wealthy lord

Chapter 363 Convincing the Stubborn Old Man

Chapter 363 Convincing the Stubborn Old Man
  "Well, it looks like I have to change my plans a little bit again!"

Ye Wanqing raised her eyebrows and said, "Ms. sir, what do you want to do?"

"According to what you just said, Qi Changyun, the nine-door admiral, is the emperor's staunchest supporter and bodyguard! Naturally, I have to work hard to win over Qi Rui!"

"Ms. sir, I think it's better for us to keep a little distance from Qi Rui! After all, the Qi family is a family that the emperor relies heavily on. The emperor may have been secretly watching the Qi family for a long time! Once we secretly collude with the Qi family too much, If you are too close, you will definitely be suspected by the emperor! This is a big taboo!"

Lin Yun sneered and said: "I know! I don't want to curry favor with Qi Changyun and call him brother to his son. This is not too much, right?"

Ye Wanqing smiled with satisfaction and felt relieved.

She has been in the court's circle of right and wrong, and knows that the civil and military officials of the court are insidious and cunning. They may laugh in front of you and stab you in the back.

In order to maintain his dominance, the emperor was even more ruthless. Once he felt threatened, he would definitely act ruthlessly.

She knew the cruelty of the battle to seize the heir, and she could see the clues by looking at the current emperor's attitude towards the various vassals of the Daduan Dynasty.

You know, the thirty-six feudal kings of the Daduan Dynasty were all great contributors.

The vast territory that the Daduan Dynasty has today is all due to the hard work of these feudal kings following the late emperor.

But there is no need for these ambitious vassal kings in peacetime.

Just in response to that sentence, if the rabbit dies and the dog cooks, the bird will be hidden. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, no matter how brilliant a family is, just a word from the emperor will kill the whole family.

Here, Lin Yun and Ye Wanqing entered Ye Mansion.

It's afternoon now, it's still early in the sky, and it's also the most relaxed time for the officials of the day.

Ye Ruhui was shutting himself in the study room and reading some books about the vassal kings.

Although he was just an ordinary censor, he was also an important minister under Meng Yuan, the censor of Zuodu. Therefore, he knew that the emperor wanted to reduce the vassal.

At this time, there was a knock on the concierge.

Ye Ruhui put down the book in his hand and asked, "Who's knocking on the door?"

He reads every afternoon, and his family members all know that if there is nothing serious, they will never disturb him.

A servant said in a deep voice across the door: "Master, it's the second young lady and the second uncle who are here! They say they want to see you!"

When Ye Ruhui heard that it was his second daughter and uncle, his eyes lit up and he said: "Bring them in!"

Since the last time he and his second daughter broke up, he has also reflected a lot.

Although I still feel a little uneasy, my mood has also changed for the better.

Especially after Meng Zhongtang learned that his second uncle had secretly met with the emperor, his attitude towards Lin Yun also changed a lot.

Soon, Lin Yun and Ye Wanqing were brought in.

Ye Ruhui changed from his normal state, stood up and walked around the desk, smiling: "Why do you two little guys have time to see me, an old man?"

Lin Yun bowed and said, "Master-in-law, I come here this time to talk to you!"


Ye Ruhui responded, but there was no follow-up.

Lin Yun was a little confused as to how to answer the call.

He could answer Cui Mingchong, Qi Rui, and even Long Live Jin, but he was completely passive with this old man.

Ye Wanqing said quickly: "Dad, you can't let go of those old stereotypes! Do you want to hear Lin Yun talk about his thoughts?"

Ye Ruhui said with a smile: "Dad, it's not like you don't listen! It's said that women can't stay in college. Now that you have a husband, you girl has forgotten your father! It's really unreasonable!" Ye Wanqing was stunned. This was the first time she saw her father. Talking to myself in such a joking way made me feel a little confused for a moment.

Lin Yun coughed lightly and said, "Wanqing, please be more respectful to our father! Don't be so unreasonable again!"

"Got it!! Humph!"

Ye Wanqing spat softly and tilted her head proudly to look out the window.

However, it was very useful in my heart.

If her father could have a good relationship with Lin Yun, she would be comfortable in the middle and wouldn't have to suffer from the splint.

"Haha!! Boy Lin, you really have some skills, you can train my second daughter to be obedient!!"

Ye Ruhui smiled with a goatee and a playful look in his eyes.

Compared with the first time they met, their attitude has changed drastically.

“Come and sit!!”

Ye Ruhui waved his hand and walked straight to the chair beside him to sit down.

Lin Yun then sat aside respectfully and took the initiative to pour tea for his father-in-law.

Lin Yun stared at him silently.

Ye Ruhui took a sip of tea and then said, "Don't you want to talk to me? Why don't you say anything?"

"Yes...yes!!" Lin Yun scratched his head in astonishment, then sat upright and said: "Zhang Yue, you are an official in the court and you see the emperor every day. You should have heard him talk about reducing the vassalage, right? "

Ye Ruhui nodded and said: "Yes! The emperor has a very good impression of you! It seems that you really have two skills! However, I heard that the emperor wants to operate on the Lin family first, and you will perform it? Are you sure? No problem? I'm warning you, deceiving the emperor is a serious crime! If something happens, no one can save you!"

Ye Ruhui's words seemed to be a warning, but they were also a secret reminder to Lin Yun to think carefully.

After all, once you get involved in the battle between the royal family and the vassal king, it is very dangerous! Otherwise, your life will be at risk.

Ye Wanqing was like this at the beginning. With her passion, she challenged the authority of the vassal king in public, and was eventually charged with treason and rebellion.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "This is natural! The boy has also cultivated some forces in Niubei Village. Although compared with the current Lin family, it is still far behind! But I have my advantages, and there is no hope at all against the Lin family. , this trip to Beijing has been secretly supported by the emperor, and the success rate will be greatly improved!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then you should do your best! As long as you are dedicated to contributing to the imperial court, the country, the country, and the country, my Ye family will never let you down!"

Ye Ruhui looked at Lin Yun again this time, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him.

He liked the second uncle in front of him more than his eldest uncle.

Outstanding ability, courage and strategy, and most importantly, full of courage.

Being able to let the emperor leave the palace alone to meet him shows how valuable Lin Yun is.

Ye Ruhui is naturally not stupid, and Meng Yuan and Meng Zhongtang are also very optimistic about Lin Yun.

As the second-largest official in the imperial censorship, he was naturally very happy.

When Lin Yun saw that his father-in-law was in a good mood, he felt reassured.

He put one arm on the table, leaned forward slightly, and said tentatively: "Zhang Yue, my son's visit this time is not all about cutting down the vassal! There is another matter, please give me some advice!"

Ye Ruhui's eyes lit up and he immediately became energetic.

If he could help this second uncle, it would be considered as a contribution to the court, and he would naturally be extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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