wealthy lord

Chapter 49 The incident came to light

Chapter 49 The incident came to light
  "Bibbing them?" Oona looked in disbelief.

Ye Wanqing finally understood and said with a smile: "Ms. sir, are you a little too anxious?"

In her opinion, Lin Yun must at least gain some prestige before he can have a chance to get along with the powerful people in Yucheng.

Ye Wanqing had been in that circle before and knew that those dignitaries were very snobbish.

If you are capable, they can treat you as an ancestor, but if your status is humble, even the dogs they raise will look down on you.

"I understand what you mean! It's nothing more than reputation! Believe me, tomorrow the whole Yucheng and even the villages and towns under its jurisdiction will know about tonight's incident! When I find a suitable opportunity, I will just give the perfume away!"

Ye Wanqing nodded in approval and said, "That's right! My husband's plan is really well-planned! I'm looking forward to it!"

"On the day when the perfume is delivered, you and I will go to Yucheng!" Lin Yun knew that this kind of occasion needed the second lady, and only she could do it.


Ye Wanqing was naturally overjoyed.

Oona looked at it pitifully and pouted, "What about me and Sister Wuyue?"

"You two, don't argue! I've said it before! You three have a clear division of labor! Just perform your duties! And I won't deliberately neglect you!"

Lin Wuyue smiled and said: "My husband is worrying too much! No matter what happens, I will fully support my husband!"

Seeing that she had said this, Oona could only nod along.


The next day.

Genius is slightly bright.

Qiu Yi was still sleeping soundly in Hongchun Courtyard. Beside the bed was a beautiful woman, sleeping soundly in his arms.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

Qiu Yi was quite vigilant. When he heard the sound, he stood up suddenly and his first reaction was to touch the knife on the bedside.

The beautiful woman was startled and quickly shrank to the corner of the bed.

Qiu Yi finally regained his composure and shouted: "Who?"

"Young Master! I have something important to report!!"

Qiu Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, put on white plain clothes, and said, "Come in!"

He drank a lot last night, which gave him a headache.

The door of the room was pushed open, and two young men wearing official robes of the Yucheng Mansion came in. When they saw their eldest son and the naked woman at the corner of the bed, they suddenly looked embarrassed.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Qiu Yi waved to the woman on the corner of the bed behind him and said, "It's nothing to you, just get out!!"

The beautiful woman immediately picked up the clothes and ran out immediately.

It also attracted the two officials to secretly peek.

Without the outsiders, Qiu Yi pinched his eyebrows and asked absently: "How was Lin Xuan's action last night? Was Niubei Village destroyed?"

The two officials looked at each other and whispered: "Please don't be angry, eldest son! All the more than 20 dead servants sent by Lin Xuan last night were killed. Lin Xuan seemed to be afraid of the eldest son's questioning, so he fled directly back to Taoyuan Town. Got it!"

Qiu Yi suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "More than twenty deadliest servants? All killed? Are all the people he trained by Lin Xuan a loser?"

One of the officials smiled bitterly and said: "Young Master! Regardless of the strength of the dead servants arranged by Lin Xuan, is this Niubei Village too strong? A mere village that doesn't even have enough to eat can actually be destroyed. The carefully cultivated Deadpool is incredible!"

"That's right! It's better for the eldest son to be careful! This Lin Yun is probably a tough guy, so we'd better not break up with him yet! Besides, this time we act without permission. If the commotion is too big and cannot be ended, the master will also It's hard to explain!" They are both Qiu Yi's staff and military advisors, and Qiu Yi's daily work style and behavior are also deeply influenced by them.

And these two people have only one purpose, which is to wait until Qiu Yi succeeds Yucheng Prefecture Yin in the future, so that they can survive.

In addition, Qiu Yi himself is also very good, and he has won the respect of both of them.

Qiu Yi nodded, stood up and started to put on his clothes. The two staff immediately turned around.

"You two can leave! Go back and see how my father reacts!"

Qiu Yi had a headache and didn't want to go back to his house immediately.

At this time, one of the court officials said: "My lord, you'd better go back! The master has already learned about this and is furious at the house. If he knows that you come to the brothel again and stays up all night, he will definitely punish you again!"

"My father already knows?" Qiu Yi was shocked and immediately dressed quickly.

After that, the three of them left Hongchunyuan and rushed straight to Yucheng Mansion.

Yucheng Mansion, inside the White Tiger Festival Hall.


With a crashing sound, Qiu Guangri dropped the tea cup to the ground.

"You bastard!! I asked you to investigate the attack on Niubei Village, but you got nothing? What do I want from you?"

One official was so frightened that he knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Sir, have mercy! It's not that the subordinates are incompetent, but that the battlefield in Niubei Village has been cleaned up! The scouts sent out have asked the villagers of Niubei Village. They rested early last night and don't know what happened!"

The officials all around lowered their heads and looked at their noses and hearts. In fact, they were all sweating in their hearts.

No one wants to offend Qiu Guangri now, but at the same time, everyone admires the new lord of Niubei Village.

Unexpectedly, he was able to privately kill all the more than 20 killers who came to cause trouble without alerting the Yucheng Mansion.

This is no longer something ordinary people can do.

The official was still kneeling on the ground, straightened his waist and clasped his fists and said: "Sir, please forgive me for speaking frankly. If villagers from neighboring villages hadn't heard a large number of thunders nearby last night, I'm afraid no outsiders would have known about this incident! That Lin Yun is really awesome!!"

A group of officials immediately started talking in low voices.

The name Lin Yun is both strange and familiar to them.

It was unfamiliar because he came from a place where birds didn't shit in Niubei Village, and familiar because Lin Yun snatched Qiu Guangri's prey last time, and he was also the bastard of the Lin family.

It stands to reason that a small lord of Niubei Village is far inferior to Lin Xuan, but this time he did such a shocking thing, which really made everyone admire him.

These officials have no great abilities, but they are very capable of following others' influence and showing nepotism.

Especially last time, Lin Yun snatched Lord Fu Yin's prey. Not only was he not punished, but he also heard that he became Lord Fu Yin's guest.

As officials, they naturally have their own ways of obtaining information.

Therefore, based on their understanding, Qiu Guangri was only angry this time because a killer was causing trouble under his nose and caused a big fuss, which made him lose his face.

But Lin Yun's performance made him very satisfied.

Sure enough, when Qiu Guangri heard what the official said, his expression softened slightly and he said: "Okay! Get up! I always love the people as my own children. This time it has caused such a big impact, everyone present is responsible! From today on, Please be vigilant and arrest anyone suspicious immediately!"

"It's...Master Qiu!!"

Everyone responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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