wealthy lord

Chapter 408 Substituting one thing for another

Chapter 408 Substituting one thing for another
  Here, Lin Yun successfully got the medicine, walked out of Baicao Hall, and said with a smile: "Let's go!!"

Yang Lin curiously glanced at the medicine bag in Lin Yun's hand and asked, "Sir, have you prepared the medicine so quickly?"

"What? You don't believe it?"

"No, no, of course not! It's just a little bit unexpected! My little sister is the Lin family's unique heartbroken man!!"

"So what? In my eyes, the Lin family's poison is nothing more than that! Okay! You don't have to worry! Tell me about your previous situation! Who arranged you to Taoyuan Town?"

Yang Lin nodded and said: "My little sister and I are originally from Yulin City. We ran a bodyguard agency and could barely make a living. But I don't know how I offended the Lin family, so I was targeted by them and kidnapped." When I went to the Lin family, I found out that my little sister had been poisoned by Duangchangsan. I was forced to have no choice but to be threatened by a woman named Lin Fengjiao, who asked me to go to Taoyuan Town to deliver messages between the two places! Promise that as long as I deliver letters for them for a month, they will let me live and give me the antidote to Duangchang Powder!"

Lin Yun sneered: "You really believe it!!"

He already knew that Lin Fengjiao was the eldest elder of the Lin family and the biological sister of this generation of vassal king Lin Hetu.

At the same time, Lin Fengjiao is also the official wife of the fifth prince of the current royal family.

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it! I'm no match for the Lin family at all!! But fortunately, we can meet a hero like Mr. Lin, so our brother and sister won't be killed by the Lin family!!"

Speaking of this, Yang Lin burst into tears.

"Yang Lin, since you have joined me, you should also know the grudge between me, Lin Yun, and the Lin family! There is bound to be a life and death battle! So, next, I may need your help!!"

"Don't worry, young master, you have been kind to my brother and sister. Even if I am broken into pieces, I still want to repay your kindness. Just tell me what to do!!"

Lin Yun smiled with satisfaction and said, "I want you to send that letter back to the Lin family!!"

"What? Young Master, did I hear you correctly? This...why is this?"

"Don't worry too much! Since the Lin family uses you as the messenger, then I will use their trick and give them a fake letter!"

Lin Yun has a sinister look on his face, and he is no worse than anyone else when it comes to playing tricks and intrigues.

What's more, if this letter is not sent back, the Lin family will definitely doubt the situation here.

This is the only way to continue to deceive the Lin family, even if it is just for a moment.

"Okay!! Leave this to me!!"

While talking, the two of them had arrived at Ke Xianju.

There is still a seal on the door.

He was pulled off by Lin Yun and pushed directly through the door.

The tables, chairs and benches inside were still displayed around, but it was pitch black and there was no sound at all.

Yang Lin quickly stepped forward, lit an oil lamp at the counter, and said, "Sir, please follow me!!!"

Lin Yun followed him into the basement of the back hall.

Yang Lin stepped forward quickly, moved the bed away, pulled out half a brick from the corner, and took out a cloth bag from inside.

When he opened it, he saw that it was the secret letter.

Lin Yun took the letter and read it over.

Secretly sighing at how powerful Ah Wei was, he actually recorded all his information clearly.

However, he also understood that it must be San Yufeng who leaked the information. After that, he took out a piece of letter paper, wrote a new secret letter at the table, and handed it to Yang Lin.

"Tomorrow morning, take this letter and set off! I believe that with your ability, nothing will go wrong! Remember, if you find something wrong, you should leave Yulin City immediately. Everything must be for the purpose of self-protection. Don't Caught by the Lin family!! As for your little sister, leave it to me, I will arrange for people to deliver medicine to her every day until she is completely recovered!!"

Yang Lin felt a little moved. He was an escort agency in Yulin City and had dealt with many gentry and celebrities, but no one had ever cared about his safety.

However, Lin Yun was able to say these words, which greatly benefited him.

"Don't worry, Master! I will definitely complete the mission! In addition, the Lin family is still asking for help from me, and they never expected that I have surrendered to Master!!"

Lin Yun then nodded and smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go!! Take me to see your little sister!"

Under the leadership of Yang Lin, Lin Yun followed to a remote area far away from the center of Taoyuan Town.

This place is also full of poor people, and the surrounding houses are also dilapidated.

As the two walked in the narrow alley, they could occasionally hear dogs barking.

Soon we came to an adobe house, surrounded only by a simple wooden fence. If you wanted to break in, you didn't need to go through the front door at all, you could just climb in.

However, the people in this place are very poor and live a miserable life. It is impossible for anyone to steal things here.

Yang Lin noticed the strange look in Lin Yun's eyes and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry for making Mr. Lin laugh!"

"It doesn't matter! I'm just a little surprised that you would arrange your sister here!!"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. Ever since we came to Taoyuan Town, our brothers and sisters have completely lost our source of income. Even my escort agency in Yulin City has been taken over by the Lin family! If I don't obey them, not only will my little sister If you die from the poison, even the escort agency that the villain has worked hard for many years will be destroyed!"

Lin Yun nodded. He didn't expect that Yang Lin's life would be so miserable.

Said: "Don't worry! If you follow me from now on, you can get back everything you have lost!! Let's go in!!"

Yang Lin could feel the sincerity of Mr. Lin, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, then opened the courtyard door.

Walking into the adobe house, there were only simple furnishings. Pots and pans were piled next to the stove, and there were some scattered firewood on the floor. The only thing that looked good was the large water tank.

There is also a small bench placed under the water tank.

Lin Yun could imagine that Yang Lin's girl was not very old, so if she wanted to use a ladle to collect water in the tank, she would have to step on a bench to reach it.

And Yang Lin had already quickly entered the room on the side.

Lin Yun followed silently and stood at the door.

"Little sister!! Wake up, brother is back!!"

There was not even an oil lamp in the dark room, and Lin Yun could only vaguely see a petite figure lying on the shabby bed.

However, upon hearing Yang Lin's call, the petite figure immediately sat up.

"Brother, you are finally back!! I'm scared!! I don't want to stay here alone!! When can we go back to Yulin City?"

The little girl's voice is very immature, a little low and a little hoarse, but very nice.

Yang Lin touched his little sister's thinning face with pity, his eyes full of heartache, and said: "Little sister, it's all my brother's fault that makes you suffer with me! However, our brothers and sisters are saved this time!! Hurry up! Call me Mr. Lin!!”

(End of this chapter)

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