wealthy lord

Chapter 382 Fits the taste of a little princess

Chapter 382 Fits the taste of a little princess
  At this time, Ah San asked: "By the way, is there something wrong with the Fourteenth Master?"

Only then did Lin Yun react and said with a smile: "There is one thing! Only you can help me!!"

Ah San didn't realize how sinister Lin Yun was smiling, and said: "Fourteenth Master, just follow your orders!!"

"Okay, then I'm not welcome!! You put on your clothes now!"

Ah San was very obedient and put on her clothes, not caring about the sweat on her body.

"Then, find a wooden bucket and go to the latrine to pick up a bucket of dung for me!"

As soon as these words came out, Ah San's hand in dressing suddenly froze, and he said in disbelief: "Fourteenth Master, what are you doing?"

"Don't ask any questions, just do what I tell you!! Send the picked excrement to the outside of the village! I'll go back and find a big pot right away!!"

In the middle of the night, it was impossible for him to extract skatole in the village, so he had to go far away from the village.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole village will scold him, because the smell will definitely be very strong.

This time Lin Yun also learned the lesson and turned around and left without waiting for Ah San to refuse.

Ah San was stunned on the spot, smiling bitterly and shaking his head.

Who did he provoke?

Picking out manure in the middle of the night?
  "Is this the Fourteenth Master's punishment for me?"

He muttered to himself, but still took a big wooden barrel from the barracks and went straight to the hut.

On the other side, Lin Yun returned home and took out the big black pot where saltpeter powder was extracted.

Lin Wuyue and Ye Wanqing heard the noise and came out to check.

When he saw that Lin Yun was about to go out carrying another big scapegoat, he quickly asked: "Ms. sir, it's so late. Where are you going to take the scapegoat?"

Lin Yun smiled awkwardly, he looked a bit stupid now, and said: "Of course I am making new perfume! I have to go to Taoyuan Town tomorrow. If I don't make it overnight, I won't have time!!"

After saying that, he teased again: "What? Do you two ladies want to go and see it with your husband?"

Ye Wanqing rolled her eyes, looked at the big black pot again, and said with a look of disgust: "I'm not going!! My husband must be doing some dirty things again!!"

Lin Wuyue also smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Both women have passed the period of being curious about Lin Yun, so how can this big black pot be used? They both know it and know that it was used to boil excrement last time.

Just because of this big black pot, Lin Wuyue wanted to throw it away many times and put it in the yard. Whenever it was exposed to the afternoon sun, it would emit a stench, which made her very annoyed.

Lin Yun curled his lips and said: "Then you two just rest! I'll go alone!!"

With that said, he turned and left.

Ye Wanqing let out a long sigh and said: "My husband is also a person who is favored by the emperor after all. Why do you still do such dirty things?"

Lin Wuyue smiled bitterly and said: "Stop talking!! I feel sick when I see that big black pot!!"

On the other side, when Lin Yun came to the open space outside the village, he saw that Ah San had been waiting for a long time.

However, he stood there with a bitter look on his face and was always smelling everywhere on his body.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "What a boy, he's pretty fast!!"

He had already seen the wooden barrel placed aside, which was filled with a barrel of yellowish-brown stuff. He could smell the smell from a distance.

Ah San blocked his nostrils with a piece of cloth and said depressedly: "Fourteenth Master, what are you going to do? Why did you bring a black pot? Could it be..."

When the words came to his lips, he didn't dare to say them again.

"Stop talking nonsense!! Come and help!!"

After that, the two simply built a stove, sat the big black pot on it, and then lit the fire.

"Now pour this bucket of excrement water into the pot!!"

Although Ah San was curious, she still did as she was told.

It arrived in a big pot, and after it was boiled, the smell was so hot that it was so hot to the eyes. Ah San hid three meters away, not even daring to take a look, for fear of being contaminated in the slightest.

If he didn't know Lin Yun's ability, he would definitely think that Lin Yun was crazy.

They didn't rest until midnight and went to the village entrance to boil their feces.

And Lin Yun actually couldn't bear it.

But he was a little excited. When he was making perfume in large quantities, he had deliberately learned about the spices in the Daduan Dynasty.

Although there are many types of flowers, there is no jasmine.

If you extract skatole yourself, you will create a new category of perfume.

However, when he thought about giving the perfume made from feces to the little princess, he felt very evil.

And imagined that the little princess would be driven crazy when she learned about the ingredients for making this perfume.

In fact, Lin Yun was taking revenge on the little princess. Who made her run to Yun Mansion that night, and also misunderstood Qi Changyun, the nine-door admiral?

But this time boiling feces is completely different from last time.

What I wanted last time was the white powder on the edge after drying the pot.

But this time what he wants is the white or brown crystals left after boiling.

It's like concentrating a bucket of feces into a crystal. That's the smelliest thing.

About half an hour later, Lin Yun was sitting on the grass, looking drowsy, but his arm was still mechanically twisting the spoon in the pot.

You must not mess up the pot, otherwise you will fail.

But in his trance, he vaguely heard someone speaking behind him, and it wasn't even a person.

He was so sleepy that he woke up suddenly. When he turned around, he was startled.

I saw a large group of people standing behind them, including villagers and private soldiers. Even Lin Wuyue and Ye Wanqing were among the crowd.

As for Ah San, he also stood at the front of the crowd, as if he wanted to draw a clear line between himself and Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled awkwardly and said, "It's so late for everyone. If you don't have a good rest, why are you here?"

Both the villagers and the private soldiers were whispering, and some people had anger in their eyes.

Ye Wanqing pinched her waist and said angrily: "What do you think? You stayed at the entrance of the village cooking shit in the middle of the night. The smell was so strong, I thought you blew up the hut?"

Lin Wuyue smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "My lord, you are boiling excrement in this position, and the stench is blown into the village!! Have you considered our feelings?"

"That's right, Madam is right!!"

"That's right, the smell is too smoky!!"

"Humph, Mr. Lin lacks great virtue!!"

The villagers were all muttering quietly, venting their dissatisfaction.

This was Lin Yun. If it were anyone else, he would have probably swarmed up and beaten him.

Only then did Lin Yun realize that he had made a mistake.

He quickly explained: "I'm so sorry!! I thought it wouldn't smell so bad when I came outside the village!! But it will be fine soon!! Everyone, please leave!! I apologize to everyone for what happened tonight! !”

Lin Yun was so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground and kept bowing to everyone.

Seeing Lin Yun's appearance, everyone was amused and angry.

But they can only disperse.

At this time, Ye Wanqing took a few steps forward, stood on her feet and looked at the bubbling feces in the pot, frowned and said: "Sir, are you really planning to use feces to make perfume? What I said before were all angry words! You Don’t take it seriously! If Princess Baguio knew that you used feces to make perfume for her, she would probably kill you!!”

(End of this chapter)

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