wealthy lord

Chapter 365

Chapter 365
  Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and his expression became serious.

He naturally knows that the person who harms you may not be a good person, but the person who praises you must have ulterior motives.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to speak appropriately and kindly for myself by the Emperor's side.

But if there is no limit to the praise, there will be a problem.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, nodded and said, "What dad said is true! I will definitely keep it in my heart!"

Since he and Cui Mingchong quarreled over interests before, it indicates that the honeymoon period between him and Cui Mingchong has passed.

It is indeed necessary to be on guard.

This old guy is very cunning. If he digs a hole for himself in front of the emperor, he can kill without blood.

"Well, that's one! Second, based on your current performance, if you really eliminate the Lin family for the emperor, it will be a matter of time before you are promoted to the court. Then you will be involved in another problem!"

"Please let me know clearly!"

Lin Yun understood that this was the person who truly cared for him, and who could utter such heartfelt advice must treat him as one of his family members.

And if the Ye family treats a coated slave as one of their own, they will definitely be better off.

It also made Lin Yun feel warm in his heart.

"This second question is also the most important, and at the same time, it is also the emperor's taboo! You must bear it in mind! There are two camps in the current imperial court, one is Meng Zhongtang, and the other is Fuzhongtang! Some of their decisions can affect the country! But the emperor has been guarding against them! So, never take sides at any time, your current situation is the best! In other words, you must just listen Your Majesty, don’t collude with these two, including the officials under their command! Do you understand?”

Lin Yun nodded solemnly and said: "Father, you are the imperial censor and a person below Meng Zhongtang. Are you from Meng Zhongtang?"

"Huh, I don't belong to any camp! Your Majesty knows this, and there's nothing Meng Zhongtang can do against me!"

Lin Yun suddenly realized that his father-in-law was teaching him how to serve as an official in the government, and also taught him some of his ideas about being an official.

Lin Yun said: "I understand! Don't worry, dad, I will take care of myself!"

"What's the point? You must keep your distance from them!"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said: "What dad said does make sense, but there are no absolutes, and the world is not black and white! If you want to achieve great things, you can't avoid contact with others, as long as you have a certain measure!"

"Hey, I know I can't convince you! All the officials in the dynasty thought like you at first, but in the end they still couldn't protect themselves wisely. You have to know that the emperor values ​​your abilities, not you as a person. , once you do something you shouldn't do, no matter how great your achievements are, it's all useless!"

Lin Yun nodded and no longer wanted to talk about this topic.

It is true that my father-in-law was a royal censor, and he was also familiar with some of the experiences and lessons left by his predecessors.

But he is a time traveler. He is familiar with the five thousand years of history of China. In terms of experience and lessons, he understands it better than anyone else.

At this time, Ye Wanqing saw that Lin Yun didn't want to talk in detail, and said quickly: "Dad, please stop talking! Lin Yun and I will go home tomorrow! Can't we talk about something happy? You just talk about those things in the officialdom. I can’t finish talking for three days and three nights! Besides, Lin Yun is not as unbearable as you said! With my daughter helping me, there won’t be any problems!”

Ye Ruhui shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it! The younger generations will not understand the lessons learned by their predecessors if they don't experience them personally! Anyway, I have said everything I should say, so you two can just do it for yourself! One last thing, you two will go wherever you want. The road is indeed very beautiful, but always remember, the higher you climb, the more painful the fall will be! Don’t get carried away! In the Daduan Dynasty, there are many people who can make them fall!"

Lin Yun and Ye Wanqing looked at each other and could only nod. In fact, the old man is not nagging, but he is worried about his children.

At the same time, it is also an expectation for Lin Yun.

He hoped that Lin Yun would be a good official in the future and make the family stronger.

Of course, even if Ye Ruhui regrets in his heart, he will not admit that he did something wrong.

At this time, Lin Yun said with a smile: "Dad, if you are still worried, you can go to Niubei Village when you are free some other time. Then you can take a good look and you will feel relieved!"

"That's right, Dad, Lin Yun has a large piece of land in Niubei Village. It is now all used for cultivating food. If it is not used for selling, it is absolutely no problem to be self-sufficient! The environment there has also improved now!"

Ye Ruhui smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, that's enough for you young couple! When dad can't do anything anymore, he will go back to his hometown to retire! I won't cause you any trouble!"

The conversation that followed was much more cheerful.

Perhaps it was Ye Wanqing's words last time that touched Ye Ruhui and made him change, no longer as stubborn as before.

Lin Yun and the two left Ye's house after having dinner at Ye's house.

On the way back to Yun Mansion.

It was already the first watch of the day, it was already dark, and pedestrians were only occasionally seen on the road, but they were all coming and going in a hurry.

Only Lin Yun and Ye Wanqing were walking along the street.

Ye Wanqing leaned lazily in Lin Yun's arms, enjoying this rare tranquility.

He smiled and said: "Ms. sir, you are so awesome! My father is such a stubborn old man, and you can't even convince me! I'm so happy!"

She seems to have seen that this family is prospering, instead of living in a tight situation like before.

Lin Yunchang sighed: "Actually, your father has never done anything wrong! However, everything must be reversed. The best state is a compromise. The golden mean is the longest-lasting, and it is also the easiest to use in dealing with people. approved!"

"However, I can feel that your father seems to have changed a lot!"

Ye Wanqing looked up at him and said: "Isn't this your credit? As soon as you said you had the emperor's approval, my father immediately stopped! It seems that the only person in this world who can really make my father submissive is the emperor. !”

"Haha!!" Lin Yun raised his head and laughed, saying: "Speaking of which, the emperor is the most powerful! He clearly knows that your father is a cruel official, but he still uses him. It is obvious that he wants to use your father to check and balance those who do not know how to advance or retreat in the court. Officer!"

Ye Wanqing's eyes lit up and she said: "Mr. sir, tell me... is my father used by the emperor to check and balance the two ministers?"

"I don't know about this! Your father also said that Meng Zhongtang and Fuzhongtang are all powerful in the court, and their disciples are all over the world! Well, these are not what we should think about now! We will go home tomorrow! You Let’s think about what gifts to prepare for the three ladies! If we go back empty-handed, they will probably hate us to death!”

Ye Wanqing stopped suddenly and lost her voice: "Oh, that's right!! Hurry... let's prepare gifts! If we go back empty-handed, Sister Wuyue and Oona will definitely complain!"

(End of this chapter)

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