wealthy lord

Chapter 464: Sending letters, testing

Chapter 464: Sending letters, testing

"Besides, he just said it himself. This time the Lin family sent an assassin to assassinate you, and Lin Jinbiao didn't even know about it. He feels the subtle changes better than you!"

Ma Ji suddenly realized it, clasped his fists and smiled bitterly: "Master Lin is strategizing, but he is short-sighted due to his humble position!"

Lin Yun turned to look at him and said, "Master Ma, I am giving you a task now! You must complete it!"

Ma Ji bowed and said, "Please give me your instructions, Master!"

"Wang Chuanzhong's daughter was secretly kidnapped to Haocheng by these assassins. Go interrogate those two assassins and be sure to rescue Siyi!"

Ma Ji was shocked in his heart: "I humbly obey my orders!!"

Afterwards, he turned and left.

Back in Yucheng, he and Wang Chuanzhong were colleagues and had a pretty good relationship. In addition, he knew that the relationship between Lin Yun and Wang Siyi was unclear. No matter where he stood, he had to do this well.


The Lin family in Yulin City.

Lin Fengjiao was sitting in the Elder Hall. An elder from the Lin family walked in with a worried look and bowed her head.

"Great Elder, there is news from Yucheng and Haocheng!"

Lin Fengjiao's eyes lit up: "How is it? Did you succeed?"

The Lin family elder looked embarrassed, lowered his head and said: "Qiu Guangri and Ma Ji were both seriously injured, but there were no casualties. But all the people we sent were killed by Lin Yun!"


Lin Fengjiao raised her hand and slapped the armrest of the chair, yelling: "Trash! They are all trash! If you can't even do this little thing well, what else can I expect from you?"

Elder Lin said with a guilty conscience: "Elder Elder, what has happened has already happened, and there is no point in worrying about the gains and losses. I believe that Lin Yun must be holding a grudge now. Should we take more precautions recently to avoid unnecessary losses?"

Lin Fengjiao let out a long sigh, nodded and said: "Send the order, and from now on, Yulin City will be on combat readiness and the entire city will be under martial law!"

"Yes! I humbly accept my order!"

The Lin family elders turned around to leave, but Lin Fengjiao continued: "Go down and ask Lin Zixiang to come see me!"

The elder of the Lin family frowned and said: "Elder, Lin Zixiang has been recuperating at home since he came back from Niubei Village last time, and has not been seen for almost a week!"

Lin Fengjiao sneered and said: "Recuperate? I think he is pretending to be ill on purpose! Go tell him that as long as he still has breath, he must come over! Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!"


Lin Fengjiao watched him leave and murmured: "Lin Yun, I want to see if you can guard against him for a while, and whether you can guard against him for the rest of your life!"

The Lin family is not sure of winning head-on now. The limited strength displayed by Lin Yun makes Lin Fengjiao very afraid. Various signs indicate that if the Lin family fights to the end with him, even if they win in the end, it will be a tragic victory.

In the end, the Lin family's status as vassal king could not be preserved either.

In addition, Lin Yun also had the support of the emperor, so Lin Fengjiao did not dare to make a big gamble. Once she lost, it would be all over.

Therefore, all she can do now is compete with endurance, rely on the large number of deadliest servants trained by the Lin family over the years, and assassinate the helpers around Lin Yun.

Once all these followers are eliminated, Lin Yun will become the bare commander and will completely lose the threat to the Lin family.

Moreover, once he becomes anxious, the emperor will gradually lose patience, and then it will be much easier for the Lin family to kill Lin Yun.

On the other side, Lin Zixiang was sitting in the study room at home, looking at the books in his hands absently.

He had known about the Lin family's big move this time, but since he came back from Niubei Village last time, the Lin family had been sending people to spy on him.

Therefore, even if Lin Zixiang wanted to send information to Lin Yun, he did not dare to act rashly. An old man like him who had been in the officialdom for decades knew very well how dangerous his current situation was.

Lin Fengjiao was staring now, waiting for him to make a mistake. Once he does anything that is not consistent with common sense, his family will definitely suffer disaster.

But at this moment, a servant pushed the door open and said in a low voice: "Master, Haocheng has sent someone to deliver a message!"

Lin Zixiang stood up suddenly, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

The servant said: "Do you want me to drive that man away?"

Lin Zixiang was frightened at this moment, fearing that something would go wrong.

"No! Pay attention, take him in through the back door, and wait in the secret room!"


The servant turned and left.

Lin Zixiang cursed loudly: "Lin Yun, Lin Yun, don't you think I will die soon? Why are you so anxious?"

He turned back to the house and changed into an official robe, then went straight to the secret room in the backyard.

The secret room was used by him to hide his beauty in the golden house in his early years, but as he got older, he was unable to do that, and the secret room became idle and useless.

He pushed the door open and walked into the secret room. He saw an old beggar standing in front of him, all dirty. He frowned and said, "Is he from Haocheng?"

The servant nodded repeatedly.

Lin Jinbiao knelt directly on the ground and said, "Master Lin, it's me...Lin Jinbiao!"

Lin Zixiang was shocked. He stepped forward and took a closer look before he recognized him.

He smiled bitterly and said, "You are so courageous! Do you know that you are already on the Lin family's hit list?"

Lin Jinbiao nodded and said: "I know! Just now in the city, I saw the Lin Mansion posting my wanted notice!"

"Hmph, in this case, you still dare to come to my house? You are looking for death, why do you want to involve me?"

Lin Jinbiao immediately took out the secret letter and said solemnly: "It was Mr. Lin who asked me to hand this secret letter into your hands no matter what!"

Lin Zixiang's expression suddenly changed, he took the secret letter, tore it open, and quickly read ten lines at a glance.

But the more he looked at him, the uglier his face became, and finally his hands were trembling slightly.

Lin Jinbiao didn't know the content of the letter. He asked curiously: "What did Mr. Lin say?"

Lin Zixiang sighed and fell weakly on the Taishi chair behind him.

Lin Yun has wanted the list of senior members of the Lin family for a long time, but he has been putting it off because he just wanted to wait.

It wasn't that others were unclear about the situation, but that they were afraid of offending the Lin family.

Lin Zixiang wanted to wait until Lin Yun and the Lin family completely broke up, and it would be best if the two sides could fight on the frontal battlefield before he came up with this list.

In this way, the value of this list is the greatest. Not only can he gain Lin Yun's gratitude, but he can also gain the emperor's appreciation.

But if he handed over that list now, besides helping Lin Yun, he would get nothing, and on the contrary, he would completely offend the Lin family.

Once Lin Fengjiao learns of this, she will definitely retaliate against her and him regardless of the cost or consequences.

After all, this list is definitely a blow to the Lin family. According to Lin Yun's sinister character, this matter will definitely become known to the world.

Seeing that he remained silent, Lin Jinbiao frowned and said, "Mr. Lin, you are talking!"

Only then did Lin Zixiang react and said: "Jin Biao, how was Mr. Lin's mood when he wrote this letter?"

(End of this chapter)

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