wealthy lord

Chapter 425: With evil intentions, the Lin family has given in?

Chapter 425: With evil intentions, the Lin family has given in?

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall instantly boiled.

All the elders were whispering.

Now, even a fool knows that it must have been Lin Jie who killed Deadpool.

"First Elder, Lin Jie seemed quite honest in the past, but he never thought he would collude with Taoyuan Town!! It's really abominable! We should confiscate his home immediately!!"

"That's right, this kind of black sheep has tarnished the reputation of my Lin family!!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Lin Fengjiao still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. She looked at Lin Zixiang, who had been silent, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't you have anything to say? I heard that the body of this dead bodyguard was killed in front of your house. found!"

Lin Zixiang clasped his fists and said: "The lower official didn't know this! However, now everyone has gained the stolen goods. It was Lin Jie's affair with Taoyuan Town that led to the failure of this negotiation! The Great Elder can take the opportunity to attack Taoyuan Town!"


Lin Fengjiao stood up, and the elders around her quickly got out of the way.

Lin Fengjiao bent down and lifted up the white cloth that covered the corpse, pointed at the slender wound between Deadpool's eyebrows, and asked: "Let me ask you, how can Lin Jie, who doesn't know martial arts, kill the elite of the Lin family with just one move?" Killed by Deadpool? Are you guys just doing it for a living?"

All the elders looked at each other, but they were speechless.

Everyone wanted to turn a big deal into a trivial matter, so they didn't plan to delve into it at all.

This shows how rotten the Lin family has become internally.

Lin Fengjiao's autumn-like eyes scanned the entire audience, and she lamented: "No wonder my Lin family has been in decline, and I have been provoked by Xiaoxiao! With trash like you, how can the Lin family be fine? I ask you to take advantage of the cashier on weekdays, and one person is better than the other. Awesome! I can’t even handle such a small thing this time!!”

"I, the first vassal king of the Lin family, was so famous back then. I followed the Holy Ancestor in the north and south to conquer this world! But now, we, the descendants, can't even hold the fiefdom left by his old man!! I want to What are you for?"

All the elders were silenced by the training, and all of them lowered their heads.

At this time, Lin Zixiang said: "Elder, what you said is a bit exaggerated! Defending the world is much harder than conquering it! Even the current emperor is facing this problem! Why are you so angry!!"

The elders were silent, but they agreed with Lin Zixiang's words in their hearts.

Lin Fengjiao smiled coldly and said: "Humph, you may have some truth! Let's not mention this matter for now. Now that the Chief Envoy has spoken, let's talk about how to solve this matter?"

She had already suspected Lin Zixiang, but she had never found any evidence.

"It's very simple! From today on, we will strictly manage the inside of our Lin family, especially the elders at the top who are involved in core secrets. They will all be subject to interrogation! We must first ensure the loyalty of our own people! After that, we will divide the troops into two groups, while continuing to give Taoyuan We must exert pressure while dealing with Niubei Village!! Only by firmly holding the initiative in our own hands can we prevent Lin Yun Wu from targeting the Lin family!"

When the elders heard that they were going to be interrogated, they all cursed Lin Zixiang in their hearts.

Once they do this, the dirty deeds they do in their daily lives will be completely exposed.

At this time, Lin Fengjiao nodded and said playfully: "The chief envoy is still profound. Saying this really makes me suddenly enlightened!"

"However, there is one more thing that I would like to ask the Chief Envoy to enlighten me on!!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Zixiang frowned.

"Then Lin Yun has now colluded with the imperial court, and I heard that he has received the secret support of the emperor! I wonder what the Chief Envoy has to say?" Although Lin Fengjiao no longer believed in the good news brought back by Lin Jie, one thing was absolutely true. , that was the last time Lin Yun came to Beijing.

It can be said that this incident is more dangerous than anything that has happened recently, and at the same time, it is also a thorn in her heart.

Lin Zixiang joked: "Elder, why should you worry too much! You are the current wife of the fifth prince. As long as you make a golden mouth, the fifth prince will definitely plead with the emperor. Isn't it easy to deal with the little-known Lin Yun?"

Lin Zixiang didn't mean what he said. He said it deliberately just to continue to paralyze the Lin family.

If Lin Yun gets the emperor's support, how can a fifth prince change his situation?
  If the fifth prince really uses his power to affect the plan to reduce the vassal state, then he will be really in trouble.

When the time comes, the destruction of the Lin family will be a certainty, and he will be relieved, no longer afraid.

Moreover, he is different from the Lin family. As the chief envoy, he is an official of the imperial court.

In the past, he could play both sides between the court and the Lin family and get double benefits.

But now that the Lin family has begun to decline, for the sake of their own future, they can only resort to cruelty.

This shows that Lin Zixiang is indeed bad enough.

Lin Fengjiao's biggest supporter was the Fifth Prince, and she became a relative of the emperor, benefiting the entire Lin family.

But everything has two sides. When the Lin family was prosperous, Lin Fengjiao's status as a relative of the emperor was the icing on the cake, but now that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, her status has become a burden.

Once the fifth prince learns of the danger involved, or is warned by the emperor, he is likely to draw a clear line with the Lin family.

Moreover, now that the various vassal kings of the Daduan Dynasty have seriously violated the interests of the emperor, the reduction of vassals will become inevitable and no one can stop it.

Therefore, in his view, it is not unusual for figures like Lin Yun to appear. As time goes by, the reduction of vassals will become the mainstream of the Daduan Dynasty.

Now he is just Lin Yun. If the emperor is forced to follow suit, it will not be as easy as now.

But Lin Zixiang understands these truths, and Lin Fengjiao also understands that as the boss who openly controls the Lin family, she also knows how dangerous the Lin family is now.

Everything you do must be carefully considered. You can neither fail to take action nor do it with all your strength.

If the Lin family reacts violently and escalates the matter, the court will have reason to take action.

This made Lin Fengjiao very depressed.

At this time, Lin Fengjiao smiled slightly and said: "What Mr. Lin said is absolutely true! Let's do it! It's up to you to go to Niubei Village in person and have a good talk with Lin Yun on behalf of me! If I can turn the conflict into friendship, it will be me Fortunately for the Lin family! After all, Lin Yun is also my Lin family! As long as he is willing to bow his head, I can promise to give him everything he wants, as long as he still recognizes the rule of my Lin family in Fengyang County!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was immediately shocked.

None of the elders around expected that Lin Yun, who suddenly appeared, could make even the most powerful elder of the Lin family bow their heads.

However, everyone also understood that this was just a stopgap measure. If they wanted to paralyze Lin Yun, as long as they could trick him into Yulin City, the Lin family could easily kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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