry about!"

The leader in black thought he had accepted his fate and shouted: "Do it!!"

After receiving the order, the two men in black immediately rushed forward with their swords in hand, intending to kill Lin Yun off his horse with one strike.

But at this moment, Lin Yun took out the bamboo gun from his waist, pointed it at the two people rushing toward him, and fired directly.

"Bang bang!!"

There were two deafening sounds, and fire suddenly burst out.

The two men in black were beaten into pieces by the sprayed ammunition and died tragically on the spot.

Such a shocking turn of events stunned all the men in black present.

People in this world have never seen this kind of method before.

Especially the leader of the men in black was trembling with fear.

Lin Yun blew away the green smoke from the gun and sneered: "Bago, do you think I, Lin Yun, am really easy to mess with? We grew up together, who doesn't know the other?"

The leader of the men in black said in horror: "You... what kind of hidden weapon is that in your hand? It's actually so lethal!"

At this moment, he finally understood that his group had long been part of Lin Yun's plan, which made him feel bad.

Already thinking about how to escape later.

Today's discovery was a soul-crushing shock not just to him, but to everyone.

Therefore, he must bring this news back.

Because this kind of weapon is enough to subvert the way of fighting in the future.

Lin Yun said contemptuously: "Hidden weapon? That's right, you can understand it this way! Come on! Aren't you going to kill me? You can do it now! I want to see whether your sword is faster or the gun in my hand is faster !”

At this time, the leader of the man in black looked at his frightened men and shouted: "Come together, don't give him a chance! I want to see if he can kill everyone at once!"

But the leader of the man in black gave the order, but everyone was stunned and did not dare to follow.

Although they are killers, they are also afraid of death, especially being killed inexplicably, which will definitely scare anyone.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Let's do this! Hand over Oona, and I will spare your life! How about it? It's still too late before I change my mind!"

The leader of the men in black withstood strong pressure and finally could only wink at his subordinates, declaring that their mission was a complete failure.

The two men in black immediately pushed Oona out, who was sore all over.

Oona endured the discomfort and came to the horse under Lin Yun's crotch.

The leader of the men in black really made a mistake this time, and none of his men dared to move forward, almost cutting off their hope of victory.

Therefore, Lin Yun relented, and they naturally wanted to borrow Poxiadonkey.

"The Fourteenth Master is indeed not a simple man! He actually possesses such a powerful hidden weapon! The kids are impressed! Let's leave now!"

They did not dare to expose their backs in front of Lin Yun, so they all faced Lin Yun and backed away slowly.

After walking more than ten meters away, a group of people in black breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Oona said: "Ms. sir, why don't you kill them? If you let them go back, they will definitely reveal the secret of your firearm!"

"Who said I was going to let them go back? I just thought of a better idea!"

As he spoke, he took out a grenade he made last night.

This was the first time Oona saw a grenade and she asked curiously: "What is this?"

If it weren't for the pungent smell of gunpowder, she wouldn't have guessed what it was.

"Watch it! You'll know it soon!" Lin Yun pulled the lead hard, and thick green smoke suddenly came out from the end.

Oona choked and coughed, and backed away repeatedly.

Lin Yun muttered three times silently in his mind and threw it hard towards the man in black ten meters away.

The grenade drew a parabola in the air and landed directly at the feet of the men in black.

Everyone still didn't know what it was, and one of them was about to lower his head to see.


There was an explosion, like thunder.

The terrifying energy flew all the men in black away and fell heavily to the ground.

The few people closest to him died tragically on the spot.

The few survivors also had their arms and legs broken by the bombing, and the scene was extremely tragic.

This scene made Oona take a breath.

Lin Yun immediately rode forward and looked down at the corpses and pieces of meat everywhere.

Such a bloody scene made a barbarian soldier like Oona, who had experienced many battles, unable to bear it. She covered her mouth and vomited out all the food she had eaten for lunch.

But in her heart, she was more excited.

I didn't expect that the explosive power of this thing invented by Lin Yun would be so terrifying.

Lin Yun glanced at the blood that had splashed farthest away, shook his head helplessly and said, "It seems it still needs improvement!"

Obviously, Lin Yun was not satisfied with this power.

It stands to reason that even if grenades are not as powerful as grenades, they are still very lethal.

Just now, I was thrown directly at the feet of these men in black.

It should have killed them all, but it turned out that the explosion only killed three people, and the remaining men in black, including the leader, were only seriously injured.

If this is placed on the battlefield, if it cannot effectively kill the enemy in the first place, the consequences will be disastrous.

In fact, this power is already full, at least in Oona's eyes.

At this time, the leader in black finally tasted the fear of death, and fell weakly into a pool of blood. One of his legs was missing, and the blood was still flowing.

He begged: "Master Fourteen...I beg you, just spare me!! I really don't want to die!"

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "It would be easy for me not to kill you, but the price I have to pay is unbearable! I don't want to reveal too many secrets right now, so you must die!"

"I swear...I will keep it a secret and never say another word!!"

The leader of the men in black ignored the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and the tears in the corners of his eyes.

He was really frightened this time. In his heart, Lin Yun was no longer a human being.

The terrible explosion just now would definitely be a fatal blow if it were used on the upper echelons of the Lin family.

"Although I don't know your identity, only dead people can make me feel at ease!!"

As he spoke, Lin Yun took out his bamboo gun and pointed the dark muzzle at his head.

The leader of the men in black shouted in horror, "I know a big secret of the Eighth Master. As long as the Fourteenth Master doesn't kill me, I will tell you!!"

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You tell me first! If it is really valuable, I will give you a chance!"

"No! You just said you would let me leave, but you attacked me from behind. I can't trust the Fourteenth Master!"

"Okay then! If you don't believe it, then don't say it! I'm too lazy to listen anyway!"

(End of this chapter)

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